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Posts posted by athomemom

  1. I'm going from memory here... I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, though ;)


    Abeka and BJU both offer a variety of generes, poetry, I believe a play, etc. in their selections. Some people may prefer the selections of one over another, but they both provide a good overview of literature.


    I believe the Abeka questions tend to be more "comprehension style" and less "thoughty" than the BJU (I don't consider Abeka to be any kind of literature analysis). I haven't looked too closely at BJU from a Lit Analysis standpoint to really comment.


    That said, I didn't want lit analysis *all the time* for my oldest ds. We do focused literature studies (at least 4 a year) to focus on those skills. I use Abeka for daily exposure to a wide variety of generes, etc. The more simple comprehension-style questions are fine for my purpose.


    Do you use PP guides for this, and you have your ds use Abeka as well?

  2. My dc are getting ready to move up a level. One from 6th to 7th and the other 5th to 6th. (I regret NOT staying with BJU last year...) We have returned. :D I am so happy that we did. My boys have improved tremendously in their writing. The grammar is great too. I use the TM and it helps me a great deal. It seems overwhelming when you look at it, because of its size. However, it really is a great tool and only takes a few minutes. I :001_wub: BJU writing and grammar. I only wish we had used it before now!

  3. I own the 7th grade ABeka lit book. It's fine, nothing to rave about, but it gets the job done. We just started this book right before Christmas. We had been doing the Any Novel Study Guide. We've used it twice and we needed a change. ABeka is a bit more affordable and easier to find used than BJU.


    I was looking online at the samples of BJU 7th grade lit and it really does seem as though BJU goes more in-depth and ask better questions of the material read.


    However, most of you here have said that there is not a huge difference in BJU & ABeka lit. Really? You feel that ABeka covers the same "ground" just a little differently?


    Please help!

  4. So nice to meet you, athomemom! I just came back to MFW the other day, myself, and we are ramping up to start RtR next week!!! Also, we had been using BJU DVD's (and some TOG for history) so it'll be quite the change! Just this week I exchanged BJU English for Intermediate Language Lessons, and my ds has responded so well to the change! It is going to help our relationship immensely, as I had felt like I was turning into this big taskmaster with a whip (not really), slave-driving him to get all his endless list of DVDs done every day.


    I am looking forward to the cohesiveness of MFW, and the Bible application, especially. It's been about 2 years since we've used it, and I am happy to be back. I also like the simplicity of the TM for MFW. I saw my first tiny little peek of an HOD TM today, and it was just too much info on a page for me to handle.


    We will continue with BJU Math and probably Science and Reading this year, but will probably keep the human body studies in MFW, too. I haven't totally decided, as I do not want to get caught up again in doing two sciences, etc. at the same time!


    Wishing everyone well in finding good curriculum fits for their school needs!




    It's nice to meet you as well! :001_smile:

  5. I am concerned with building habits, so we do dress no matter what, and we do have certain things that need to be done each day. Other than that, there is a lot of flexibility in our days.

    I think this is us. Except we do not always get dressed in clothes to go out. We would rather be more comfy.


    I kept a pretty strict schedule when dc were little, which put that habit in them to manage time well, so now they can be trusted to get everything done without me needing to schedule or remind them. :001_smile:

    I did the same when the boys were little. And lots of things DO get done without my reminding them. However, they are still boys...and need more prodding. :tongue_smilie:


    I think it does and should change as dc get older. My older girls are on what looks like a block schedule, so they have assignments that are due either weekly or twice weekly in each area. They have freedom to choose what to do as long as those deadlines are met. So they might do a bit of everything one day, or they might just work on one subject for a long time. I think they will be well-prepared for college and life because of that.

    My guys have a list and know what to do without me as well.


    I think I'm missing the younger days when *I* scheduled everything. At this point, I let them decided what to do first....Maybe I'm missing elementary school?


    I really appreciate everyone sharing how they do things. One would think in our 7th year of schooling we'd have it all down! (NOT!)

  6. I have read so many posts with people raving about it. I would like to know if anyone has decided it wasn't a good fit, for whatever reason. Have you left MFW for something else and why?


    I did. I left MFW for "greener pastures" & I ended up regretting my decision. For the past couple of years I used A Beka for history and science. Last year I used Sonlight.


    I returned to MFW today! It was our first day back. We are doing RtR. I returned because of the godly focus that *IMHO* was lacking with SL. I love SOTW, but I feel that we need a more biblical focus in our history with the period we are studying (especially). And SOTW is included in MFW history.


    We are continuing with ABeka science for now, but will most likely add Apologia's Astronomy when the time comes.


    I love having everything planned out for me!


    That's my story, but every family is different...that's the beauty of homeschooling.:001_smile:

  7. What does your day look like?


    I used to be a sticker for starting at the same time and always had us on a schedule. But I've found that as my boys have gotten older that my schedule has gone off-track.


    There is that part of me that wants the schedule and then there is that part of me that feels the beauty of homeschooling is that we can be laid back.


    Do you have your kids dress, if you are not leaving the house, do you?


    Part of me wants to have everything rolling like a well-oiled machine and the other part just wants to be!


    An inquiring mind wants to know.

  8. I love all the suggestions! I (secretly) long to move to Italy & I've never visited! Thus, I need to visit first, right!? :D


    I'd love stay somewhere quiet and not touristy.


    Have you seen the movie, The Holiday? The cottage in England is dreamy. That's what I dream about without the snow!


    To make matters worse, we just started MFW Rome to Reformation. :tongue_smilie: At least I can plan and learn at the same time!


    Keep the ideas coming, they are all great!

  9. Kim, I have an international drivers license (it was about $10 from AAA) and drove through the Brenner Pass from Germany to France.

    I had GREAT tips from the gurus at fodors.com.

    Once in Italy we took the train into Venice. Bought my ticket cheaper online and the kids got "rolling passes" that allowed train, city bus (boat - vaporetto) and admission into museums. Rolling pass is cheap but kids have to show ID for ages. Then we did Venice :) My regret is that I only allowed for one day there. When we go back, I will get a hotel in Venice and take 3 days. Go to the Murano and Burano islands too and just soak in the life there in the safest city in the world!

    I know there are so many other places in Italy to go - like we really want to do Pompeii too. I heard there are camp grounds near there where we can stay.

    I heard Amalphi was a must-see too.

    The city buses we were on were like a roller coaster ride - weeeeeeeeee!! Hold on tight LOL!

    Italy is a lot different (IMHO) than Germany - here in Germany (mountains) it is cute and quaint and CLEAN and slow. I know places like Frankfurt are not like that. It seems like if you can say "Bitte" (please) and "tschüß" (bye-bye) you can get a smile from most anyone :001_smile: But Italy is FAST, not as clean not quite as friendly - maybe we just have not seen the slow, clean quaint parts of Italy yet. I do not know about the place you referenced though - sorry.


    Wow! lots of great info. Thanks for the pics. I am drooling. Beautiful!


    We actually want slow, peace & quiet. I'm thinking a glass of wine and coffee. (daily of course :lol:) But I love history as do my boys....

  10. I've been to Switzerland, England, and Scotland twice. I have also enjoyed travel in Mexico, Guatemala, and Canada, but I get the impression you are specifically interested in European travel.


    Yes, I took my kids to Europe. The first time was when dd was 1yo, to Switzerland. She was an easy baby, and napped well in the stroller.


    Later we went to England with a 4yo and 8yo, and then to Scotland with a, 11yo and 7yo. The kids have always done well with international travel, and I highly encourage it.


    Any specific questions?


    Hmmm, I have a million questions! :lol: We are just in the planning stages....


    Did you guys rent a car?


    Did you stay in one location or travel from place to place?


    I'm gathering my thoughts & wondering what else I should be asking?

  11. I have had great experience with Rick Steves' recommendations.


    It's always cheaper to stay in the country than in the city. Just make sure you have easy access to public transportation.


    Where do you want to go? Perhaps some of us can offer some BTDT advice.


    Have you been to Italy? And if you've been to Europe in general I'd love to hear where, what and how. :D Did you take the kids?

  12. Laura, Would it be cheaper to get a safe hotel as a "home base" and take different trips from there?

    We live in Germany and take lots of short, cheap trips around Europe.

    I learned A LOT from fodors.com - have you checked them out? World travelers with sage advice. I used their advice when we drove to Italy and it was truly a God-send.

    Sounds like you are in for some fun! :001_smile:


    I don't want to hijack the thread, but hubby and I are talking about visiting Italy. We've never been to Europe. From what I've googled and read about Liguria is a good area?


    I'd love advise!

  13. It's pretty much our Communion. The bread and water (yes, we use water instead of wine or juice) that are symbolic of Christ's body and blood. (and an interesting tidbit: we don't use wafers. the bread is broken by the Priesthood during the Sacrament Hymn, so that we can see it "bruised, broken, and torn for us".)


    So, the belief is that Jesus came as a babe, born of a virgin to die for our sins?

  14. I've tried to keep up with all the post - reading with great interest.


    I have a few questions.


    1) Do Mormons believe in salvation by grace like Baptist or Methodist do? I've heard a "more famous Mormon" :D talk about this and truly wonder.


    2) When you say, "Heavenly Father", are you referring to God or Jesus.


    3) Jesus was married? I've never heard this before. Is there a reference to this somewhere?


    4) What do you think of t.v. shows that portray Mormonism and more specifically polygamy?


    I hope I haven't offended and have asked my questions correctly.

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