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Everything posted by KYHokiemom

  1. My son read through each one and discussed them with dh and I. DD9 is reading the first one now. I have found that there are great discussions to be had about Harry's choices, the presence of evil and darkness in our world, etc. I think it depends on the child, too. My son is the first born - very black and white about right and wrong and always wanting to discuss and a very advanced reader. I do not regret allowing him to read them at all. Oh, and we are conservative Christians that try to prayerfully consider these things! I have good friends that are also Christians that disagree. I don't think it's a black and white issue. HTH
  2. I still can not taste anything except for salt. I think it must be a rxn to the sulfa drug that I had such a bad rxn to and not the prednisone. Anyone lose taste and regain it? How long did it take? It is really a bummer to not taste anything.... Thanks.
  3. Anyone lose taste completely while on prednisone? I am being treated for an allergic rxn to sulfur antibiotics on day 8 of prednisone and weaning off in 4 more days. Everything tastes like cardboard. Honestly - not during summer icecream months! :tongue_smilie: Just wondering when my taste will return.... TIA
  4. I found a stack of Saddle Club books at a used sale. My daughters (9 and 6) are very interested in horses right now. Any opinions about the series? Thanks.
  5. So, are your children at grade level or below or thriving? DD8 seems to have hit a wall. Are your dc in any kind of therapy? I guess I'm trying to grasp if this is a LD with more needs or just a bump in the road. Thanks.
  6. My dd8 has had articulation issues and started speech therapy this past August. She would also mix up syllables in words and she skips words often, if not always, when she reads. I thought she was just reading too quickly. She has a lot of difficulty expressing what she is thinking. I always thought she was just my quieter, soft spoken child, but now I am wondering if she just can't get her words out. As our reading selections have gotten longer (but definitely not past grade level), she seems to struggle more with comprehension. She just doesn't seem to grasp the reading even when I explain it to her. I'm just not sure if something is wrong, if it's my teaching or if I need to switch around curriculum. She loves to sing, but is very quiet in her choir class and struggles to keep up with her peers with pitch and lyrics. Another side note - she also picks at her fingers a lot and seems to be in her own world. Anyways, any insight would be really appreciated. Just wanting to go down the right paths for dd's sake. TIA
  7. I appreciate your encouragement! Every year I try to slow down in December and every year I still feel rushed. I will simplify the houses and enjoy the fellowship!
  8. I am planning on making a house for each child to take home. I think I will go with the graham crackers. I had in my head baking the houses, but not for 28 children!
  9. OK - so tell me that I am not a failure for not baking the gingerbread from scratch....
  10. Did you use milk cartons or just build them with the royal icing?
  11. I am hosting a gingerbread house decorating party and have 28 children coming!! We are splitting the kids into 2 groups at 2 different houses, but I am wondering if the Saturday I have set aside to make houses is enough. Any advice for recipes and patterns that would be simpler to make? Any advice is greatly appreciated! TIA
  12. Looking for some creative ideas for my 10, 8, 5, 2 year olds to enhance their understandings of Thanksgiving.
  13. I just bought 2 mp3 players a couple of weeks ago for dd8 and ds almost 10:001_smile: from Staples. With the rebate, they were $10 each! My husband knows more about all technical things, but they are sufficient for our kids. HTH I can check on the brand later tonight if it would help.
  14. My husband wants to take my 10 yr. old ds on a special trip for his birthday. Anyone know of interesting things in the Chicago area? My son LOVES legos, star wars and Brian Jacques novels (Redwall). He also is involved in scouts and is interested in the outdoors. We really want this to be a special time. Thanks in advance.
  15. What have you all used for a bible curriculum/ reading for your 2-3 year olds? We are using a John Piper study in sunday school that has basic concepts for each week, but I'm wondering if any of you have found a step by step bible reading with activities that you have enjoyed. I am coming from a reformed pca background. I have just read through children's story bibles in the past, but would love some activities to pair with that. I'm finding many younger moms :001_smile: who have their oldest child at 2 yrs. old (while mine is the youngest of 4) asking me for advice. Thanks so much for your thoughts.
  16. My dd5 (the 3rd of 4) was saying letters and sounds at 3 and reading 3 letter words shortly there after, then she just wasn't interested. She is now 5 1/2 and reading at an early 1st grade level. My 2yr old just LOVES words. When I read a book about colors to him tonight, he sounded out the color words instead of looking at the pictures. It's just his thing! I really believe that every child is different. My oldest is now in 4th grade and is reading at an 8th grade level (and I'm underguessing this.) He didn't really read until he was 6, though. His comprehension level is post secondary. Sometimes I think he comprehends better than me! I don't want this post to encourage anyone to push their child. They all read at their own pace. I just want to make sure that I am being responsible with my 2yr. olds gift. Thanks for all of your thoughts. I will continue to let him be excited and immerse him in language!
  17. My ds turned 2 this past April and is fascinated with letters and words. He knows his letters, sounds and vowels and is now piecing together 3 letter words as of this past week. Anyone else have this with their dc? I am not interested in pushing him, but want to encourage his skills and desires. He is starting on the Bob books, too. He is the youngest of 4, so I guess all of the reading that goes on in this house is rubbing off - literally! Any suggestions or thoughts would be great!
  18. I switched from SOTW last year to MOH. I wanted more biblical backing to our history study. I really like how MOH roots itself in the bible and gives a broader picture of history. However, I really prefer the SOTW format. I ended up supplementing a lot from SOTW for maps and activities. I love MOH for it's timeline, too. My kids 2-9yrs. loved making the people each week. The writing, though, was more difficult for the kids and better for an older student. I am finishing up MOH 2 this year and have MOH 3 on my shelf. I want to start American History in the Spring and am undecided on which direction I will take. HTH blessings! SOTW pros MOH pros format - easy TM biblical focus map study excellent timeline activities great for grammar age good narration practice geared to younger - grammar age geared to older grammar/ logic
  19. After using FLL 1, 2, and 3, I haven't reserved my FLL 4 yet and like the look of the Easy Grammar. Is it as rigorous and thorough? Any thoughts are very much appreciated. I have also considered R&S. I already am using WStrands for writing. Thanks.
  20. I plan to take a mile or so walk in the morning with the kids. It will help me to be ready to get to work and the kids will get out their morning wiggles. Then, the kids are ready to sit and do their bible copywork before devotions. And, yes, I'm a big believer in good old fashioned fresh air!
  21. Is it available online through PHP? I don't see it on their website. Thanks.
  22. I have 4 children: 9,8,5,2 and would like to set up a learning room where we do the majority of our schooling. It is not a large room and I have bookshelves spanning the length of one side - they are already close to full! This is where we will do our seatwork/ copywork/ art projects/etc. We migrate around the house for reading. My 2 year old has a couple of the low shelves full of puzzles/ coloring books/ plastic animals, etc. I have a 4 seater table in the middle of the room and a computer table in a corner. I feel pretty crowded when we are all in there. I would also like bookshelves that are more organized.... Any suggestions for how to make this room function for both my 9 year old and also for a toddler who loves puzzles in a small space? Maybe this is just a fantasy - an organized learning center....:lol: Hope that make sense!
  23. I just ordered Physics I. I needed a confidence boost! Thanks.
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