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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Thank you for the thread, Robin. I read France is a Feast: The Photographic Journey of Paul and Julia Child - 5 Stars Sharing this image that I made yesterday with some help from my husband and daughter. I'm slowly learning all this and it's fun.
  2. Kindle books on sale today. Mystic River Let Me Tell You about Jasper . . .: How My Best Friend Became America's Dog
  3. Kindle books on sale today. That Distant Land The Queen's Gambit
  4. Robin, yes, good to hear that he's doing better. Continuing to keep everyone in my prayers.
  5. Thank you, Robin! I read Creators: From Chaucer and Durer to Picasso and Disney - 2.5 Stars
  6. Having read Bibliophile a while back, I thought to share some pictures of this gorgeous place in Tokyo. This is Daikanyama Tsutaya in Tokyo. It was designed "to feel like a library in the woods, Daikanyama T-Site is composed of three buildings connected by a central corridor known as Magazine Street. Each pavilion is clad in latticelike screens of interlocking Ts and low-emissivity glass, which reflects the surrounding trees. Inside, the Anjin Lounge is decorated with a screen by contemporary artist Masatake Kosaki and a bar and tables made of secondhand books. Readers will not only find rooms upon rooms of books - Japanese and Western titles covering food, travel, cars and motorcycles, architecture and design, art, humanities, and literature side by side - but also CD and DVD archives, and a stationery section that even includes quill pens. A second-floor salon specializes in vintage magazines, featuring more than 30,000 Japanese and international issues, mostly from the 1960s and '70s. The T-site complex also includes a lounge, a travel concierge, a toy store, a camera shop, a vet, and a pet hotel."
  7. Robin, thank you for the thread. I read Born Standing Up; A Comic's Life - 2 Stars (Just okay, nothing to write home about)
  8. Oh, and I thought to share this, since it's fully relatable to us all!
  9. Thank you for the thread, Robin. I miss autumn. I never appreciated it as a kid, since it always meant going back to school. Now that I live in a tropical climate, I miss it. I read King's Counsellor - 3 Stars and Lessons from Lucy: The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog - 5 Stars
  10. Robin, thank you for the thread, as always. I love your post. You described exactly how I feel about books also. I've also enjoyed a few Nancy Pearl books - "Book Lust to Go", etc. I read Big Little Lies - 5 Stars and I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes with Death - 5 Stars
  11. Kindle books on sale today! The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry Piranesi Do Not Say We Have Nothing
  12. Congratulations to both your daughters, Mothersweets! Thinking of you within the next few weeks. I've also become a bit more reclusive in the past few years. Kareni, I read this a few years ago and had mixed feelings about it also.
  13. Mostly speculation, I think. Mind you, many have been frustrated by GR, because of their customer service, as well as so many fake/paid reviews. I think people have noticed these changes since GR was bought by Amazon. My daughter told me that there's a site that a lot of people are saying is a better alternative to Goodreads. She's just getting into it and said that it's easy to transfer all our reviews/ratings over to that site. I haven't tried yet, but from what I hear, it seems promising. She says that one of the nice things about this site is that their recommendations are far better than GR. GR recommendations, as most of us know, stink. It's on my immediate list of things to do. My list of things is always growing!
  14. My daughter sent this to me. Yes, I've been posting my reviews on Good Reads for a few years now, but as someone pointed out, GR may not always be around. I often regret not having kept a book log, at the very least, of all the books that I've read in my adult years or even sooner. I'm starting to back up my reviews on Word. I haven't read all of the replies. If you don't have time to read the replies, just read the original post. It certainly resonated with me. A friend of mine wrote this: "I started keeping a simple Word document of titles only, separated by fiction, nonfiction, skimmed, and DNF. I write one line about each book. I'm so glad I started doing this! I don't think I could journal about them, though - so I keep it really short and simple."
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