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Posts posted by Jamee

  1. Both my boys are very excited about writing their books, even my 1st grader, surprisingly. (Since he's barely reading, this should be interesting.) We're currently working from the workbooks and they've been very eager about those. In fact, they keep asking me today when we'll be doing characters--it's Saturday! They're very creative boys, so I'm curious as to how this will turn out.

  2. You handled it very well and properly. It reminds me of a college situation that wasn't handled well. My SIL was a reader for a class, and I think upper division at that. When she came across a page that was copy/pasted and took it to the dean, they didn't do half as much as you did! Such a shame on all counts.


    DH had issues with his students plagerizing in their LA class to the point that not only did they just copy/paste, but they kept the hyperlinks in too, in color! When the teacher confronted student and parents, the parents said since it was on their computer, it wasn't plagerized.:banghead: Why on earth are teachers not doing their jobs! I'm sad that the teacher here is now off to a different school, she was fantastic.

  3. From what I've seen, the family made several 911 calls before they finally responded when the neighbors called. Before putting blame on the fire department, were they even aware of the call before they showed up to put out the neighbor's fire? Did they show up finding the house fully engulfed only to realize then that nothing could be done?


    I do agree that this policy is just WRONG and I hope the media attention brings changes. I had heard that fees could have been added to various bills to ensure coverage, but weren't. Why on earth not?

  4. That would be great! I think it would help to see that others are interested in writing too, and share their ideas. I'm going to start the workbook on Monday.

  5. I printed out the elementary workbook yesterday and LOVE it! What a great resource. Has anyone come up with schedule to follow for completing it? I'd like to do it as a project for October before DS writes his novel. Since he's not a prolific writer, I think the work book would be a great way to work him into it, without it being too intimidating.

  6. Hmmm, I've just been trying to figure this out myself. We're still trying to get through SOTW1 and it seems to be going so slow. I've been thinking of trying to do a chapter within two days. We do history three days a week, so this should help us speed up some. DS loves history and the ancients at that, so it's not a big deal. I'm just anxious to get to book 2 since that is my specialty.

  7. DS got his out just before he turned 3. He was a constant snorer and snored louder than anyone in the family--he even snored when awake. He had also gone nearly a year with no milk, since he'd get so congested at night, it caused him to vomit. From the day he got his tonsils and adenoids removed, he has not had any more problems. It was an amazing change in him and he had no ill-effects from the surgery either.

  8. Another tent camper here! we just did this this summer. Didn't go to the Tetons, but visited Yellowstone and several other National Parks. We stayed at KOAs pretty much the entire trip and had a fantastic time. We had a tent that was big enough for air matresses that we blew up with a pump that connected to the car and were ready in minutes, so it was really quite comfortable. As for when to go, I think the snows come early so late summer would probably be the best time to go. We were in Yellostone in early July and it still got down into the 30s.


    Have fun! It's a fantastic experience.

  9. We are only homeschooling while DS is in a particular elementary school that we have some real issues with. Right now, our plan is for him to enter middle school next year. If it happens that we're still here when it's time for DS2 to go to the school, he too will be home schooled. Otherwise, we have no plans to continue. It's been good for him though. He loves have such a variety of subjects, which he should get at the middle school too. We'll see.

  10. You can send pretty much whatever you want! I used to LOVE sending care packages to DH and just pesonalized them for him with things I knew he liked or would have fun with. When my cousin was in Iraq during Desert Storm, I always sent him brownies and cookies and usually a Far Side book since I knew it was something he liked. He and his friends loved and appreciated the thought. The first package I sent to DH was during the holidays, which is his favorite time of year. So I got a stocking and filled it with candy, cookies, coloring books and crayons and Hot Wheels--he collects hot wheels. The coloring books were more of a little joke. Anything you send will be appreciated.

  11. 1 is too young,


    I'd have to disagree with this. Sure they won't remember, but their expressions and excitment was somthing. Both our boys went before turning 2. The oldest was just before turning two and it was so cute. The youngest, we took at six months and he was so mesmoraized by everything. By his expressions he loved it! Sure, they couldn't ride everything, but there really aren't that many rides that have restrictions so it wasn't a big deal. We can't count the number of times we've been to the parks and each time is a different "magic" than the time before.


    I was actually happy with the stoller years too, we had something to haul all our stuff. Our next trip will be the first strollerless for us.

  12. We went to the Luxembourg Military Museum last Dec. when we did the Battle of the Bulge Memorial Walk and they have a huge display of the foods soldiers had from WWII. There were several unopened cans of Spam and the tour guide told us they could still be eaten and taste the same if opened today. ICK!



    My dad is a Spam fanatic, but it was not allowed in the house for this reason alone. His dad had had TOO much of it durning the war.


    As for the HH, it's ok, but we just come up with stuff on our own. And cheese, we only eat good chedder here, so whenever the boys saw the individually wrapped American while we were back in the states, they kept calling it "fake" cheese. (they did agree that it was great for grilled cheese though.)

  13. They need to start failing kids again. It doesn't take kids long to realize that they don't have to do anything, can just sit there and mouth off. DH had a heck of a time with his 8th graders when he moved to a new school. They knew they were going to high school no matter what they did/or didn't do.


    As far as tracking goes, I haven't seen that in years either. I know for me, it helped keep me challenged. I remember those reading groups in elementry school. Now, in the schools I've subbed in, I don't even see them doing reading the way they used too.


    Something needs to be done to give ps kids more accountability. As my mom has observed over the years, teaching high school, it's gotten worse and worse as to what the kids think they can get away with and what they "deserve."

  14. I didn't like Lord of the Flies and told my English teacher so. She snarkily told me I was too young to read it (so why was it assigned?) So I told her I'd read Les Miserables and enjoyed it, and she looked impressed. So ner. :tongue_smilie:If she'd been cleverer she'd have said I wasn't supposed to like it. I could recognise it as important literature, but that didn't mean I found it enjoyable.



    I've taken pride in having gotten through high school not having read Lord of the Flies. ewww.


    Love, Love, LOVE Les Miserables, unabridged too.:D that's one I've been meaning to read again soon.

  15. As a Math teacher I much rather see a student take Algebra 1 as a 9th grader... the year of maturity makes a HUGE difference...


    If for some reason the student feels the need to double up so they can work Calc in high school-- Geometry and Algebra 2 the same year is very possible.


    Just a note--MANY MANY students who take Calc in high school NEED to repeat it in college... instead of rushing just to get Calc on a transcript--I rather see students slow down a bit and get a SOLID FOUNDATION-- getting through Pre-Calc with great understanding will NOT make your student look inferior at all!


    There are VERY FEW college majors that really like to see Calc 1 on a high school transcript-- most are just as happy with Algebra 2 or Pre-Calc as the highest level of high school math.


    :iagree:My mom is a retired high school math teacher and agrees that the push for Algebra by all in middle school is not a good thing. If that is where your children are, then that is where they are. No need to rush them into something that they're not ready for.

  16. Have never liked John Steinbeck, HATED Moby Dick, I don't think I made it past the first couple of chapters. I had high hopes for Last of the Mohicans, especially after Daniel Day Lewis, but that was another sleeper. Oh, Call of the Wild. Didn't like that either, but may have to give it another chance--I went to college in Jack London country, but had been so tainted by high school, I just couldn't bring myself to try again then.


    I too am another who liked Outlander, one of my favorites, but do agree the fifth book was difficult. And I'll even admit that I'm enjoying Love, Pray, Eat. Yes, the Pray part was rather slow going, but Love was right on as far as Italy went and I remember.


    ETA: Absolutely REFUSE to read or watch anything that has to do with Twilight.

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