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Posts posted by mama27


    (Bolded mine) and it is really sad. I read so many "my kid is advanced" and "what can I do with my advanced K'er or 3yo" posts it makes me want to puke. It's almost like you aren't a good hser if your dc are not ahead or advanced in some way. My dc are all perfectly normal, and I am okay with that. Every once in a great while I have a niggling doubt that is my 7yo is not ready for Algebra in 5th grade we will be failing. However, that feeling is passing and I remind myself that they are how God made them, they are only little once, and Algebra in 9th grade used to be the norm. Or maybe I am just old. :)



    I must be old too because I am actually refusing to start anybody in algebra before high school.

  2. A lot of these reasons are why i stopped reading TOS. Every singl issue is filled with pics of women with long hair and dresses and articles about things that don't have a darn thing to do with homeschooling.

    I used to read some secular magazine years ago but most of those articles were very unschooly and hippyish??? and I couldn't relate to that either.

    Now, I just read here and a few other boards. For free.

  3. I don't see too many young men or boys named Dick, I agree. But I see no need to pretend it's a dirty thing to be named Dick. I confess to having shopped at Dick Blick for art supplies and watched Dick Wolf shows and reading Dick King-Smith books to my kids. Erm. I also sing "Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?" with my toddler almost daily. My older kids have never called a cat "pussy." I do not refer to detectives as "dicks," and I do not think I could eat that dish called spotted dick. It would remind me of that awful thread about smegma.


    I am not pretending it's a dirty word but it IS used as slang for a male body part and they go to church with ps kids and somebody there would tell them just to make ME crazy.

  4. Why? It's a name still used today. Rick van Dyke? Oh wait, Dyke is troublesome too. Rick Wittington? Rick and Jane. Just doesn't sound right? And you're going to have a time of it avoiding all the gays and queers in classic children's lit (not to mention Dicks), and the asses in British children's lit.



    I know. I just take things one day at a time around here.

  5. Mrs Piggle Wiggle! It's the story where the kid won't let anyone play with his stuff and MrsPW has him label each of his toys "Dick's ---", so you really get a lot of it, too! We listened to this on tape, so no Rick for us! Ha ha


    I found a really funny poem for Hunter once, that was just so inappropriate, in a vintage reader, but I can't for the life of me find it. So sad.





    Hunter posted



    "I know what you are,"

    said a little boy.

    "You are a toad.

    The chickens do not know you

    They have run away.

    They think you are queer.

    I think the chickens are queer.

    They will not play with me.

    They run away.

    I am not queer, am I ? .

    I am a boy.

    Boys are not queer.

    Boys like to play.

    Do toads like to play?

    Will you play with me?

    Do not run away, little toad."


    And I replied with


    The Boys by Oliver Wendell Holmes


    Yes, we're boys,—always playing with tongue or with pen,—

    And I sometimes have asked,—Shall we ever be men?

    Shall we always be youthful, and laughing and gay,

    Till the last dear companion drops smiling away?




    That's it!! Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle!


  6. My 10 yo ds is like this and really, the only thing that makes ME not want to lose my mind is I just do what I have to do and if he takes forever, it's his problem, not mine. For instance, we do science and history together, well, if he is on math problem 3 and he's been there for 45 minutes, he can just go back to it when I am done with him. What has also worked for me, is only doing the stuff we do together Tues and Thurs. Then M, W, and F, the kidsa do their independent work: math, writing, reading, state coloring book, president workbook. I do NOT sit with him because I don't have time, he's one kid of 5 that I ams till homeschooling and my parents wlive with me and I just do not have time to sit with him and tell him to focus all day. So if it takes him an hour to do something that his 9 yo brother who is dyslexic can finish in 10 minutes, then that is his problem, not mine. Some day, he will learn. Or not. lol

  7. We have 6 more weeks of co-op. I was thinking about ditching ALL subjects except those we do for co-op. Do some fun math puzzles, plant our garden, find some new recipes to try out, pick a new read aloud that is fun, check out the new science "experiment packs" that our library just got in, go on a hike, do some nature study, etc. But what about my high school kids? My evaluator is very laid back (an unschooler herself) but our school district is getting cranky (and very particular) toward homeschoolers. I've been reading The Writer's Jungle and would like to just focus a bit more on developing a love for writing, start a family newspaper/letter, etc. Fun stuff. Thanks for the feedback. Anyone else? :)




    here in ps, high school, they block scheduling. they only do algebra for the fist half of the year, for example.

    even in college they dont always do every subject all year long.

    so say you are doing that.

  8. I am guessing most posters here feel pretty strongly against unschooling (anathema?) but I'm wondering if anyone has truly considered it? This is probably the wrong place to ask but thought I'd try as you ladies always have a lot of wisdom and insight.


    I see a lot of posts about how to motivate our kids who are just not.doing.their.work. I don't want to be in the position of fighting with my kids to do work all the time or being their main motivation and having to stand over them and harp on them about it. I want them to WANT to learn. My main goal for them is to be independent learners.


    I have naturally fallen into more "unschooly" tendencies during periods of survival (new baby, early on in pregnancy, moving, etc) and I am seeing many potential benefits, mainly regarding the independent learning issue, which is our main goal for them, anyway! I am wondering if this is so bad after all. I have never been a radical unschooler (nor will I ever be), but during these times I require the 3 R's and...that's about it. Everything else they learn is from books, documentaries, talking about it, etc.


    None of them have lost their love of learning. They are all SUPER curious. My younger children beg me to let them work on workbooks and "do school." My oldest will fight me about her math but that's probably because it's the only subject I require that she hates.


    Just wondering what the general consensus is on this. Again, I do realize where I am asking this question. :)




    i really believe unschooling can work for some children. i have a friend whose kids will read a book about say...greeks, then, ON THEIR OWN, research ancient greece, learn to read greek, write and perform a play, etc.

    my kids, otoh, would barely listen to me reading, let alone do the other things.

    so, i say, if you kids are curious and willingly do things on their own, go for it.

  9. :banghead:


    I'm going to assume someone from Winter Promise will eventually read this. So, with that in mind, here goes:


    Dear WP:


    1. You don't get to charge me up front (and, presumably bill my credit card) with the promise to refund afterwards. That's not okay. Get better online ordering software. I have NEVER run into this kind of billing silliness before. Never.


    2. Many, many companies offer free (or discounted) upgrades to all former customers without having them pay for the privilege. They do it because it makes customers like them and spend more money at their business. Stop trying to squeeze your customers for all they're worth. It does nothing to endear your customers to you and as a business endearing customers to you is your raison d'être.


    3. You have to spend money to make money. You need modern, flexible billing software - even if it costs a bit up front. You need automatic downloads. If you had those two things, this thread wouldn't exist and potential customers (and their $$$$) wouldn't be driven away. You also need to stop being so generally tight-fisted. Your fear of being scammed is costing you money. (Good grief, multiple passwords for a curriculum someone has already bought?! Oy.) Seriously, if you were willing to be more open and flexible with your customers people would like you more. When people like you they buy things from you. Total win.


    4. It's not that I don't care that you're a small family-owned business. I think home businesses are great. But, that's not an excuse to be anything less than professional at all times. Occasional mistakes are inevitable, but policies and procedures that force customers do the heavy lifting are anything but professional. Stop doing that. You can work with a mentor from SCORE for free. These are volunteers who absolutely love working with small businesses.




    you should put this on their facebook. or yahoo group.

  10. My 17 yo just started a cosmetology school in Feb. She worked through the previous summer to graduate early but didn't technically graduate till March 8. They (and we) are still waiting on out homeschool association to send her diploma.

    She just applied like anyone else. I googled the names of the local schools, the cc, and even the ones where students in certain high school (not in our county) can go to vocational schools. My dh and dd also visited 2 of the schools. I also googled the yearly tuition.And we asked cosmetologists we visited what schools they attended, what their opinions were, etc.

    We wound up choosing a cosemtology school instead of the other routes based on price and intuition, really. She did get some scholarship money and the rest is financed. The school is about 2 grand cheaper than the local cc would have been. Plus, the local cc required other courses and she was not at all intersted in doing more math or public speaking or english (composition). And she will graduate from cosmetology school in a year instead of 2.

    She LOVES it there and is very happy. This will be her 7th week and has already learned more in 6 weeks than a girl she knows from church who is attending the vocational school for the same thing.

    Since you have so much time, ask around, talk to people, shop at local beauty supply stores, and find out what real people think. All the schools will say theirs is the best. :-)

  11. Thanks Jilly,

    I did ask on their boards & after searching their website & reading the FAQ someone responded there saying "a few days" so hopefully the Easter Holidays won't hold that process up. The $10 fee does stand, all though you can waiver it but then apparently miss out on some bonus stuff, of which I don't know until the downloads come so I can read the information.


    Had really hoped the ebook thing would be a little more automated especially when dealing with credit card or paypal. My husband sets websites/shopping carts up like that for people so I know it can be done & always get a little frustrated when it's not more automatic. Anyway, here's hoping we both have them SOON :D




    You may have to email them and ask for it to be sent, that's what I had to do and there was no holiday at that time.

  12. Thank you for the encouragement! I love the contract idea! They are not allowed any electronics now during the school day (I do allow the iPad for my oldest as his books are on it but I caught him doing anything but work) they do break the rule and hide in the bathroom with their iPods! Really!! Then they want to play the rest of the afternoon and nights. They do not have much going on in outside activities as we are in between them right now. Keep the ideas coming I may be able to make Tito the end of the year yet?


    Got a trusted neighbor or friend you could give the ipods to? Maybe get real books instead sinec he can't be trusted?

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