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Posts posted by AStableBeginning

  1. Have you seem ZomeTool? I first encountered them at a conference for profoundly gifted children, and immediately bought three different sets:)

    My hubby's colleagues in the Uni chemistry dept often play with them, ahem, model chemistry concepts. There are sets for anything you can imagine. Even a bubble component:)

    There is so much you can do with them, and lots of room to grow.



    Thanks for this tip. I had never heard of these before. I just bought the creator 3 set for my daughters 13th birthday.

  2. For the survey subjects of social studies and science, we use things that I have pieced together, so I decide when it is complete. :)


    We keep working on math until we finish the text and then we go on to another book. We only stop math completely when we go out of town. For LA this year we used several different components. When these are done, ds will have a brief break. We break several times during the year, so he will probably never have an extended break in the summer. Reading doesn't stop.


    I will stop our school year science and social studies at some point so that ds can do something of his choosing. When I decide we are finished with our survey subjects, ds has already decided that he wants to do the MBtP book study on A Wrinkle in Time and the coordinating space science.






    We end our year on March 31st and will be taking two weeks off for convention and family visits. Then we start the MBtP study above over our summer break.

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