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Posts posted by Mom2GirlsTX

  1. I homeschool one and public school one. The reasons are many, but simply put I am doing what works best for each of my children. Now I still afterschool the one in public school, I loathe the math program the school district uses and keep her going on her Singapore Math.

    I did try (and it was a trainwreck) to homeschool the youngest this year, but we had so much frustration with it all, she went back to Public School where she has an awesome teacher and thrives beautifully. my oldest thrives beautifully in homeschool...

  2. Any local homeschoolers nearby who might let you listen to theirs? I really like the FLL cd, mine is about worn out and I might buy another as my girls still like listening to it now and then...

    The chants are at end, I believe it is maybe 5 or 6 of them, maybe more. One is spoken slowly, then next one is more song like...

    I wish you lived close by and you could listen to mine...I would say it is well worth the money.

  3. Oh, she is a good friend, she won't care! If I were you, I would start ironing and if I finished that, move onto the kitchen. A good friend will realize that you are busy but that you are still sharing quality time together....just have the ironing board up and the pile of clothes sitting beside it, have your tea and then as she is talking, just start ironing away...don't ask for her permission!:)

  4. Well, I do what Peek does. I keep dirty dishes in sink and load it myself, as the way dh and the kids load drives me batty.:D

    My kids look at the light and know when it is clean, however, I always set it to run before bed and they unload first thing in morning. Lately though, dh has been unloading it every morning at 5:00 am so kids don't have to...he is doing it to be nice.

    I would try those 3M brand things that attach to flat surface but don't scratch and attach a clean/dirty card.

  5. I used FLL thru 2nd grade with my oldest, then switched to Easy Grammar when she hit 3rd grade. When she started fourth grade, FLL3 came out and we bought it. It is very good but we have more skimmed through it, it is really good, wish it had been out when dd was in 3rd. Still I like the sentence diagramming in FLL3 so we are reviewing through it. I will use FLL3 with my youngest next year and then Easy Grammar 4/5 for her the year after that.

  6. My youngest dd is 8 and describes this same situation. She had brain damage as a baby, had several strokes after that and now has seizures and migraines. The migraines are new (yuck!)

    The brain fog sounds similar to abscense seizures to me, when your child can have small seizures without much outward signs. Of course it could be lots of other things, just saying that crossed my mind because of my own experience with dd.

    As she has gotten older she has had the hardest time to focus, she says her brain races and hurts and she can not get "her head to make sense".(those are her words). She was started on Focalin (5 mg) about 2 months ago and after a rough start of a few weeks she is doing fantastic....She wants the Focalin on days she doesn't go to school because she tells me that it helps her brain "see clearly". I was so anti drug, I hate that she is on seizure medication but that is a must so I hated the thought of an ADDHD medication...well I was wrong, it has improved her life a million percent.

    So the brain fog might be helped by some type of medication that helps ADD perhaps?? :)

  7. Hi there,

    I'm afterschooling my youngest who is 8. She is a very smart girl, but has several special needs (several strokes, has seizures, migraines) and is ADDHD.

    She started back to 2nd grade 8 weeks ago and is doing great in school. We afterschool, keeping up with Singapore Math and hope to start Sequential Spelling with her next year. She listens along to read alouds of history (SOTW, Childs History of the World) so the main focus for us is her math skills which are right on grade level and I do not want her to slip!

    I should say she has always been in public school, she was late starting this year due to severe health issues. Her older sister is homeschooled.

    I get alot of questions of why homeschool one and public school another and only answer I have is "I do what is best for each of my children individually" and what is best for her is public school.

    Like many of you, I'm so appreciative to have these boards, I have learned so much! Glad to meet all of you!:)

  8. I used to post on Accelerated Board a ccouple of years ago and have only visited once or twice in past year...their was so much spam on that board!:mad:

    my 10 year old dd is ahead in most subjects, with math being her nemesis, so she is on grade level for it.

    My 8 year old is just a typical kiddo, but has some special needs do to a head injury/stroke so she is gifted in some areas and behind in others.

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