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Posts posted by simka2

  1. I've seen this before, especially in very large churches. It doesn't bother me. I've been on the inside of the whole childcare/Sunday school thing before and I know what can happen if there isn't tight control.


    :iagree:If this is a large church, dealing with many visitors, irregular attenders, and various unknown people...it sounds reasonable. I have personally instituted a very similar set-up, which was required by our liabilty insurance. There is actually a training program that we have to go through, per liability insurance called "reducing the risk."


    The main issue is having a safe zone where you do not have a variety of individualis crowding hallways or opening various doors.


    You are right that most abuse happens by trusted individuals, but legally a church has to show due diligence in protecting large amounts of children.


    The one acception I would have made....and demanded as a parent, is the right to walk with my child and meet the teachers who would be directly interacting with them. This would probably have to be done with an "approved" escort, but that is just to dot the I's and cross the T's that you were escorted down and back.


    There is no reason a program, the size you are desribing, cannot issue you a very BRIGHT visitor badge and have you sign in and out of a visitor log. Hope that helps!

  2. Many years ago I sold these products and was hooked in my my OB. Other than the price, if the product is the same as it was about 5 years ago, I really have nothing but good to say. I lost a ton of weight and felt great!!!! Now, I do know some people actually do get sick during the first cleanse. Sometimes there are so many toxins being elimanted at once that it is not pretty.


    Now you have me thinking about them again. ;)

  3. Well, I guess it does seem judgmental from a pov that does not believe the same as we do and I'm sorry to offend people with that, but that is why I put "CC" in the title.


    Sure, she can do whatever she likes because she is an adult. However, it was not a housewarming party. They masked it that way, while joking about it really being a celebration of her kicking her dh to the curb. I'm not making assumptions about these things. I was told this information directly.


    I am NOT trying to tell her what to do, try to convince her to go back to her DH, or beat her over the head with how "sinful" she is in a holier than thou manner. I am merely trying to figure out a way to gently approach her about the things that she is doing that are destructive. I was looking for advice from like minded people. Everyone can tell me that she probably doesn't believe what we believe anymore, etc., but I'm in this, know her, the family, etc., and I don't believe that is what is going on. Could I be wrong? Sure, but I don't think so in this instance. Because of my beliefs, I cannot in good conscience just turn and look the other way when someone I care about is so blatantly against God's will. Again, I'm sorry that this offends some of you, but it is just the way it is amongst the Christians that we know. We love each other enough to not be afraid to tell the truth and to try to help each other through our trials and difficulties without sinking into sinful ways.









    I have been trying to figure out a response to your thread since last night. I was thinking back to PW days and what I would have said to you. Firstly, many Christians (in fact quite a majority) are going to find YOUR actions to have crossed the line into judementalism and condemnation. Those things are sins, they are damaging to you and potentially to your relationships with others and God. I know it pains me to see these dynamics between SILs. In some regards posters on this thread are lovingly confronting you in what they see as your sin. Here is what I know...it rarely results in the desired repentence. :grouphug:


    Here is something else to consider. We use a couple verses in Matthew to justify confronting someone, while not paying the same consideration or weight to a slew of others. For example, "love COVERS a multitude of sins," or "He who is without sin cast the first stone (this speciffically about a woman caught in the act of adultery)." We also, have Jesus's own example of the woman at the well. A woman who CAME TO HIM, ENGAGED HIM in conversation, and even then all He did was state her situation and tell her to sin no more. He didn't reject her, or avoid her at the well like the rest of the women from her town. We have Peter DENYING Christ in cowardice and yet, does Jesus come back and confront him? No, he does not even address it. He simply lovingly restores him and gives him direction for the future.


    Contrast that with a couple verses in Matthew that in most versions states, "when your brother sins against YOU."


    I would strongly encourage to give your SIL the grace and space she needs to get through this difficult phase. Be patient and give her time. I hope that helps in some way. ;)

  4. I was out gardening this evening thinking about the Lazaraus article Patty Joanna linked, and Mrs. Piggle Wiggle (it has been one of those weeks and listening to Mrs. Piggle Wiggle in the car has been extrememly cathartic!) All of a sudden this verse leaped into my mind. 1 Tim 2:15 Yet she will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.


    It struck me that I have NEVER understood this verse. Truthfully, I am not sure how the Protestant mind could without delving into their own personal interpretation of scripture.


    That is really beside the point though. What surprised me was how comforting I found this verse. It is filled with direction, hope, vision. I found it freeing and empowering.


    Just wondering if anyone else has any thoughts on this verse?

  5. Wow! I missed reading this when you first posted and I am glad I did. This week ds has had some incredible tantrums, fits, and meltdowns. It really has brought out the absolute worst in my. I really hate how I have behaved towards him and even the trickle to the whole family. Errrrrrgh! Reading about Lazarus gives me hope! Lord have mercy!

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