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Posts posted by Embassy

  1. Well, I would say at first glance it seems like overkill... but on closer inspection I think it is fine.


    A few of your choices are easy to spread out, to treat almost as unit studies, and just generally use as needed.


    You have spelling, grammar, handwriting, vocab, lit. and lit. analysis, and writing and copywork. I think you're good. :D You might feel the need to supplement or change things at some point, but I can see it as finding a peice to fit into your puzzle- not a whole new puzzle.


    I like it... and I personally like quite a few of your choices anyway.


    Thanks for your perspective:001_smile:

  2. I am considering using these for my son next school year. Some of them we are already using and will continue using.


    Grammar and Handwriting: Finish CLE 4 and continue with CLE 5 for grammar and handwriting only

    Spelling: Rod and Staff Spelling 5

    Vocabulary: Excavating English and Caesar's English

    Writing: Jump In, Killgallon Sentence Combining for Elementary School, and Killgallon Story Grammar for Elementary School

    Literature: Figuratively Speaking and read alouds of classic books with discussion

    Reading: Selection of classic books


    Anything here overkill? Am I missing something? I'm not concerned with finishing everything on this list in one school year.

  3. We ditched:


    MCT LA - Island level. My son hated it and wasn't learning well with it. We switched to CLE LA for grammar and he adores it. We changed to Jump In and Killgallon for writing and Vocabulary from Classical Roots for vocabulary (not going to stick with that one).


    Sequential Spelling - Neither my son or I liked this one. I switched to Rod and Staff Spelling and he loves it.


    Explode the Code online - Didn't fit my computer loving son at all. It wouldn't always count responses correctly and a mistake could mean that you had to repeat the whole exercise. He didn't learn well with it either. We switched to Rod and Staff phonics which is okay.

  4. I've been posting about this a lot, but I thought this header might draw more people in :) My rising 4th grader has done a reasonable amt of science, and now I'm adding a 1st grader to the mix. For first grader, I am thinking of Nancy Larson 1. But older has already covered most of what's covered in NL 1. Part of me thinks, "so what? review is good!" but DH feels that older shouldnt have to "go backwards" in science (his fave subject) but rather should go be able to continue to learn new things, recognizing that review and deeper investigation will begin in 6th grade with Earth Science.


    How have others approached this situation, assuming you didn't do a hands-off, child-led approach to science in the early years but chose to do something more formal?


    I separated my boys. They are only 2 years apart, but my oldest was a science nut and my youngest wasn't too interested in science. We covered the same subject and did any activities, DVDs, and experiments together but they used different books. I put together my own science program. If you want to see what I'm talking about you can see how I separated them here. That said, I am combining them again. My younger son has now caught the science bug.

  5. I don't like religion. I really don't. I grew up in a religion and stayed there until my mid 20s. It doesn't seem to matter what kind of religion there is they all seem similar. They all have a set of rules one must adhere to in order to be right with God, the universe, have a good life next time around, or have good luck. I was on that treadmill. Maybe some are happy to stay there, but some are not.


    I found the peace that comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. I got off the treadmill and was enraptured with the gift of His perfection. It wasn't about me and what good I was able to do that made me good, it was what He gave to me that made me perfect in His sight. Maybe some would consider that religion. I know religion and I know what I have now is very different.


    So my point? Not everyone is happy in their religion. Some may be happy staying as they are - as their family is - as their culture is. Some will gladly forsake family and culture to know peace. I forsook my family and my culture to know peace and although I am now an outsider within my family and the culture in which I grew up I have no regrets. So yes, I will gladly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to those who have never heard. Someone told me and for that I am extremely grateful. Thankfully, some have no issues with their family or culture.


    In my perspective I don't believe I should sit back and do nothing because proselytizing is unpopular. There are people out there discontented and looking for what I have found. It isn't so easy to hear the message of Jesus in some parts of the world. If you have a computer with internet access you may find out if you are searching, but only the rich in the world have a computer. If you have a TV or radio you have to tune in to the right station at the right time in order to hear. If you can read you have to have the right book or papers put in your hand. When preaching is done in those far away countries people aren't held hostage. They come to hear what is said out of interest or curiosity. They don't have to stay or come back.


    I do subscribe to the philosophy that why should anyone get to hear the good news 5, 10, or 1000 times when there are people out there who have not heard once? As for the pictures they are representative pictures depicting the culture. I have pictures like that in my home. I have a book full of pictures of different people groups too so I don't have a problem with them. I love having pictures of people of different cultures. It would be difficult to learn about or appreciate the differences without any pictures. We have found (at least in our home) that we can appreciate the differences and enjoy other cultures while at the same time inviting people to get off the treadmill and rest in what Jesus has already done for them. Some people choose to stay on the treadmill. While I don't believe the treadmill goes anywhere people are free to do what they want. I do believe people have the right to choose though.

  6. I'm saddened and maybe even sickened by the rejoicing I have heard. I get that he was a terrorist, but he is a human being. I can understand feelings of relief, but I've heard so many "whoo hoos" and seen pictures circulating of lady liberty with an image of OBL's head hanging from her.


    We (yes, I am an American) are not guiltless. We act like we are the good guys and we are out to save the world and in the wake over 60,000 civilians have been killed in Iraq and half of Iraq's children are orphans. We threatened to bomb a country back to the stone age if they didn't help fight al-Qaeda. Those things turn my stomach too. So much killing :(

  7. Why can't we help them without trying to convert them? Why can't we just care about them because they are part of the human race and not some unreached "heathens" who need to be converted..... and oh yeah, helped?


    I think it works both ways. Some Christians help those in desperate poverty and preach the Gospel while they are assisting. Some go to areas that are unreached to preach and bring help to those in poverty. Most of the unreached areas of the world are in desperate poverty. Some Christians go and help the poor and don't preach at all too. But I think many Christians believe that what they have to share goes beyond food, clothes, safety, health, education, and shelter.

  8. Thanks! Say, when are you doing Earth & Space? :lol: We need that for next year! :D


    LOL! I don't think we will ever do space. That is a constant around here. But I do plan to cover Earth Science the year after next. I'm working on our Zoology study now and then I'll be getting our Physics/Inventions/Technology study done. It is a lot of work pulling it all together, but my boys LOVE doing science this way.


    We just finished one on the human body though :) I have it posted here.

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