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Posts posted by Mom2GirlsTX

  1. It ended through SHEA. (Something on Discovery's end and SHEA not meeting their qualifications.)SHEA sent an email and said they'd refund fees to anyone who asked. I've requested twice but have never received a refund. I'm unhappy with them to say the least.


    Call the phone number that was on the bottom of that email. I sent at least 5 emails requesting a refund and was ignored. I called the number, left a message, sent another email with a cut/paste of how I paid through paypal and I got my refund the next day.

  2. Consider a Boxer! Boxer are wonderful housedogs, and I have never seen a breed so loyal to children. Boxer Rescue is always looking for good homes, and they would help you find a housebroken, good with children one ....


    In the Northeast here: http://www.boxerrescue.com/


    Midwest here: http://www.midwestboxerrescues.com/


    Texas here: http://www.savetheboxers.com/


    If you adopt thru a rescue, they have had time to analyze the dogs personality and can help pick a dog that is very good for your family.


    Consider breed rescue no matter what breed you choose, the AKC will have the local clubs for the breed you choose.

  3. Does anyone know if they were ever able to reactivate this after losing it? We signed up with SHEA and enjoyed United Streaming for about a month before it was canceled. They said they would update, but we have heard nothing. I'm afraid this experience will end up in the very expensive lessons category.


    I don't think so. I bugged them and got a refund as I joined in April and never even got one month of it. I just got my refund last week.


    It would have been great if they could have gotten Discovery to work with them.

  4. You can order the kit from here: http://www.zrtlab.com/test-kits/saliva-testing-kits.html


    My doctor had me use this kit (I picked up from local compounding pharmacy) and the results went back to Pharmacy and then to Dr. It has helped me tremendously. I was on birth control at your daughters age due to my periods going on forever and I was seriously depressed when on them. I hate bc pills, never been able to take them. I hope she feels better soon.

  5. Just wanted to say I feel for you. I have been through it with both my parents (now deceased) and then with dh parents (who are now deceased).


    It is just hard, you love them so much and you have to assume the roll of the parent. You really do need to have a durable POA in order to handle your mothers affairs if she should become incompetent. Being on the checking account is a very good start. If your mother is mentally competent, now is the time to get her affairs in order. Talk with your mother about what are her wishes should she become ill? Life support? Would she want to be resucitated if she was in a vegatative state, etc?


    Talk honestly with your mother and tell her that you want to honor her wishes and know what she wants now. Write them down (in case you might forget) and get her to put everything in a Medical Power of Attorney.


    Also if she feels comfortable, talk with her about assigning you POA in the event she should become mentally incompetent.


    I still remember the day I had to take my mothers car keys away from her and tell her she could not drive anymore. She was so angry with me, so very angry. It had to be done, she was cruising through solid red lights, turnign the wrong way on left turns (turning right) and it was just horrible.


    I have been there, it is not easy, but I was fortunate in that both my parents had given me POA so I was able to use it (never needed it with my Dad).


    A POA can make your mothers and your life much easier in the event she becomes unable to make her own decisions.



  6. Mucinex Cough Mini Melts work here to help control the coughing.


    The cool mist vaporizer is also helping. I know that my children's pediatrician and pulmonologist are both big fans of Mucinex and make sure I keep it on hand.


    I hope your kids feel better soon. This article discusses Bronchitis http://www.emedicinehealth.com/bronchitis/article_em.htm


    Basically your choices are lots of liquids, cool mist vaporizer and something to thin the mucus like Mucinex. If you have a nebulizer, you can ask your doctor about doing nebulizer treatments. My pediatrician has me doing my daughters as needed up to every 4 hours but we have only needed two times a day.

  7. I wouldnt call it uncomfortable either... just embarrassing. I wasnt allowed to wear deoderant, and I was sweating from anxiety. I was sooo glad when it was all done and over with.


    This is how I felt exactly. It didn't hurt, it was just kind of embarrasing.


    Get it done and overwith, and check off another mildstone of your life. It really will not be as bad as you imagine it to be.:001_smile:

  8. We saw two doctors while "sick" and never heard more than, "it might be it", "you'll never know", "some virus". Neither did a flu test.


    Anyway, that is our story....


    Arg! This is maddening, isn't it? The ER doctor was pretty much the same, could be, might be, something similar to...


    If this is H1N1 it is way over rated.

  9. Update: DH test came back negative but the Dr said that given our symptoms he was suspicious. He said that since DH came at first sign of cough, he most likely would show negative (which he did) and sometimes it takes a couple of days to get a positive.


    He gave DH a prescription for Relenza as he was concerned about the cough and his inherited COPD. So yet again, we really don't know what we have, flu, cold, virus, etc etc etc

  10. [quote name=T


    ree House Academy]I bet his will be negative too....when my ds had the flu in 2003, he tested negative the first day - even though he had obvious symptoms. The very next day he tested positive for both A and B! Those things are not the best, unfortunately. For your dh's sake, I hope that his test is positive (if it is the flu, that is) so he can start the meds that will help him beat it. How are you feeling?



    I am feeling stronger but my cough is bad. I have trouble wrapping my head around that this is the flu. We are sick, the one child got very sick, but compared to her previous bout with the flu 6 years ago and Whooping Cough 5 years ago, this virus isn't comparing.


    Thanks for your nice sentiments, I too hope if it is the flu, it identifies itself as such for his sake. I'm suspecting a negative test result.

  11. Well, we purchased dd a new Dell Laptop. We have been buying Dells since they were a tiny company .. Anyway, this one arrived stamped Made in China and the quality showed it. The CD/DVD drive refused to work, the blue screen of death showed up by week two and it went back to Dell.


    We then purchased a dual core Toshiba laptop, which ran great but I should have done my research better because it ran HOT HOT HOT. Even with a cooling pad that dual processor was like having a hair dryer on high. So I took it back.


    We ended up buying her a Sony Vaio dual core and she loves it, and so do I. I will say that my husband bought himself HP Dual core and it runs as well as the more expensive Vaio. I was so dissapointed in Dells quality and it could have been a fluke, but I have bought at least 10 computers from Dell over the past few years and the quality has been on a decline.


    Do some research about the dual core as far as heat -- some really run very hot (not great if you keep on your lap, okay if on a desk).


    I would check out HP and Sony too!

  12. Same story here, dd flu test came back negative but Dr said she thought it was a false negative.


    She has been sick since Sunday morning and dh started coughing today.

    He also has MS and does monthly infusion of Tysabri so his immune system is definitely compromised. He called both his Neurologist and Primary Care and they told him to go and have the rapid test done and if he is positive to start Tamiflu, if not positive, he should make a judgment call.


    If this is the flu, it is not as horrible as the one case of flu I had years ago.


    I'll let you know what his flu test says when he calls me.


    Hope everyone getting this virus gets better soon.

  13. I am so sorry, that is so terribly tragic!


    Two years ago we lost our 3 little hammies in rapid succession and my kids still don't want to talk about (they cry when they do).


    Your analysis of the situation that it might be the shavings is pretty good.


    We took our hammies to the vet when one died and one of the first thing they asked us was what type of bedding we used. We used Carefresh and they said that was great, they hated the cedar shavings as they can cause lung problems, eye irritation, etc.


    We ended up finding out it was the treats we had bought at the Pet Store. The seeds had something (fungus?) and the hammies died of Aflotoxin poisoning. I really am sorry but I would throw out both their food and their bedding and start fresh.

  14. Best money I ever spent. :D


    Oh I am so tired, I just read "Breast money I ever spent":lol:


    I haven't had it, but I look at that stupid bellyfat of mine sometimes and wish.


    I will say that I had reconstructive surgery done on my youngest, she was burned and almost one side of her head had no hair, so they tissue expanders and after two surgeries has a full head of hair. She had over 250 stitches!


    Did I have to do it, no, but she wanted the surgery and wanted to look like everyone else who had hair.


    It doesn't bother me if people have plastic surgery, but I do wonder about some of the over the top people who keep having it and don't really even look like a normal person anymore (like that wealth Catwoman in NYork)


    Personally I think if it makes someone happy, then fine.

  15. Well it has been 4 years since dd last one, so I'm a bit foggy. She has had two done, one through the school system and one through the Children's Hospital. Both were similar in that they had me fill out about 30 pages of forms and both examines took about 2 to 4 hours to test here. They basically did things like getting her to hop, touch things, hold a pencil, listen to different noises, etc ... I could watch from a glassed in room so I don't know all the particulars but it was not really scarry for the child or anything.


    OT helped my daughter learn to write with her left hand after two strokes had made her right hand to weak to use. We went for a year and then the school continued it for another 2 years. I need to start her back for Sensory Issues ...


    I can say that Wii Sports has helped her co-ordination immensely. If you need swings, chairs, or speial stuff check out Ikea as they have some great items that help with Sensory, etc

  16. Well we are in the middle of dealing with what is most likely the Swine Flu. My girls woke up sick Sunday morning with 101 fever and by afternoon the older one was getting quite sick. So emergency room did do flu test but it was negative, but Dr. said it may indeed be the fllu as it looked like it and the test could be wrong. Sooooo...


    My younger has a strong immune system (she spent her early life in an orphanage) and she got sick on Sunday, fever gone by Sunday evening, Monday still dealing with headache, but Monday afternoon outside playing and no fever and feels fine. Oldest is still very sick, temp close to 104 and coughing, etc.


    So hang in there, I know it is scary but he probably will do just fine.



  17. My house is one story so obviously we are all on one level.


    Several years ago we did a field trip to the Fire Dept and they recommended that all children on second floor each have own ladder in their room. They said that children as young as 3yrs have been able to use them to escape.


    If that is your biggest fear, I would think ladders would be a good safety measure and maybe help ease your fears.


    I hope you enjoy your new home, once all the anxiety of the moves wears off you will probably feel more comfortable.

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