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Kathleen in VA

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Posts posted by Kathleen in VA

  1. Thank you so much for posting this!!!! I got dd12 a long sleeve T-shirt, 2 pairs of leggings and a dress for church for $33!!! My dad sent Christmas money so Dd and I went out shopping at Kohl's and Walmart yesterday - she's getting to that age where it matters what she wears (*sigh*) and we could not find anything modest or just "plain." Everything had glitter or some hideous graphic on it - no plain t-shirts, leggings, or turtlenecks and absolutely no dresses. We got home and went through her closet and, sure enough, she had outgrown most of what was in there. I'm so excited to be able to get her these things at such a great price. Thanks, again!

  2. She is out of surgery. He did not have to take all of her stomach though he said the rest of it could die. He's going to keep monitoring her and if he has to do surgery again he'll take her whole stomach. She's on a vent for a day or two. I'm so drained right now. I can't even picture Christmas right now. What are we going to do about Christmas?

    I'm so upset. How did it get this bad? She's been going to a specialist for a year now to try to figure out what's wrong with her. She's been having issues on and off since last December. I don't understand?!

    What will her life be like without a stomach? I know she can survive without one, but what will it be like??

    UGH! Musings at 11:30 after sitting in a waiting room for HOURS waiting to find out if your mommy is still alive.


    My mom had her stomach removed and as far as I can remember she just had to eat lots of small meals throughout the day instead of the usual three. It didn't seem to really affect her life too terribly much.


    Could you postpone your Christmas celebration? I read that a lot of people are doing that this year for purely economic reasons. I think you have a great reason to lie low and plan a family get together sometime in January or February. Perhaps you could give your children a few smaller gifts on Christmas day (that is if you've already got something purchased) and save most for the other day. I'm sure your kids would understand. Besides, it makes the fun last longer.:)



  3. Not to further hijack, but you could do RAOK online. I don't know the exact criteria, but leaving a nice comment on someones blog, PMing someone a compliment, e-mailing someone you haven't talked with in a while. I find those unexpected messages to be very uplifting, and they usually come right when I needed them most.


    What about writing letters to people who have touched you in the past, but you've lost contact with. You have such a kind spirit and a way with words, I'm sure people would be glad to hear from you.


    Oh, Paula, what wonderful ideas!! I've been stressing over this a lot. You probably know I have back issues which often keep me home - I've posted about that several times here. When I'm out I'm usually trying to get it all done before my back gives out and I'm hyperfocused on just getting it done. Writing letters and leaving kind comments on blogs and such are great ideas. Thanks so much!!!! (Sorry, again, Nance)

  4. Nance, If were in your shoes, I'd be researching way ahead of time as well. It's nice to have the issue settled somewhat in the back of your mind so you know what your options are.


    Btw, I'm having the hardest time with that Random Acts of Kindness thing (not to hijack your thread, but while I've got your attention) - it's a lot harder than I thought. I don't get out of the house much and when I do, I'm usually bent on accomplishing my mission (groceries, library, whatever). I'm finding that if I really am going to do this, I have got to sit down and write out a plan or it will never happen. Of course, I do try to be nice to people while I'm out, but that doesn't usually require much on my part - holding a door, saying thank you, smiling at the sales clerk - all pretty run of the mill. I'm going to have to think it through a whole lot more.

  5. I was going to say cookies or banana bread, but if you're not wanting to bake, how about a jar candle?


    Are they coming today? If you have time to get to the store, you could make them some homemade hot cocoa, peppermint hot cocoa, or something along those lines (tons of recipes online for that kind of thing). I made a whole lot of these to pass out to delivery guys and neighbors. I put them in mason jars but you could use a container you already have or a ziploc bag, even, if you dress it up with ribbon.

  6. I've had two daughters read through these and the thing that I noticed about them is that they use a lot of figurative language - you know, popular sayings that don't really mean what they say literally. If you wait until your daughter is 8 or older to begin reading them, she may understand them better. I'm not sure that a 5 1/2 yo would have the necessary historical and experiential frame of reference to really understand them. I think it would be better to wait and let her read them herself when she's older.

  7. Oh thank you for calling your ds, Kathleen!!! A 36 is our first choice if that is still available when I finally get ready to click the buy button. I will buy a 38 if necessary based on a conversation my dh had with a very knowledgeable seamstress here in town who does quite a chunk of business altering military and law enforcement uniforms. She says she can alter a size or two but no more. Now I'm wondering if she could add the epaulet strap. I'm thinking out loud. I have no idea. Sigh.


    Thanks again, Kathleen. I look forward to hear what your ds says.


    Well, I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help. Ds called and said he bought his at Maxwell AFB in Alabama (CAP HQ) when he went to Cadet Officer School down there one summer. He suggested you try an AF Base Exchange. I asked him about getting on base since we are not a military family and he said he showed the gate guard his CAP ID and explained his plan to buy a uniform and they waved him through. He also said the exchange tailored it for him as well. Do you happen to have an AF Base nearby?

  8. My daughter is not shy -- the total opposite. She actually lied and told me it was at another time when I had another commitment. I have been going to her voice recitals since she was 12 and traveled all over the state with her so she could compete vocally. She sings quite well. She just did not want me there for some reason. We have been having some problems with this child lately anyway. I thought they were being resolved. This was like a kick in the stomach -- a hard one.


    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Young people can be very thoughtless - VERY thoughtless. I'd be hurt too if I were you. She'll regret it someday, hopefully sooner rather than later. In the meantime, give her the leeway to be a thoughtless young adult (haven't we all been there to some degree or another?) and just show her as much love and grace as you can. Try very hard not to make too much of it - it really is her problem (lack of maturity) and she will grow out of it, especially if you model the kindness you would have liked to have received.


    As far as this board goes, lots of my threads and posts get ignored too. I, too, think it has to do with the titles sometimes and other times folks just read, smile, nod in agreement or shake their heads in disgust but don't take time to respond because they are too busy or feel like others have said what they would've said so why bother.


    As far as friends IRL, I have felt like you do. I've gone to the same church for 25 years. Monday was my birthday and I ended up picking dd19 up from choir practice. I was early so went inside and visited with some ladies in the nursing mothers room. My son's mil was there and later I saw dil - neither one remembered it was my birthday. They still haven't called to say Happy Birthday. Ds23 called on Tuesday to say he was sorry he didn't call Monday and Ds24 hasn't called either. I could take all this and make a big deal out of it and sit and stew - but what good would that do? I know all these people are super busy right now and they did not intentionally forget my birthday. Besides, how many dozens of other people's birthdays have I let slip by unnoticed - I shudder to think.


    I also have felt like I was invisible here at home and at church. I'm learning that I need to reach out to others. There are, no doubt, many women who feel the way I do and are just waiting to have someone come up and ask how they are doing. The times when I've rallied the nerve to walk up and say hi to someone else I have been very blessed. It's scary to be sure, but I'm always glad when I'm able to do it.



  9. Rebecca,


    I have a call in to ds23 regarding this - he is in San Antonio right now visiting an old Civil Air Patrol friend. He is a senior member now and may know something that could help. Can you tell me what size he would need? Our squadron often has uniforms that have gone through other cadets available. I'll come back and post again after I hear from him.

  10. Three things. If you give up coffee be prepared to have a headache the day of or the day following. I get a killer headache if I don't get just my one cup of coffee, but that's it. After that, it's over. I've heard some people don't have any withdrawal effects, especially those who only have one or two cups a day - but I did so just wanted to give you the heads up.


    Also, my first was like that. I think I stayed in my pajamas for a year after he was born. I was neurotic, sleep-deprived, practically insane!!! He was and still is my easiest child. I've seen other posters say a similar thing and it sure makes me wonder what's up with that, but just sharing my experience to give you a little more hope.


    And, finally, do not feel guilty for feeling this way. Of course you feel this way. You are beyond exhausted, stretched in every way imaginable. Your feelings are perfectly understandable. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep on swimming. You can only do what you can do. Try not to have unrealistic expectations about the state of your housekeeping and what you are getting done in school. There will be time later to catch up on that - really. This is just a season (although I know it seems like it will never end) and when you're on the other side and feeling more rested and sane, regroup and work on catching up.


    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: and prayers, too.

  11. We are Christians who do not celebrate Christmas.


    However, I think to say that someone is going to Hell based on the fact that they celebrate Christmas is absurd.




    :iagree:We are Christians who do not celebrate Christmas either, but I think your friend is missing the point of I Cor. 13. If we do or do not do things without love, doing or not doing those things is pointless, worthless.


    I've heard many sermons (just recently listened to Al Martin's series on this topic on www.sermonaudio.com) and often the conclusion is that celebrating/not celebrating is a matter of Christian liberty. The idea is that if it is not strictly forbidden in scripture then it is up to each Christian to decide for himself according to to his/her own conscience. So the conclusion is that since celebrating Christmas is not mentioned in the Bible it is up to the individual to decide.


    My understanding of scripture is that God does mention it indirectly in scripture. He does say that we are not to mix pagan belief systems with truth. The Israelites did that very often - strayed from the truth that God had revealed to them through Moses and the prophets and worshiped false gods - often mixing elements of pagan worship with true worship. God strictly forbids this. He is absolutely not pleased with it. For that reason, I do not celebrate the holiday. (Same with Easter, btw).


    The question among believers then is, "Is celebrating Christmas mixing paganism with true Christianity?" True saved believers have come to opposite conclusions about this question. Some of us feel convicted that God is not pleased with the Christmas holiday. Others do not see the connection with pagan religions, often pointing out the distance timewise from those roots as well as their own hearts in the matter, and feel that it is a matter of Christian liberty.


    I'm not sure who is the weaker brother in these cases. Perhaps I am the weaker brother for feeling so strongly that it is wrong. Perhaps those who celebrate are the ones with a weaker conscience because they don't consider it wrong to celebrate. I really don't know. I only know that I cannot celebrate the holiday with a clear conscience and so I don't.


    All Christians need to bear and forbear with each other where this issue is concerned. It sounds like your friend is being a bit over zealous because she has just recently discovered the pagan roots of the holiday. Often when folks first learn something they bash others over the head with it - usually with sincerely good intentions - but it is bashing nevertheless. Hopefully, she will learn to be more kind and patient in her approach. I know I was much more headstrong about the whole issue 20 years ago than I am now. It can take time for some people to learn to be gentle and tender about this topic. It is a very emotional topic.


    The main thing is that this is not a test of salvation. If you are resting in the righteousness of Christ, his death on your behalf, his resurrection from the dead and thus his triumph and victory over death and are not depending on your own works to gain God's favor, then you are saved. Celebrating or not celebrating Christmas is a side issue. We will know the truth of it when we see Him face to face. Until then, we need to be loving and patient with those with whom we disagree.

  12. We have no money for presents and I just wanted to buy a small gift for each child. An online friend emailed me a gift card for Target. I am really thankful for that. We have been struggling and the little gifts and blessings we have been extended are what is keeping me going currently. It seems something small comes each time I feel like this burden is to much.



  13. Central/Southwest or Southeast Virginia (Richmond, Charlottesville area or Virginia Beach, Williamsburg area). The only clincher would be the low humidity - not happening in Virginia, but moreso the further south and west you go. Being near the beach could take the sting out of that though.


    Virginia is everything else on your list. Richmond and Charlottesville have excellent hospitals (MCV and UVa Medical Center). The land is relatively inexpensive compared to the Northern Virginia area. We get snow, but usually not more than about 6 inches at a time and only a few times per winter. Homeschooling laws are a cinch. And we have excellent state schools (UVa, William & Mary, James Madision U., George Mason U., Virginia Commonwealth U. and many more.) The humidity can be oppressive, but you get used to it and there is always a/c if you want to get out of it.

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