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Posts posted by OhM

  1. Lawsey Pete! Where to begin?


    First Situatation: Your dd is wrong. She was at dh's office and she left. Bad move. Had it been my dd, and had I been asked, I might have given permission for said child to have other mom drive her home. But to do so without permission? Heck, I'd come down hard on my 16-year old for this - not because of the mom-thing, but because I wasn't asked. That's crucial. So, I'd find a suitable penalty...like not going anywhere without a parent for 2 weeks (she's 13, not 17).


    Second situaton: As a mom of b/g twins, I say just let the twin thing go, please. Concentrate on the real issue: you don't know this family from Adam. So, if she didn't have situation #1 going against her, I'd say let her trick-or-treat and pick her up later. However, because of situation #1, I'd say, sorry. You stay home or go in our neighborhood w/ your younger siblings, whichever applies.


    Third Situation: If one of my kids - even my 19 1/2 year old currently-in-college twins - asked someone to spend the night without my (or dh's) express permission, the answer would be NO. I love kids, and our house is often the hangout house for all ages, but it's still my house. Dh and I need to know what a child wants to do, and we are the ones to grant permisson. Ask someone to spend the night before permisson is given, and I can guarantee the answer will be no. Our boys just started ps in late Feb., and I wouldn't let them invite someone over if I hadn't met their parents a few times. Not going there. Kids are welcome to hang out here until 10 pm or so on a weekend (I'm talking middle schoolers; I extend this to 11 for 16-18 yr olds) but no way are they sleeping here unless I have parental contact.




    :hurray: Good answer!


    I have a 13yo who pulls these kinds of stunts, too. I see it more as testing the boundaries than willful disobedience. (Though she's capable of that.) If she's like my dd, responding to this with firmness - letting her experience consequences as well as providing explanation - will pay dividends in the future. She's experiencing some freedom and testing the walls to see where they are now. It's a good thing.


    I think Ria has a firm and reasonable solution.

  2. I'm more concerned with the grey areas. I'm waiting for a call back from administration to clarify a few of the questions I have.


    For instance if dd arrived at someone's home and didn't know there would be drinking. (She has been instructed to call me right away and I will pick her up). The problem is that even if she didn't even take one sip she would still have been seen at the party and therefore could be "guilty by association".


    This would be my concern with the policy. I hope they're not encouraging deception by not allowing the students to do the right thing when they find themselves in a situation they never intended!


    I had to decide against a very good local Christian university for some graduate work that I otherwise would have been elated to attend because I couldn't in good conscience sign their honor code. At the same time, I appreciate the code that they're asking their students to uphold, and have a great deal of respect for the students who choose to live by that standard (and yes, I know several who do). For that code to actually mean something, I would expect the university to uphold it by issuing the stated consequences when it has been broken.

  3. Oh, btw... he did happen to mention that the new word being circulated for us type of moms - whether homeschooling our children or putting them in private schools, in his opinion - are Helicopter Moms (sheltering/hovering over our children). LOL!


    This made me laugh out loud because I'm often accused by the moms of dd's ps friends of expecting my kids to be "too independent" when I don't stay and watch practices (read: don't stay and gossip w/the other moms during practices), expect them to pack their own overnight bags, expect them to be responsible for mowing the grass, let them call to make their own arrangements for get togethers, etc.! (Note - dd's are 10 & 13, for crying out loud! If they aren't starting to be independent now, when will it ever happen!!??)


    All I can say is: What a maroon!

  4. :confused:


    I didn't read the replies first....Were you wanting Christmas gift giving ideas? None of the gifts I mentioned were given to me for Christmas.


    That is also what has usually made a gift mean something to me...the 'just because' factor.


    No - you didn't miss anything, but I am looking for inspiration for Christmas!

  5. You know, I feel that way about almost all of her books (and the BV ones) that I've read.


    Even her "good" characters have a perversity about them that doesn't sit well with me (Inspector Wexford is one of the few who I actually like) , and the plots often to point to a horrifying ending, yet I stick with them to the bitter end. Then I walk around for days afterward feeling...I think the best word is "yucky".


    Yet if I find one on the library shelf that I haven't read yet, I still pick it up! Why, why, why?

  6. I am the world's lousiest gift-giver! I get so stressed about the "politics of giving" (does it cost enough, does it cost too much, is it reciprocal, will she read *this* into it, etc.) that any creativity or whimsy gets thrown out the window.


    So, I'd like to know - what's the best/most thoughtful/most surprising gift you've ever received? I'm not talking about when dh pulled out the engagement ring, or parents gave you a car for your 16th birthday (does that actually happen?), or the trip to Europe when you graduated from college... (ok - now I'm just starting to depress myself!)


    But what was a simple thing that you received that made an impression on you for its thoughtfulness, or was surprising because it revealed a depth of knowledge or caring that you didn't realize was there?


    I received a "secret sister" gift at church that was a small statue illustrating my life verse (Rev. 3:20). I was touched that someone would remember something I had only casually mentioned in passing.

  7. I just want to put it out there...don't judge all of us Christians who don't celebrate it. My family isn't judging you. We have made a decision that we believe God led *us* to and have no reason to judge you who have decided something else for your families.:) Have fun!


    Absolutely! This is the gist of my answer - we have never felt a particular conviction to withdraw from the community's observance, even knowing our pastor's convictions against trick-or-treat.

  8. a chance.


    Who do you mean by "successful people?" Do you mean people like my husband who works two jobs and averages 5 hours a sleep a night? With my 3 12-hour shifts plus my husband's 2 jobs, we still live off of spaghetti and cream of mushroom soup w/ rice, and both our cars are 150K + in mileage because we are supporting 2 parents in long-term care and are trying to save up for 4 college educations because our kids won't qualify for pell grants. Are we the successful people you want to thank? The one's who will be hit by Obama's tax hike?


    :thumbup: Kudos to you for your hard work! At least if Pres. Obama takes away the incentive to work harder to meet your own responsibilities and goals, you'll get what sounds like a much needed rest!

  9. Amazing! Just saw a newspaper article around here - AEP (American Electric Power) is considering charging hundreds of thousands of customers for restoring service after an Ike-related windstorm in the area!?


    The telephone company gets huge fines if dial tone is lost. Why does the power company get to charge more if their service is lost? Many of the outages are related to the lack of attention to infrastructure in the past 10 years, and tens of thousands were without power for more than 4 days! Aaargh!

  10. Never was hot, never will be. Only slightly larger now than when I married (which was smaller than I was in high school and college); but that after getting in gear last year w/Sparkpeople and dropping the 20 lbs gained after quitting work to become a SAHM/homeschooling mom!


    Feeling good is more important to me than looking "hot".


    Not trying too hard right now - it's an effort to get dressed up for anything! Jeans & t-shirt, baby. Luckily, dh is on board - it sure wasn't my looks that attracted him in the first place. ;)

  11. This illustrates the "health care is a responsibility" thinking.


    If a person has passed up the opportunity to purchase an available employer-sponsored plan in favor of other uses of their money (beyond the true basics - shelter, food, etc.), is it fair for them to look to the government to - as is becoming popular - bail them out?


    I could do some serious damage with the amount we pay per month for family health insurance, but I'd rather forego some luxuries (actually, some are "basics" to some of our friends - cable TV, newer cars, cell phones for the kids, etc.) to provide this for my family.

  12. the post above (actually, 2 above, if you're counting) brings back a (rather unpleasant) memory of a particularly nasty e-mail my co-leader and I received from the father of one of our girl scouts after her mom had a disagreement with us.


    It was a raging rant with "what gives you the right"s and "how dare you"s and ended with dire threat of lawsuits and vauge reference to bodily harm.


    And it was signed, "God Bless! Pastor XXXXX"


    The guy was the youth pastor at a local church!!!! :scared:

  13. I'm having a really hard time believing that anyone who is a moderator posts in that fashion, or that anyone who posts in that fashion would be acceptable to SWB and PHP as a moderator.


    I think maybe you're mistaken... or maybe that's just your personal opinion about that particular poster??


    I don't know if regular posters are taking turns acting as moderator or not.


    I've been wondering this, too. I haven't heard before of regular posters acting as moderators - but then I'm only here sporadically. Anyone care to enlighten me? One of you moderators want to PM me, if you don't care to "out" yourself?


    So Sarah - was it that you were prevented from putting a poster on "ignore" that clued you in that they were a moderator, or did you know the person as a moderator from the pm, then found that you weren't able to "ignore" them?

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