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Posts posted by MyLittleBears

  1. Honestly. The media just need to start telling the truth. They are race baiting. They hardly ever report what is being said on both sides. They only tell one side and smear people who have not actually said what they have said. I am so tired of it. I have never been or ever have been racist. I don't feel I need to prove it. Nor would I want anyone else approaching me with a pin to prove it. It would feel like condesention.  And yes I am a minority woman!

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  2. My kids actually liked it but I felt like I was getting hoarse reading it. We are in our 2nd rotation of Ancients and this time around we are going to use the audiobook.



    ETA: I can't remember any offensive language in that particular one but I usually adjust that as a go we I run into it. (I usually skip the words, for example)

  3. I agree. A chiropractic adjustment might help and perhaps a new pillow. I had this and it turns out my pillow was too big for my frame causing a strain to my neck and shoulder which would end in my arm falling asleep and tingling.

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  4. Ethan Allen has a complementary design service when you buy a room of furniture, or at least they used to. When we used them, we (I should say I) picked the particular style we wanted but she helped us with our fabric choices for upholstered pieces, window treatments, paint color choices, and placement of furniture etc. She let me lead with my taste, but guided us in the direction we wanted with her expertise, if that makes sense. The result was professional look that I actually loved.


    One thing to think about maybe is getting some design book from the library or even magazines and go with what appeals to you. Much of it is common sense really, especially since it more personal taste. I have seem some pretty hideous designs done by "professionals".

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  5. We have a friend who is in his 30s who started collecting Bionicles back when they first came out. We were over once a couple of years ago when legs was getting ready to put them back on the market and I had the lego magazine in my hand. It was so funny to see his reaction when I told him about it. He literally stopped in his tracks turned around and took the magazine from my hands! He's got every single one set up on a shelf and his kids aren't allow to touch them but they are welcome to buy their own. Lol

  6. I'd be careful with sedatives. Animals react differently to them. We did a sedative for our cat and it actually killed him. We had hired a pet service to pick him up at our vets office, where they gave him the sedative, and bring him out to us. We got the call about an hour into his trip. It was awful. My boys were just devastated. I would never do sedatives again. He's the one pictured on my avatar. :(

  7. Definitely talk to the parents. He is obviously not getting the hints. He may be 18 but I can tell you his is probably more like a 11 yr old, in terms of maturity. This maturity problem is very typical of ASD and his parents need to intervene to help him navigate a increasingly more adult world and feelings. It's not going to go away without intervention and it will not only be uncomfortable for you dd, it will get worse for him as he gets older. Your dd is obviously very kind but someone else may not be.

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  8. Wow, it does really seem outrageous that the school could not provide a service for so common a disability as dyslexia. We are having a similar deal with our local ps. Our ASD son need social skill training with a group other than his siblings and his SLP. He need peers to work with and get feed back from. When we had our meeting they said they can't provide it because their SLP only shows up once a week for 20 minutes and works with lower functioning kids. Well, what would they do with ds if he was in school? By law they would have to provide  the service (I'm guessing it varies from state to state) So our private SLP advocated for us so that they would do testing in order to gently force their hand. The was not being difficult intentionally  but it was odd that they just didn't have a clue how to handle it. It was mind boggling. The parents just need to push and advocate or these kids just fall through the cracks.

  9. Sorry you've gotten no response yet. I'm kind of in the same boat with ds1. We are working through Diana Hanbury King materials for now but another member told me about another program that looks really promising. I cut and paste this from a message I got from her. It sounds very similar to a program called Treasured Conversations. I am using it with one of my dc but it is meant for a younger audience because of the characters in it but I think it could easily be modified. The author of Treasured Conversations recommended School Composition by William H. Maxwell for the older crowd, although it is a old book.

    Writing with Kris seems to use a kind of graphic organizer making it more visual.


    Anyway this was her message:



    Her name is Kris Cordell and her program is called Writing With Kris. I emailed her and you can purchase her handbook on line, but you have to contact her. She's not really set up to order like you would with Amazon or something. It's very simple and doable. Her basic philosophy is if you can master the paragraph, you can master the essay. So, my kids write a paragraph a week and we work on mastering that. Mondays, we brainstorm and make a web. The center is the subject. This week it was "my cousins". Then, there's four branches off that, which are the main points. "Anna, Kaylee, Lydia, Sarah". Then, off each main point is two supporting details. So, off of "Anna" would be "likes to play games" and "is my age". Then, you write a key word outline. Your main points would be the Roman Numerals and the supporting details would be the letters under the Roman Numerals. The next day we make a sentence outline. It's taking the Keyword Outline and making good sentences out of each key word. The next day they write that up as a rough draft and I edit it and then they make a final draft and I grade it. We don't do a lot of re-writes uless they just do a terrible job. The thing I like is that it a small amount of writing, so it's easy for me to grade, it's easy for them to manage and we work at making those few sentences really good.



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