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Everything posted by cyndi60

  1. We eat a lot of soups and stews. We eat meat 2 or 3X a wk. I keep Broth Veg. & Carrot Juice Onions & Garlic Herbs De Pronce Fresh Salsa Salad Ingredients Condiments such as Balsamic Vinegar White Wine Vinegar Rice
  2. We have had 6 children. Three of them have this. I was diagnosed through a non hearing written test at 18 in 1978. They said that I had Auditory Short Term Memory and problems processing information. Anyway, I had thought maybe I was ADD which CAPD is closely like. We never had the money to take them to a specialist. We bought The Listening Program which was spendy and it didnt help our son. He is now 20 and works very slow and methodically at his job at the grocery store and really enjoys it. He has a mechanical mind and very detailed. He could never takes "notes" in a school situation but would have to record it or get the notes from the teacher or other students. He could never remember what he wanted to write down because his hands couldn't get it out fast enough through his brain or is it the other way around. Our 18yr.old daughter is Very....quick witted like her father but cant sit still. She works at a different grocery store and is always moving and loves her job. She could never stay focused with her schoolwork. I only had one or two that seemed to be "normal?" if there is such a thing. With my problems and theirs it was and is hard to homeschool but I never gave up. Cyndi
  3. How do you all do this? What do I post? I'm kind of dense sometimes. A newbie here for selling and I have Loads of nice classical books from many years of homeschooling. Our oldest is 28 and youngest 11. Brian Ray's wife said that I had good taste. Her husband does all of the statistical info. for HSLDA and I saw her at a convention. Thanks
  4. Can you tell me what you mean by 50 posts before I sell on the board? How do you do this? Do I need to post on any of the forums about what? or just on the For Sale forum? I dont have very much time to read others posts and to reply. I'm kind of dense here. Thanks for your help. Cyndi
  5. I have seen the first one and it looked to simple for her. She is 10. She hasnt done any narration or dictation for writing. I dont want her to have any gaps though. Also, am wondering about which Peace Hill Press Writing to begin her in? Her writing skills arent very good. She has a hard time with sentence fragments, etc. She uses capitals at the beginning of sentences and ending punctuation but not quotes, or all of the comma's etc. Writing is her weak point. Thanks Cyndi
  6. I was wondering how I can know which book she needs to start in? I have seen the first book and it looks to simple for her but I dont miss any gaps. She is 10yrs.old. Also, for Peace Hill Press Writing which book would I begin with? Her writing skills arent to good. Writing isnt one of her strong areas. I need something before Write Shop if we decide to do it instead. IEW wasnt structured enough for me. Thanks Cyndi
  7. Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me decide which one I need to get. I have seen the 1st book of First Lang. Lessons but I believe it is to simple or does she need to go through it so there arent any gaps or stick with it for a good foundation? She is 11 yrs. old and we are just now starting narration and needs to learn things like when to use set and sit. Just dont think Emma Serle's Primary or Interm. is enough?? I know that I need to touch on the most important things and wondered which book level for writing? She knows how to do periods and capitalize at the beginning of sentences but she hasnt had alot of practice on such matters such as titles etc. I like that they learn as she uses it. We had IEW and WRiting Strands and didnt like those. It wasnt structured enough etc. I had heard of Write Shop but she needs a level below that. I love the idea of learning grammar AS she writes. Does SWB do this in her books? Thank you so much for any help. Cyndi
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