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Posts posted by Dandelion

  1. Okay, I've got one.


    Altogether too much space in this country is given over to memorials of some sort. I don't see the point of cemeteries. The new graves are appreciated by those who directly knew and loved that person, and over time are abandoned. More and more land is given over to memorials. I would much rather have trees and open land that is free to be used by all. When I die, cremate me and use my ashes to fertilize the woods of northern Michigan.


    I agree - to a point.


    I honestly don't care what happens to my body after I die.  I think being cremated and having my ashes spread somewhere in the waters off the Oregon coast (one of my happy places) sounds lovely.  


    Memorials and cemeteries are for the living.  They're for remembering. And I think there's value in that.  


    I never knew my dad growing up.  My parents separated when I was 4 months old.  I never saw him after that, and I only spoke to him once on the phone when I was 11 years old.  That's it.  When I was 31, I located his grave site in another state, and I went to visit (in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska).  It was very meaningful to me.  I sat by his grave for a long time, cried, and said all the things I never got to say to him before.  This past summer, DH and the kids visited his grave with me. I'm glad it's there.

  2. There is such a thing as posting too much lovey-dovey-ness directed at your spouse/S.O. on Facebook.


    Every once in a while?  Awesome.  Glad you love and appreciate your spouse.  More power to you.


    Every day?  Multiple times a day?  You're trying too hard, and I now think you're full of it.  Give it a rest. 

  3. I cannot, will not drink wine out of a box.  It's just wrong.  I don't care how good it tastes (I don't know as I've never tried boxed wine).**  It just shouldn't be done. 


    **And yes, I have encountered boxed wine twice.  As much as I love wine, I chose to drink something else.  I believe it was water.   :tongue_smilie:  That's how strongly I feel about this. 



  4. They don't bother me.  They're pretty popular in our area, and there are two memorials that I drive by on a regular basis where I know the story of what happened (although I didn't personally know the people involved). I always remember those that died when I drive by.  Both memorials have been there for over a year.


    I do agree that it's sad when people don't keep up with the memorial.  A cross with a pile of what is essentially moldy garbage around it isn't a meaningful tribute.

  5. I don't know about anyone else, but if I type something, I forget it, but if I write it down the "old-fashioned pen and paper way," I remember it.


    I guess I'm just old. :tongue_smilie:

    It has nothing to do with being old. There's actually science to support that the act of writing things down by hand reinforces them in your brain in a way that typing does not. So there you have it. You're not old. You're welcome. :-)

  6. Here's a potential UO:  failure is not a bad thing. 


    We learn more from our failures than our successes.  I think too many people allow fear of failure to hold them back from pursuing their goals.  They come up with excuse after excuse about why they could never pursue their dreams - so they never do.  If they just faced their fear of failure and tried anyway, they might fail at first but they would ultimately be better off for it.  

  7. I thought I had allergies for years until I figured out that I was reacting to my facial moisturizer.


    My eyes would become irritated and start watering about an hour after I put on my moisturizer every morning. This was when I was still working full-time, so the timing just happened to coincide with when I arrived at my office. For years, I thought I was allergic to something in the building so I just resigned myself to that.


    After I quit working, I still had the same problem, so I knew it was unrelated to my office building. Around that time, I was reading about all the chemicals in many beauty products, household cleaners, etc. and started replacing various products with natural chemical-free alternatives.


    Long story short, when I replaced my moisturizer with an all-natural one, my eye irritation completely went away. The product I switched to initially (and still use occasionally) was a Derma-e face cream. Now I mostly use 100% pure organic jojoba oil (I buy the NOW brand at my health food store). I pay around $8 for a bottle that lasts me at least 6 weeks, so it's very cost-effective too.


    I use some natural make-up but haven't completely made the switch with make-up yet (doesn't seem to bother my eyes, and I haven't found natural replacements that I'm thrilled about across the board).

  8. I think too many big-name bloggers cater to the extreme. Either it's the "person who has it all together" or the "person who lets it all hang out".  I realize it's probably the extreme that gets traffic and brings in ad revenue, but where's the middle ground?  Give me a real person whom I can relate to, please.  :)


  9. Tee hee.  Should we mix up some drinks and wait?


    I'm drinking Disaronno on the rocks here (thanks to my mom and DH who each got me a bottle for Christmas - they know me well).   :D


    This thread calls for liquor straight up.  We're beyond mixed drinks here. 

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