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C King

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10 Good
  1. Sounds like you should. I wonder if using PR 3 and PR4 will get me the good writing instruction I'm looking for. She wrote "your composition skills begin within the literature study in Level Two but are greatly expanded throughout Levels Three and Four. By the time they finish Level Four, you will be amazed how well they can write." Sounds like she thinks it will. I think I'll probably still look at the Teacher dvds and see what I get from it. Oh, more DVDS:)
  2. Did you hear anything from B. Beers. Just curious as to what she told you.
  3. I recommend writing an email to phonics road. I asked the same question about PR and IEW and Barbara Beers wrote back herself and said that a separate writing program was NOT necessary. AND in talking to friend who is in PR3, she said that the writing completed through the Literature work was very similar to IEW, but not quite so formulaic. Both encouraged me that the writing was coming!! I don't know much about the Bridge though. As for me, I still feel like I might look at the teacher cds for IEW. Why? Just because I don't want to miss anything. UGH!
  4. I also often feel that we get the reading and discussion done, but don't seem to have time or energy to do much more. But we do have a small co-op and in our co-op we incorporate a TOG hands-on project or writing assignment as well as science. It's been one of my favorite parts. We spred Year 2 out over 2 years and we are currently finishing up Year 2. I love the literature selections and keep history as our core. I will probably continue with Year 3 next year.
  5. Something easy to use is with the "b"... you must have the bat before you hit the ball, so the line(bat) comes first. With the "d", eat the donut and then use a napkin. Obviously, the circle is the donut. Hope this helps a little.
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