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Posts posted by MyLittleBears

  1. Am I missing something? Is there some kind of guarantee those guys are going to die in the next four years? Supreme court justices are always in danger of dying because they're always old human beings. So this never ever goes away.


    The only thing different about this election is just how revolting and unlikable both main choices are. It's a very contentious election because of that. But it's no more important or significant than any other US election.



    There is a vacancy for Justice Scalia's seat, and two of the others are over 80yrs old. Anything can happen and just imagine all three being replaced in the next four years with liberal activist judges. That could devastate the constitution. I guess we can agree to disagree. :)

  2. It's always devastating. It's always the most important election ever. I've never seen anyone say, "Do whatever you want, this one's no big deal." You bought into a lie, that it's the end of the world if the Other Guy wins. People on both sides buy into this lie, they do it all the time, because it's in the best interests of the parties to maintain the two party system and to do that, they have to convince you that it would be catastrophic if they lose. It's always the same! I think there was a South Park about this...


    Personally, I vote my convictions, not my fears. At least, I try to.


    I diagree I really think it is worse this time because of the Supreme Court picks coming up.

  3. That candidate talked about a utopian idea of a northern hemisphere with open borders and trade, similar to the EU. So an expansion of the EU into all of the northern hemisphere one day.


    But as I don't think we're about to have open borders with Russia or China, lol, and there is ZERO chance of that being passed in the congress, I don't think you have to legit worry about it.

    But I don't like the EU either. It feels like we would be giving up our sovereignty.

  4. So you will keep voting for evil because of a self-fulfilling prophecy. That folks is why we are stuck with our current nominees. It is entirely the fault of the mindset of the American population. Fear


    We have Congress and the Supreme Court to temper the actions of the executive power in domestic policy but not so much in foreign policy especially because the Executive branch can now authorize acts of war without Congress declaring war which is unconstitutional but common.




    I like to think of it as voting against evil in this case. 

  5. But I'm pro-life and don't see the Supreme Court thing as crucial.  As stated before, we can't legislate abortion away - esp in these modern times.  We could potentially make it illegal as it was before, but that won't really stop anyone from getting one.


    These next questions are primarily directed at Christians (because it's many Christians who tend to believe this way in my IRL experience).


    Where does Jesus or Paul or anyone in the NT advocate using gov't to set Christian standards for all?  When I read it, I see oodles of places where it's a voluntary change of the heart and a choice to live following God - and many specifics of that is between God and the individual.  There were all sorts of similar things going on back in the NT times (humans are humans), yet I see us being told not to judge the world - just to live our own life within it.  We can make more judgments within our church (money makers in the temple anyone?), but outside of it?  And protesting to Caesar (or any leader) to change anything for all?  I'm just not seeing it anywhere.


    And if we were to do it anyway, how does that make us any better than some other countries that more or less mandate belief in their god, many of which countries get condemned by Christians.  I don't see God ever mandating that we force belief - or even that we can do that if we wanted to.


    I'm all for protecting babies, both unborn and born, but I just can't see that happening in the real world merely by changing laws.  It's hearts and conditions that need to change to give babies better odds.  Even then, I never expect 100%.  It's simply the way the real world is - and has been pretty much forever.


    Then too, I'm really curious what makes this so important of an issue that other aspects of our (collective) lives - the way people are treated, the way we care for God's world, the way we care for the alien (foreigner) living among us, the way we support widows and orphans - most of the "stuff" that is actually addressed more in the Bible I read, pales by comparison to that one issue (or two, because sex lives of others outside the church are often a biggie for some too - yet aren't addressed nearly as often as how we are to treat others).



    Creekland I actually agree with you. I am not advocating for a repeal or anything.(This is what I mean by the open-borders thing as my big issue) The problem is that the government is mandating paying for things with my tax money that my conscious cannot live with. It really does feels forced down my throat. The problem seems to be on both ends. Also, I don't think government is the answer to the rest of the "stuff" that is addressed in the bible. It was supposed to be up to the church. Sad to say, that's were we ( the church as a whole) dropped the ball.

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  6. There's always reasons and excuses for why we all need to conform to the status quo of the two party system, and it all boils down to fear that the other party will gain too much power. And this system which divides our country and makes sure that power stays with both those parties will NEVER go away so long as people believe that it'll be the End of the World if the other party wins. The best thing that could happen for our country is if everyone got sick to death of it and voted third party. Even if the third party was kinda weird.




    Ideally yes, but it will never happen. For me its about voting against something, especially when supreme court justices can alter the coarse of nation almost irreparably. In my mind it would be devastating.

  7. The next president will likely appoint multiple justices to the Supreme Court. If there is ever a hope of overturning Roe v. Wade, that will have to happen by having the right people on the Supreme Court.





    This is exactly why I don't understand not voting, or voting third party or whatever, specifically by those who choose to be pro-life. It seems the supreme court justice thing is crucial.

    Throw-away votes are still votes.

  8. Interesting.  I think you are in the minority, but of course I only see a small section of our country.  I've worked with a fair number of immigrants and refugees both legal and illegal and have found the vast majority to be wonderful humans - pretty much equivalent to how the vast majority of native born citizens are also wonderful humans.


    None would say they are for totally Open Immigration (eg openly letting in terrorists or criminals - the type they've fled from if it were that and not economics), but most think immigration laws as they are now could use tweaking to be more humanitarian - that "pro people" thing I get hung up on again.  I wish winning/losing the birth lottery for location didn't have as major of an impact as it does, but it does, and it sure helps many if the winners are more compassionate.


    FWIW, I don't see Open Immigration having any chance of ever becoming policy no matter who wins anytime in the near future - well, short of an Apocalypse and complete failure of gov't - and I don't see that happening either.  



    I'm not so sure though. There is one candidate that IS for open borders, even though they don't necessarily say it in public. I guess I'm just not willing to chance it, especially with the current trend of abuse of executive order.

    • Like 1
  9. I went in to office max a couple of days ago to print off a workbook for one of my kids.

    Employee asked, "So you are a teacher?"  

    Me, "Yes, I'm a teacher"

    Employee, "At the local university?" 

    Me- "Nope I teach my own kids".

    Employee, "So you must be an expert on educational pedagogy?"

    Me- "Not exactly an expert but I have read and educated myself on the subject. Particularly on classical education"  


    • Like 1
  10. I voted yes but I almost had to second think it.  My one issue is pro-life - meaning that if I loved the candidate's stance on everything, but the candidate would choose supreme court justices that are pro-choice, I'd *not* vote for that candidate.   But I admit I almost had decided last week to vote for one candidate (not my party) over the other (my party) just to keep my party out of office.  

    In the end, I've decided to toss my vote into the wind of uselessness, do a write in, and vote my conscience. 



    BlsdMama I get what you are saying but in the end, a third party vote does no good to the unborn. That's the part I don't get about people who choose to "toss their vote into the wind of uselessness KWIM? And especially now when this particular  issue will hing on supreme court justice appointments that will have the office for the remainder of their lives. It's just too important.


    ETA- I consider third party or write-ins the same thing as tossing away a vote because they don't stand a chance

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  11. Sometimes I wonder if it is an older generation thing? It seems like it's mostly older ladies at church wearing the strong stuff. I sympathize. I get instant migraines from perfume and have often had to switch seats because of it. I remember when I was little my mom (who loves perfume) would get into the care with me with this stuff on and I would throw up every..single..time. Later she realized what was causing it but for a while there I was made miserable. She still wears it but she doesn't around me anymore.

  12. Happi Duck. Just wanted to say what a brat I was to my mom when I was younger. Later came the wisdom and deep appreciation for her. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. Sometime kids just have some maturing to do, KWIM?


    Your mom's grave site sounds beautiful!  :grouphug:

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  13. Yesterday dh and I drove down the road to pick up some hay bales from a friend. Said friend's 16 year old helped us by working the tractor to load it onto the back of our truck. On our way home dh remarked about the incredible difference between our 16 year with ASD and our friends 16 year old. Ds mows the lawn on a ride on mower, but we would never dream of putting him on our tractor. I think it kind of hit home for dh about the severity of the diagnosis. He was not in denial or anything but I think something clicked for him. Just wanted to share. Thanks for listening.

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