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Posts posted by Embassy

  1. I know there is often concern about misuse of tax dollars. Why do we seem to have such a hard time with a person on food stamps buying something we wouldn't spend money purchasing? Is it because it is in front of our face at the supermarket?


    In reality the amount spent helping the poor is nothing compared to the amount our governement spends helping the rich. Why don't we get into a tizzy about that?

  2. ???


    When I worked a rural route there was NO excuse for not delivering the mail. If I couldn't do it, I had to find a replacement. I was a contractor, not a CP employee but sheesh...


    It had the be the week I was expecting a big cheque too. Apparently, they no longer have temp workers to fill in if someone is sick or something like that. I live in a big city too so the lack of mail surprised me.


    First question: Is it normal for kids that are advanced in reading to not be advanced in listening comprehension?


    Second question: I am confused on what to do. If I keep her in this program, she will be struggling with the listening comp.... Then I worry about future years - will she be struggling each year b/c she is so young? Should I hold her back a year to allow her listening comp to catch up, still allowing her to learn in math and reading?




    I don't know if it is normal, but I have a kid who reads much better than his listening comprehension skills. He doesn't have a problem when he reads aloud, but his difficulty is in listening to me read aloud. If a book really catches his interest he can listen without difficulty to a chapter book. Other than that he has difficulty with chapter books. He does listen and comprehend well with picture books. BTW, he didn't really start demonstrating the ability to listen to chapter books until this school year (age 7 now) and I have tried to read chapter books to him since he was 3.


    I would just go with a program or method that deals with each skill separately. We don't use a reading program so I have my son read books aloud to me on one level and I choose chapter books/picture books to read to him on another level. He is asynchronous in other things as well.

  4. I gave my dh a Myers Briggs a week or two after I met him and was shocked when he came out exactly the same as I did. (Just some getting to know you fun:tongue_smilie:) I found out later that only 1% of the population had that specific personality. Anyway, I always wondered about that standard opposites attract idea. It wasn't so in our case.

  5. The difference is, if you are speaking from a non-Reformed point of view, Sancitification is something that is seen as something that happens "after salvation" has occurred, rather than a continuing process of "being saved". Those that see it differently, well, maybe they are on their way towards something else ;)


    And then there are some non-Reformed Protestants who believe justification and sanctification are a done deal. They believe the righteousness and holiness of Jesus are continually imputed to them. They view the Christian walk as working out who God already made them to be and not as a process toward sanctification or salvation.

  6. I'm going to be using Mr. Q's Life Science program for my kiddos (gr. 3 and 4) next fall. Can ya'll suggest some videos that might correlate with this program? Preferably available online for free or really cheap (checking out from the library is not an option). Bill Nye is too expensive and I don't know if the Discover and Do DVDs really would correspond to what they'll be learning in this course. Help?


    I have some botany ones listed here http://eclectic-homeschool.blogspot.com/2011/05/botany-study.html I'm also putting a zoology study right now with lots of videos. I hope to have it finished in a month. Bill Nye is available to watch online. You can watch them here.

  7. I know many of you have recently finished a school year or are about to finish a school year. I'm looking for fun ideas to incorporate into the last day of school. Our last day of school won't involve any formal work so I'm looking for some celebratory ideas.


    Someone gave me the idea for our first day of school activities. We had a box day where new school books were wrapped as presents. We also had first day of school pictures and played games together. The opening of presents was a hit. So I'm looking for some ways to wrap up our school year and have another hit on my hands;) Any ideas?

  8. Why some homeschoolers go the other route? They think they can beat the work needed to learn by repetition spaced over time: Learn it in one group of lessons clustered together (mastery approach).




    Math skills build upon each other. Once you learn it you keep practicing it through more difficult math tasks.

  9. So Zinn's book is viewed as liberal or the left point of view?


    Zinn said that he wrote the book (adult one) to tell parts of history that are often left out. I guess I want to know why certain facts of history are relegated to a political viewpoint. I read Zinn's book recently and learned of events that were never included in history books I had in school. I'm not talking about what he thought of the events, but the events themselves - the actual facts.


    Is it the WASP thing as Crimson Wife mentioned? If it isn't pro WASP or European it is liberal?


    I'm raising 3rd culture kids and I find this all baffling.

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