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Everything posted by mom@home

  1. Rebecca, Have you looked at Heart of Dakota's Creation to Christ? I know it's author, Carrie, had some of the same issues with myths and gods found in other curriculum that you are finding so she decided to write her own. I believe CTC does teach about these gods, but they do not delve deeply into them. I have not used CTC, but have been considering it (along with MFW, TQ, TOG, and MOH). mom@home
  2. Angela, I have a question for you regarding MFW. I have been comparing and comparing curricula and have it narrowed down to about 4 :001_smile:. TOG and MFW being two of them. Since you have both of them how do you think they compare? Do you think I would get a lot more out of TOG than MFW, especially in the area Biblical Worldview? My children will be in the 2nd and 4th grades so I'm wondering if I need all TOG has to offer at this stage or if I could go with a curriculum that was easier to implement and they would learn just as much. Thanks for any input! mom@home
  3. So if you used MOH with Biblioplan (or even without BP) would you still get the same Biblical Worldview that you would get with TOG for LG and UG? I'm still researching myself! :001_smile:
  4. I did use some of the extension books, but preffered to use my own choices. My children are only 17 months apart and very close skill wise. At this point I do not want them in two seperate programs. Last year I tweeked Bigger and made it work for us. We had a great year, so that's not my issue. The question at this point is would I be happy using HOD Preparing and CTC in the coming years. Is there enough history and reading about history or should I use another curriculum where I don't feel the need to add more history.:confused: Thanks for all the help. mom@home
  5. That helps a lot. With Bigger this year, instead of using the Storytime reads, I substituted them with reading that would corrolate with our history. I used a lot of Sonlight 3 + 4. We really enjoy reading and I think it helps the history come to life. If we had only read the history that was scheduled in Bigger I don't think we would have gotten as rich a picture as we did by adding our own books. Bigger seemed to have a lot of "busy-work" or twaddle in it (at least for our family). I ended up leaving some of that out. I was hoping Preparing and CTC would be a little more meatier in the history reading. mom@home
  6. Carmen, What prompted your dh's decision? Did you use Bigger last year? mom@home
  7. So if we did MFW ECC and skipped HOD Preparing and did CTC next year we wouldn't miss anything? mom@home
  8. Thank you all for your replies. I do think my children would fit better skill wise in Preparing, but I was concerned with as much ancient history as it covered that they would be bored or think it was too much of the same when we got to CTC the following year. If I wait to do CTC until year after next would you recommend doing something like MFW ECC this year so it wouldn't be so much of the "same"? Thanks so much! mom@home
  9. My kids are 10 and 8. I've looked at several options for next year including MFW, TOG, MOH and SL. I'm looking for a program that weaves Bible history with what's going on in the world. I'm wondering if CTC does that and is just as good as some of the seeminingly more popular choices. Thanks, mom@home
  10. I've been trying to access their website, with no success. I know someone else here has had the same problem. I thought Biblioplan used SOTW as a spine, but someone suggested Bibilioplan on a previous question I posted about MOH. Thanks! Robin
  11. I just read about Biblioplan and it looks like they use SOTW. I couldn't access their website (there must be some difficulty), but from what I could read on other sites, it didn't mention MOH being used.
  12. I really like the way TOG units are sectioned into a more unit study feel, but my children will be 3rd and 4th grade in the fall (upper grammar) so I'm considering the more economical approach of MOH and adding in hands on and literature. However, a friend of mine who used MOH1 said she felt like it jumped around from place to place too much (one day you may be in Egypt, the next you may be in China and then the following day Greece) and it was hard to follow. Has anyone made a schedule of MOH where it could be used as more of a unit study? Is this even a reasonable thought? You ladies are so brilliant, I can't wait to hear your ideas! Robin
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