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Everything posted by Negin

  1. For those who are watching the Netflix series.
  2. Comfort reads are what I'm trying to focus on more. I have a Good Reads shelf just for that purpose. When making that shelf, I never thought how much it might come in handy. I got "The Victorian Scrapbook" used on amazon. The kitchen calendar is so pretty. I think that I've mentioned it here before.
  3. Robin, thank you so much for thinking of my parents. You are so sweet. They're doing fine. We haven't seen them at all, other than on FaceTime. I drop off their groceries. They go on walks and go swimming, but practice social distancing. I hope that all is well with you, considering life these days. I read: A Victorian Scrapbook - 5 Stars - This book is an absolute delight. The photos and illustrations perfectly capture life in Victorian times. The narrative is engaging. I would love to eventually get the Christmas edition of this book. This makes a lovely coffee-table book. We are such fans. We have a big calendar based on the book in our kitchen and it’s absolutely gorgeous. My favorite quote: “Sit for one half hour every night at nine o’clock and mentally forgive everyone against whom you have ill-will or antipathy, even a pet. Mentally ask forgiveness and send it thoughts of love.” Here's a link to my Good Reads review to see sample pages. Nearness to God - 5 Stars - I’ve been reading this book off and on, more on than off, for almost three decades. It’s a book of Baha’i quotes to be read every day of the year, morning and evening. The quotes help to remind me to continuously try to be a better person. I wish that these types of books, Baha’i daily readings, would come back in print. I cannot understand why they stopped making them. My favorite quote: “Only in the remembrance of God can the heart find rest.” The Demon in the Freezer - 3 Stars - I love reading non-fiction that feels like fiction. Although this book was interesting, it didn’t blow me away nearly as much as Richard Preston’s other book, “The Hot Zone”. The subject matter (smallpox and anthrax) is fascinating, but there’s far more scientific details in this one, a bit too much for my liking. I think that this book would have been better if he had stuck to just smallpox. The back and forth between smallpox and anthrax was a bit distracting. I think that the anthrax part is related to the publication date, the early 2000's, during the time of the anthrax attacks. “Doctors generally consider smallpox to be the worst human disease. It is thought to have killed more people than any other infectious pathogen, including the Black Death of the Middle Ages. Epidemiologists think that smallpox killed roughly one billion people during its last hundred years of activity on earth.” Even though smallpox was eradicated more than four decades ago, the virus can be found in several labs around the world. The thought that it could be used as a biological weapon is terrifying. Some quotes: “Today, many adults over age thirty have a scar on their upper arm, which is the pockmark left by the pustule of a smallpox vaccination that they received in childhood, and some adults can remember how much the pustule hurt. Unfortunately, the immune system’s ‘memory’ of the vaccinia infection fades, and the vaccination begins to wear off after about five years. Today, almost everyone who was vaccinated against smallpox in childhood has lost much or all of their immunity to it.” “Smallpox is the one virus that can basically bring the world to its knees. And the likelihood of smallpox being visited on us is far greater than a nuclear war, in my opinion.” Here - 1 Star - Skip this one. Trust me. Based on all the stellar reviews, I was looking so forward to reading this one. The idea is unique. It’s a story, with very few words, of a little corner of the world, seen through billions of years from long ago to far into the future. The same idea was repeated throughout more than 300 pages. The art was unattractive and dull. I struggled with all the bouncing around of the dates. It would have been easier if it was chronological and not so messy. This was boring and a complete waste of my money. On the positive side, it didn’t take much time to get through at all – probably about 20 minutes or so. Blessings Beyond Measure - 4 Stars - This was the second time that I read this lovely book. It’s a book that would only be of interest to Baha’is. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars The book is fantastic. It’s not perfect, since no book is, but it’s definitely a favorite of mine. 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  4. It worked! It worked! Slache, your helpful and amazing slideshow worked! I've been on these boards for years and years and I finally learned something! Thank you!!!
  5. Trinidad, an island near us, with the most lovely people, but also a terrible crime problem. This video may not be appreciated by many. It's definitely regional and one that Caribbean people love. Thought to share.
  6. Thank you so much! This is so helpful.
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