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Posts posted by mama27

  1. Exactly. And by default just because another family does not do everything they deem "right" does NOT mean those kids are doomed for failure. Kids from all sort of families succeed, and kids from all sorts of families fail. There is no 1 size fits all recipe. But within certain subsets of the population, like homeschoolers, it is truly believed that there is. The situations I find hilarious are the ones when you are looking at the family thinking "really? you think my kid is not good enough to hang out with your kid?" because we are doing it all wrong and that kid barely has a 2-3 grade education at 14, no job, no extracurriculars(outside of church at least), very isolated etc, and you think your kid is better than mine? Why don't we let the kids decide for themselves who to make friends with and outside of illegal actions stay the heck out of it with our own preconcieved notions of who is good enough. I know someone like that irl, we used to be good friends when the kids were young, as they grew she deemed my family inappropriate because we vaxed, ate fast food, had a tv and played video games, the kids go to activities outside the church(and cadets being one of them sent her over the edge), She didn't like her son to hang out with my girl, said a girl suitable for him would not dye her hair, wear makeup(which mine seldom does anyway of her own choice), would not be choosing to jeans and combat boots or cowboy boots, nor heels with the dresses etc. Having either of my daughter's ears pierced meant I was encouraging them to defile their body and would teach them to do so in other ways and her son would pick up on it etc. She is one of those ones that did bf well past a typical age (as in he 4 and 6 year olds still nurse and her 9 year old only weaned last year) and thought I was a bad mom because I allowed mine to have pop on occasion at those ages etc.


    My kids are not perfect, no one is, only time will tell how things play out. But as they are growing and maturing I am seeing that they are still reaching the dreams I had for them, dyed hair, video games, crushes and all.


    The thing I don't get with the excluding of other homeschoolers due to superficial crap is that ultimately we are all trying to do what is best for our kids. If we weren't we wouldn't be homeschooling, or have family rules etc at all. I just wish that more people would trust their kids to have some sense and allow them to choose their friends on their own. If we were still excluded fine, I actually wouldn't feel badly about that at all, because it would be the kids deciding on their own who they want to spend time with. It is that looking down the nose, assuming everyone a little different is not good enough crap that ticks me off. Why not teach discernment rather than discrimination ya know.




    My 17 yo has 2 piercings. Lip and belly. The belly got infected but the lip didn't. I don't know if it's the location of the piercing or what. It may be since it's always covered and isn't exposed to air. It wasn't badly infected, just need Neosporin for a bit. That was my only real concern for the piercings, was for her health.

    She also wants a tatoo for her 18th birthday. I am ok with that also. She's a good kid. Reads her Bible everyday and actually does a better job of living the Word than a lot of other poeple I know, myself included. My 13 and 17 yo are the only ones in the youth group that read their Bibles daily. Even the pastors kids don't. I know because the YP has asked that question a lot and they are the only ones who answer yes.

    They've told me quite a bit about how the other teens act, the way they talk to each other and about each other and to my kids. Granted they ARE the only homeschooled kids in their group but most people are not homeschooled so they kind of have to learn how to live with this, kwim?

  2. Exactly. And by default just because another family does not do everything they deem "right" does NOT mean those kids are doomed for failure. Kids from all sort of families succeed, and kids from all sorts of families fail. There is no 1 size fits all recipe. But within certain subsets of the population, like homeschoolers, it is truly believed that there is. The situations I find hilarious are the ones when you are looking at the family thinking "really? you think my kid is not good enough to hang out with your kid?" because we are doing it all wrong and that kid barely has a 2-3 grade education at 14, no job, no extracurriculars(outside of church at least), very isolated etc, and you think your kid is better than mine? Why don't we let the kids decide for themselves who to make friends with and outside of illegal actions stay the heck out of it with our own preconcieved notions of who is good enough. I know someone like that irl, we used to be good friends when the kids were young, as they grew she deemed my family inappropriate because we vaxed, ate fast food, had a tv and played video games, the kids go to activities outside the church(and cadets being one of them sent her over the edge), She didn't like her son to hang out with my girl, said a girl suitable for him would not dye her hair, wear makeup(which mine seldom does anyway of her own choice), would not be choosing to jeans and combat boots or cowboy boots, nor heels with the dresses etc. Having either of my daughter's ears pierced meant I was encouraging them to defile their body and would teach them to do so in other ways and her son would pick up on it etc. She is one of those ones that did bf well past a typical age (as in he 4 and 6 year olds still nurse and her 9 year old only weaned last year) and thought I was a bad mom because I allowed mine to have pop on occasion at those ages etc.


    My kids are not perfect, no one is, only time will tell how things play out. But as they are growing and maturing I am seeing that they are still reaching the dreams I had for them, dyed hair, video games, crushes and all.


    The thing I don't get with the excluding of other homeschoolers due to superficial crap is that ultimately we are all trying to do what is best for our kids. If we weren't we wouldn't be homeschooling, or have family rules etc at all. I just wish that more people would trust their kids to have some sense and allow them to choose their friends on their own. If we were still excluded fine, I actually wouldn't feel badly about that at all, because it would be the kids deciding on their own who they want to spend time with. It is that looking down the nose, assuming everyone a little different is not good enough crap that ticks me off. Why not teach discernment rather than discrimination ya know.




    ***Having either of my daughter's ears pierced meant I was encouraging them to defile their body***



    Genesis 24:22


    New International Version (NIV)


    22 When the camels had finished drinking, the man took out a gold nose ring weighing a beka[a] and two gold bracelets weighing ten shekels



    I guess Rebekah defiled her nose.

    And I suppose the year Esther spent in the kings palace she was being made more beautiful she sure did not wear make-up! Or do anything tpo her hair that was unnatural. rolling eyes


    And I'm sorry, it's just gross to bf your 6 or 9 year old! EW!

    Sounds like you are better off anyways.

  3. I think Twilight fails as literature, but there is some redeeming qualities in it, though you have to get to the very end of book four to see it. But I approached the books purely as fantasy. I remember reading an interview with Stephanie Meyer where she mentions that mom's come to her book signings and say "I want my daughter to marry a guy just like Edward" and her response is "Please tell me you're joking!"


    I wouldn't consider it literature either, just something to read to escape my own reality. I spend most of my days teaching my kids so when I'm not, sometimes I just want to read something that I don't have to think much about.


    I am fine with LOTR and HP because, while violent, there is a very clear good-triumphs-over-evil message. Twilight might not have as much violence (at least in the earlier parts), but Bella is a passive pawn to a manipulative Svengali. That is definitely NOT something I want my early puberty DD exposed to, KWIM?


    Somebody told me one time that awful 50 Shades of Gray started out as Twilight fan fiction, and I have to say that I wasn't surprised...




    I have seen the first HP, a couple LOTR, and all of the Twilight with my teenage daughters. Amazingly, they all think Bella is dumb and Edward is ugly. lol The movies were entertaining, we were with friends, it was fun. We saw it and went on with our lives. Nobody here is ibsessed with anything like that.

    I didn't know that about 50 Shades, although from what I do know about those books,that's not surprsing.

  5. Are you serious? Please tell me you are kidding. First of all, the message in LoTR is completely different from Twilight. I have read both several times and seen a couple of the Twilight movies. I've never known anyone who stopped their kids watching Twilight because it was scary. But a whole lot of people agree that it is not appropriate for kids to watch something where the only moral is to do anything humanly possible that is beyond stupid because you're in love with a dangerous killer and you, in essence, want them to kill you. NOTHING LIKE LOTR!!!!!


    No, they LIKED LOTR but not Twilight, I assume for the reasons you just stated. But, IMO, LOTR, is way darker than stupid Twilight. Or Harry Potter. That was the other "bad" one. HP is evil and LOTR is not. According to them.

  6. I sort of exclude myself to avoid being excluded. I feel this way about many other women, though. Not really sure if it's a HSing thing in particular.


    I get people telling me about groups of people who are homeschooling, but I never meet them. I had one friend tell me about a coop that became a school or something, and I found their website and they have all these rules that irritated me, including a dress code for parents and rule against lunch boxes with cartoon characters etc etc. Even though I wouldn't violate their policies, it annoyed me. I have stayed far away.


    And, while my husband was chatted up at a swim group by another dad, his wife wouldn't make eye contact or say hi to me, and her mom or MIL cut in front of me at the showers. ha.


    I have had my homeschooling relative avoid talking to me about homeschooling. Does that count?




    Dres code for parents????? What's wrong with cartoon characters??????

  7. . Yeah, and the only time she wears a dress is in her heels which oh my goodness I may as well let her dress as a hooker because she wears a 1.5" heel. People are weird. (or at least they think we are)




    My 13 yo dd wears heels all the time, sparkly dresses as often as possible, make up, but still thinks boys are gross. lol

    I really don't care what people think. I allow my kids freedom such as dyeing their hair blue. My 17 yo has just graduated and has had every hair color imaginable, except orange, and is starting cosmetology school tomorrow. What if we hadn't allowed that? She may not have found her calling or whatever.

    I don't want my daughters main goal in life to be to have a husband and have babies. I want them to do what GOD wants and I don't believe that His only goals for females is baby-making and being a wife. Of course I HOPE they get married and have babies but what hapopens if they don't? Should I raise them to feel like failures if they don't meet Mr. Perfect or can't have children or really don't even WANT to have children?

    Plus, we have a daughter who didn't date till she was 17, then we did the whole not allowing them to be alone thing and at 18 she rebelled totally, ran away, and married him and a year and half later, is estranged from us. I truly believe this is because she was sooo naive that the first guy that came along, she belives everything he says. We were and are not super strict, controlling parents, but this guy is very controlling and mentally instable.

    I have seen other families, who were waaaaay stricter than us, no tvs, not even mixing girls and boys together in youth groups at church, and their kids rebel, have babies unmarried,do drugs, estrange them selves from their whole famileis, etc.

    IMO trying to raise your kids as if the real world of Ipods and dating and video games don't exist is setting them up to not be able to deal when they are suddenly thrust into situations where they don't know how to cope. Of course these same problems exist in ALL families but a lot of homeschoolers are under this misguided impression that if they do everything "right" that somehow their kids will turn out perfect and guess what? They will not. They will sin just like every other human being and a lot of those sins will be big, huge, life-altering sins.

    Sorry, this is a major pet peeve of mine!


    That has been true in my daughter's short life. She is regularly excluded because she's not in a particular child's school group, or she plays the babyish My LIttle Ponies, or she still likes fairies - or she plays Minecraft - a BOYS game. She doesn't like most of the books and tv shows the other kids play/watch...so it's an uphill battle for her and a pain in my heart.




    BUT when she is an adult she won't be a sheeple! She will be HERSELF (hopefully) which is waaay better than going along with the crowd.

  9. Oh ds14 would love a Halo shirt, he wears his modern warfare shirt all the time. As far as video games go I think our boys would get along, ds rarely finds homeschooled kids who are even allowed to have a tv in the house let alone be allowed to play video games.



    Where we used to live none of the homeschool families we knew would alow their kids to watch Twilight but LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Lord of the Rings. Those LOTR movies have some VERY scary characters in them. Creeeeepy!!!! I have never understood that.

  10. Yes. Because you know my kids just aren't as good as other people's kids and they just aren't as friend worthy because they aren't a certain kind of Christian. Sorry, this is a bee in my bonnet right now.



    My kids are wilder than most of the other homeschool families I have met and we don't dress and live as if we are living in Little House on the Prairie (which I LOVE, btw! lol), so we don't fit in with other homeschoolers.

    A lot of the ones I have known dress their kids in clothes that look as if they came out of Goodwills clearance bin, even though they drive cars and have bigger houses than mine, to try and make a somber, conservative outward appearance. And their kids will walk quietly through Walmart without breaking the line or speaking a word while mine are climbing the shelves like monkeys.

    I used to envy that till I realized that I am actually ok with my monkey/children and God made them spirited. Well, most days I'm ok with it. lol

    When we moved 3 years ago, I tried meeting homeschoolers, thinking that it was just the previous state we lived in but it was the same with the ones I met or rather SAW because none of them actually spoke to me.

    So, we got involved in a church instead. A small one that amazingly has like 5 ps teachers and only ONE gives off anti-homeschooling vibes. Since we joined 2 other families started homeschooling but we only see them in church. I have decided that enough socializing because we seem to ALWAYS be doing something there.

    I don't think homeschoolers are any different than any other human. There are cliques everywhere and people tend to gravitate toward those they are comfortable with wether it's for religious reasons, outward appreances, race, whatever. And it's really not a bad thing. For example in our previous state a lot of homeschoolers are VERY into 4H and my kids hated it. What would we all have in common? Not much, really.

    Other families were very into grinding their own flour, not vaccinating, and breast feeding till the kids were 10 or whatever. (NOT putting anyone down here) We vaccinate, I hate cooking let alone grinding my own flour, and was a total failure at bbreast feeding beyond 2 weeks. So, again, what would I have in common with them? Not a whole lot. Really JUST homeschooling was our only commonality.

    I think it's more important to find one or 2 families you can be close to even if they happen to be related to you than to try and fit in with a group. No one really fits in with a whole group, IMO.

  11. Here is a link to a group that is not H S L D A that has information on the topic. You can also subscribe to their email list etc. This seems to offer a longer explanation, explains how it would to go through legislation, and doesn't make an assumption about how you are supposed to feel about it, but politely asks you to read the actual legislation and if so inclined to call whoever. An even keeled, informational site, IMHO.




    If this has been posted before, I apologize. I prefer sources that don't tell me what to think and tell me what to do, but sources that give me the information and ability to do what it is I think is right in an informed fashion.


    I have no Idea who Brannon is, and why he gets pointed out, but there are 3 other people on this legislation. It also looks like 2 have likely dropped their support for the bill.


    <Disclaimer: I do not live in S. Carolina, no dog in the fight, just dislike fear mongering propaganda in any form. If I lived in SC I would likely be against this, if I knew what it was about or cared. >


    <Caveat: I am not a fan of HS L DA in general, mostly for this sort of way they present many things, so take my opinion with whatever grain of salt it requires.>



    Thanks. I was just trying to find a link that had as much unfo as possible and that's what I found first.

    Brannon deals in family court (child abuse) and basically has said that homeschoolers don't have any accountability and "they" have no way of tracking us in case of abuse.

  12. for an outside teacher than they do/would for yourself?


    This is where I am at right now. It seems that all of my dc would work harder/better with an outside teacher (ps) than they do for me. I feel like all they do with me is argue, dwaddle, mess around with each-other, try to cop-out of the work, on and on.


    I am very sad. I would hate to put them into PS next year, but sometimes I wonder if I'm being selfish by keeping them home. I would miss them so much. Sometimes I feel like I could be a better mom to them if we were not together 24/7. Then, sometimes I think not. Sigh...is anyone with me?




    Yes! Ugh! I know some of my kids would work better for someone else and the reason I don't put them in ps is because that would not solve the problem of them learning to respect ME and their daddy. We wou;ld STILL have behavior issues with them, only then I would have ps attitudes and stuff to deal with.

    Plus, ew!! We'd have to wake up SOOO early and get dressed!

    No thanks!

    No, you aren't being selfish. If it wasn't academics, they'd give you a hard time about something else. It's just part of parenting.


    I am very interested in this program, and think it might shore up some skills for dd12. I think I am going to order the first level and see how it goes. Can you share your experience with this? Do you feel like it is a stand alone, or do you use something else as well?


    Thanks so much,





    My 13 yo dd has been using this but almost every time he teaches a concept and my dd does it his way she gets the problems wrong but when she does it her way, she gets it right. On not just on one concept, this has been happening. Because of this I'm switching her to MUS but I'm bummed because I really like a lot of the things he teaches.

  14. So, it's 2 p.m.


    We haven't started school yet.


    My kids are in a VERY rare fit of getting along. Playing collaboratively. Being quiet. Getting ALONG. Did I mention this is rare? - as of late, anyway.


    Yesterday was our first day back to to school since before Christmas. We are getting further and further behind as the days go by. Behind what, I'm not sure, but between DH being off work and illness we started about two weeks later than planned.


    But, they're playing SO NICELY together.


    But, we NEED to do school.


    It makes me feel like crying because I do not want to mess with their current mojo. Seriously. Crying. It's so much easier to say "OK, time for school!" when they are fighting and need to be distracted from each other.


    I'm enjoying them playing nicely. And honestly, I'm enjoying not being called every 2 minutes. "Mom this, Mom that, Mom can I, Mom will you, Mom, Mom, Mom." They are keeping each other entertained!!!!!






    I'd leave them alone. That's what I do when my kids actually play together without making me insane. They did this the past Tuesday.

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