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Posts posted by CroppinIt

  1. Hi all,


    Just thought I'd introduce myself since I'm a new-bee. (I know, I'm sad.)


    My name Crista. I've been married for just shy of 15 years and have three kids: a 10yo daughter and 7 and 6yo sons. We've homeschooled them all from the start.


    My husband is a community college teacher (humanities, religious studies, logic, English). We're praying he can keep his job because the state isn't paying its bills and he isn't up for tenure until next year. We'll be chewing our nails to the knuckles until then.


    So.... hi!

  2. I know exactly the ones you are talking about and agree completely. Someone could totally approach those kids and know enough to make them seem completely harmless.


    "Hi Kelsey. Aren't you on the drill team at Center High? So's my daughter!"




    I completely agree. I don't even have our kids' names on our answering machine, much less plastered on the back of the van. *shudder*

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