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Posts posted by AndyJoy

  1. I think this book sounds awesome and can't wait to read it. I'm sick of being told that I'm wasting my life, intellect, talents, etc. by choosing to stay at home. Like this author, I'm not going around telling everyone they have to stay at home, but it's nice to have someone respect my CHOICE to do so.


    Sometimes it is hard to believe the virulent hate that gets spewed at women who make this choice. Too many people believe that if you choose to stay home, it can't have been an informed opinion--you must have been coerced or uneducated. I have a college degree and scored in the 99th percentile on standardized tests, so I really make these people mad that I'm "ruining our society" by not "contributing", especially since I don't have kids yet. My husband is a brilliant engineer, but he needs a lot of emotional support to do his best that I cannot give him working 40 hours a week outside the home. Neither of us would do our best for society if we both worked outside the home. We did that for a while and came home worn out, snippy, and unsatisfied. We didn't eat as well, we spent more time unwinding in front of the TV, etc. Now, I have a home-cooked dinner ready, he quickly unwinds, and we have the time (and energy!) to spend time together constructively.


    Her point about men thinking we're doing more because they hate housework is so true in my life! I've worked outside the home enough years to know that I would much rather be at home cooking, crafting, cleaning, etc. than have to deal with the junk he endures at work.

  2. Ooooh--I just remembered. If you can find/afford them, it might be fun to have some edible flowers as garnish or floating in a bowl of punch/lemonade. Pansies are a popular one, but here is a list of other edible flowers.




    I would get a tube of roll-on glitter so each girl can have some glitter on her face.


    The Dollar Tree near me carries fairy wings in various colors for just $1 a set.

  3. I love coming up with themed birthday party ideas! Here are a few. I may add more later.




    “Pin the fairy on the flower" Draw a poster (or use clip art) of a flower. Cut out fairy clip art and play like "pin the tail on the donkey."


    â€Magic flower†Have everyone sit on the floor. Have the birthday girl leave the room. While she is gone, have the girls decided amongst themselves and pick one person to be “it.†Using an artificial flower, tap “it†on the head. Call your daughter back into the room, and hand her the flower. She will “magically†be able to tell who was “it†while holding the flower. The trick is that you will be sitting in the same position as “it.†If she scratches her nose, shifts, etc., you will mimic each move until your daughter figures out who it is. Play several rounds. Once another girl thinks she knows how it works, let her try, but don’t let her tell the others! I don’t know how old the girls are, but I’ve played this successfully with quite a few ages. If they are younger than 8 it may be hard for them to figure out how it is done.


    “Fairy Freeze†Played just like regular freeze tag, except you must dance or skip rather than run.




    Make wands using ribbon, small bells, artificial flowers, etc. It’s even cooler if you can find natural sticks rather than using dowel or plastic rods. I would use hot glue for this and your fairy dolls.


    You can make a fairy magnet/art clip. Have the girls color paper coffee filters using washable markers. Then, gently dampen the filters so the colors run together. Dry flat on a paper towel. After they are dry, fold them accordion style and then glue them inside a wooden clothespin. Glue a magnet on the back. On cardstock, have each girl draw herself as a fairy (minus the wings) The coffee filter makes the wings. Glue the cut-out picture to the front of the clothespin and you’re done! If you have a digital camera and a color printer, you could take a full-length picture of each girl and cut that out instead of having them draw it!

  4. The dr. said my uterus feels like I'm at 8-9 weeks, which matches my dates. He said my uterus is tilted back, but this is a "normal anomaly." (how's that for an oxymoron?) After talking to my mom, I found out where I got it, as she was told the same thing. Everything looks good and I'll go back in a month for another visit and my 1st ultrasound! I'm waiting to tell non-family IRL after that visit, as I lost my first pregnancy at about 12.5 weeks.


    As an interesting side note, my dr. pretty amazing as he's 85 years old and has delivered 8,000+ babies!

  5. My public school used Touch Math in 1988 when I was in first grade! Until about 5 years ago I still sometimes fell back on it when adding large columns of numbers. I also had no problems memorizing my math facts by using "Mad Minutes."

  6. When I was a teen, my best friend and I used to jokingly make up acronyms for charities like BAANC (buy Andrea a new car) or FMCE (fund my college education) whenever we heard about someone soliciting for something personal and unnecessary.


    I don't, however, see anything wrong with asking grandparents to help fund an experience (piano lessons, camp, etc.) rather than buying more stuff for the kids. Stuff passes away quickly, but experiences build memories that last a lifetime. My parents are completely on board with this, as they know I have saved a lot of toys for kids already.

  7. Well, my parents are very supportive, but I think I cheated!:D I announced at 19 that I was going to homeschool, pre-boyfriend, pre-marriage, pre-kids so they had lots of time to get used to it! At first my mom was a bit skeptical--warning me that it wouldn't be easy, it would take lots of dedication, it should be treated as seriously as full-time job, I shouldn't let my less-favored subjects slip, etc. Over the past 8 years, however, she has gotten fully on board. She's seen the degeneration of behavior at the rural Christian school at which she teaches and totally understands my issues with it. Also, she has thought of all the possibilities and even said she probably would have homeschooled if she had known about it!


    My in-laws, however, are going to take more time. My SIL is a former public school teacher and her husband still is. I think my FIL is on board, as he trusts dh and me completely, but MIL is skeptical. Fortunately, she isn't comfortable saying anything contradictory outright to me, so I've been planting the seeds! When we are together, I ramble on about various benefits or things we'll do when we are homeschooling, and she listens and kinds of glowers but doesn't argue. Hopefully I'll win her over by the time my kid (6 weeks pregnant!) is school age.


    By the way, my SIL has already taught her 3 year old to read and teaches high school English to homeschoolers in her home, so she may be a possible convert!

  8. Well, since the people responding are mothers, and the question was whether they could see THEMSELVES leaving their children, I think your question is kind of tangential. They seemed to be vehement that they would never leave their children, not that they couldn't imagine it happening--since several people pointed out they had seen it happen.


    I do think it is more shocking when a woman leaves her kids for several reasons.


    1. She bore them from her own body.

    2. Presumably she bonded with them from birth--probably more intensely than dad.

    3. Mothers tend to be fiercely protective of their kids.

    4. Mothers tend to be nurturers.


    Anecdotally, I've known 2 women who've left their kids. Both women were friends and decided they'd had enough of their responsibilities, found new men at a bar, and skipped out! One left 5 kids ages 3-15 behind and the other left a 4 year old and 1 year old. In both cases, the oldest was from a previous marriage.


    I'm sure it has happened, but I have never known a man who walked out in such a dramatic fashion. Sure, I've known men who divorced, but it wasn't them running out--it was a long-time-coming divorce and they still wanted to keep the kids. I've never known a man who announced that his wife could just keep the kids as these women have done.

  9. I think word processors can be SET to automatically space for you, but can be left to default like a typewriter as well. I just tested in both Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007 and it DOES NOT automatically change the spacing.


    I'm only 27, but I learned to type on a typewriter and will never give up my 2 spaces! My 25-year-old husband is with me on this, though he learned to type on a computer.

  10. My 7 year old ds knew this one but for some reason he was having a really tough time with it ROFL...

    In front of my hubby's anti homeschooling family, my son couldn't come up with the answer to this question.. "What do 3 quarters equal?" he was stumped. When my dh told me that I felt so ashamed Noah couldn't answer that question. He knew it it he saw the actual problem on paper... but not in real life. It was odd, and totally embarrassing.


    Don't feel too badly--I had a 12-year-old student in Christian school last year who couldn't tell me how many quarters were in a dollar! I was trying to show him that he didn't need a calculator to divide 100 by 25, but evidently he did!

  11. When I was 20 mo. old, I called my both my grandmothers "Rack-ack" and both my great-grandmothers "Mack-ack." For some reason, my dad's very precise mom decided this was unacceptable. While my mother was on the phone with my dad (for about an hour, as he was deployed), my grandmother took me into a back room and taught me to say "grandma." She evidently kept at it over and over until I gave in and was very proud of herself, though my mom thought she was ridiculous.


    Somehow, it was "adorable" when my little sister called grandma "Bom-Bom" however! :001_huh: I blame the cute blonde curls for helping her get away with it!

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