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Kay in Cal

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Posts posted by Kay in Cal

  1. We like Spelling Workout, but ds is a "natural" speller. He misses few words, and we only do a number of exercises equal to the number of words he misses--oftentimes we do the pretest, he gets them all, and we move on to the next chapter. Once he's covered that, he knows them and generally gets 100% on our review tests. I like that it is easy easy easy to implement, and that his spelling in personal writing (emails, etc) has improved overall. BUT I really think this wouldn't be the program for a truly struggling speller.

  2. Well... I work full-time, and frequently from home. I've spent this afternoon making a bunch of church phone calls, and my boys are running somewhat crazy as I've been heavily involved in a two-church parsonage negotiation.


    Is there an age at which children stop misbehaving the second you are on an important phone call? Or asking if they can play video games (or some other thing they no you will say no to, but be unable to discuss)? Ugh!!!

  3. We rent, and I fix things all the time! If I "let" my landlady pay for things


    1. She complains, delays, and we wait indefinately with no plumbing/ac/etc. I can get someone to come TODAY.


    2. She puts in the cheapest, shoddiest fixtures she can. Recently our old kitchen faucet broke (largely because it had a cheap plastic housing). I decided that to spend over $100 on her house wans't in my budget right now. So she did have someone replace it--with another cheapo fixture, round handles you can't tell if they are turned, no hose attachment, and it will probably break again in 2-3 years. We pay $2100 a month rent, so yeah, I kind of resent her attitude--we've even had 2 electric fires since we lived here since her dh, now deceased, used to do all the wiring himself!


    This is why we put in a new thermostat (with a timer! the old one was all manual) and toilet seats (with metal attachements! wow!), etc. etc. And I do upgrades outside all the time--put in a sprinkler system, etc. That isn't "necessary", but it sure saves me a lot of time and effort.


    If you really want to pay for things, I might talk to your renter. But to "call a lawyer" seems a bit extreme.

  4. As I'm typing this and thinking it through it occurs to me that maybe the only thing weird is that anyone even cares what other people's children call their parents.:confused:




    My younger son calls us "mama" and "daddy", but my older ds generally calls us by our first names. He has occasionally started calling me "mama" (copying his younger brother), but always calls dh by his name. We never taught him to do this, taught him "mama" and "dada" as a baby--but by the time he was 2 he was calling me "Kay" and dh "Doug".


    I can't tell you the number of times that he has been corrected by church members or total strangers--"Don't call your mother that! You need to be respectful, she's "mommy" to you!" I usually say, "I don't mind him using my name, thank you." Now that he is older (6!), we get this a lot less, but still occasionally. Mostly I think people just assume that dh or I are his step-parent, but when he was little... sheesh, folks like to be busybodies!

  5. Yep... it weighs you and calculates your BMI based on the height you enter. You can have that info locked with a password if you don't want others looking at it... though they would have to intentionally go look for it, it isn't floating above your Mii's head or anything.


    I don't know how it will work long term, but I just finished 30 minutes of exercise, and I worked up quite a sweat--I did several balance exercises, several aerobic exercises, and a couple of the strength training exercises.


    My favorite so far is the balance one where you tilt your body to make the balls roll through the holes... fun! For aerobics I'm enjoying the step and the hula hoop most. My boys are busy racing each other on the 2 person run (you need to have 2 controllers for this).


    So far so good!

  6. A couple of quick ideas, though not a curriculum:


    1. This catalog has wonderful resources that follow the liturgical calendar: https://protestant.creativecommunications.com/index2.php

    They have a catholic site as well, but I linked the protestant. They sell nice little devotional booklets for various seasons, etc. Fun to browse!


    2. Online you could always follow the liturgical calendar at:


    This is a site used (I would guess) mainly by preachers. They link the selection of texts for each week with a whole slew of commentaries and resources. It might be fun to follow along the readings at least, and it always notes when a different denomination varies from the Revised Common Lectionary.


    3. Have you thought about attempting to follow the hours as a devotional practice? Not sure if I've seen anything for kids, but I love these: http://www.amazon.com/Divine-Hours-Prayers-Summertime/dp/0385504764/ref=pd_sim_b_2

    These are seasonal (I have them all) and there is a pocket edition available that is MUCH smaller and portable (these are big hardbacks!).

  7. Lol! We lucked out... my dh took the kids to the mall to spend some birthday gift certificates they were given. They walked in Game Stop to shop, and dh asked if they had any Wii Fits. Nope.


    They shopped for 20 minutes or so, and the guy went to the back... because a truck was pulling up. They had a huge pallet of Wii Fits on the truck, and he received them and pulled one right off for us. All in the timing! But I do think that they are starting to ship out the second wave to stores...

  8. I went to a mix of private and public schools. It was not until I was a junior and senior in high school, taking AP classes, that I enjoyed my coursework. Most of the time I was bored silly and missed a lot of days of school (I bet I missed 20% of my schooldays) and still breezed by with excellent grades. I did not want this for my kids.




    This is a great description of my experience as well. I want my kids to have the kind of education that I really longed for, and never found until I went to college. Luckily I did a lot of reading on my own, but it still didn't make up for the time, the seemingly endless time, I had to spend dozing my way through years of pointless classes.

  9. I believe that children who learn to read "naturally" do use sort of a whole language method. I've never done systematic phonics with my older son and he was reading at 2. We did teach the names and sounds of letters, but the rest of it he put together on his own. I remember being given the advice that he should have to work his way through a phonics program regardless of how well he read, but after a thwarted attempt at the beginning of PP, we simply skipped it. He reads fluently even when reading aloud--no whole language skipped word syndrome here! The words that stump him are generally ones that would stump anyone who had never heard them pronounced--recently he said the word "chassis" (which he picked up in his reading) as "chas-iss" instead of "chas-ee". Someone who learned phonics might easily make the same mistakes, and we simply correct him when we hear a mispronounciation. He spells easily and well.


    My younger son is just beginning to read at 4, and we are starting phonics with him, so it's not that I discount phonics. He clearly has different strengths and may very well need to learn more phonics before he can read fluently. I just don't think they are necessary for all children--and one of the wonders of homeschooling is that we can do what works for our child, regardless of how others might fare with the same approach.

  10. I do spend time in the sun, but I cover up or I BURN. Every summer we go on vacation and I spend full days in the pool. My boys and my dh tan, I burn and peel. If I'm very very careful and stay in the shade, use sunscreen, wear hats and generally hide from the sun, I just stay white without that irritating red phase. I wish I had been so wise in my youth--I'm covered with freckles from years of insufficient sun protection.


    I have auburn hair and a very pale complexion. "White as a ghost" just about covers it. Actually, while I don't really look anything like my avatar, we do share the same skin tone...

  11. My 4 year old does this! I don't think it's an age thing (my 6 year old can scarf up sugar if it is offered!).


    In fact, yesterday we went out to lunch. Both boys requested a kid's chocolate shake--a big treat! We said fine. Younger son drank about 1/3 of his (it was in a small cup--so maybe 1/2 cup worth?) then ate his lunch. Then threw up his lunch on his plate. As soon as it happened dh and I looked at each other and said "Too much sugar!" We don't have sugar at home a lot, so it had been a while. Candies, cookies, cake--these have much the same effect. Luckily we don't eat a lot of those things. Sugar free popsicles are our usual dessert.


    Should we have him tested for diabetes?

  12. Wow! Now I feel strangely guilty... there isn't anyone else who sees a movie most every week? My parents don't see many movies anymore, but I remember seeing a matinee every Sunday after church, and I remember my mom talking about walking to the kid's movies and spending all day there in the 1950's. My inlaws see at least as many as we do, probably more since they can see the "grown up" movies without worrying about childcare. Guess we're just weird!

  13. We used to see 1 or 2 movies a week BC (Before Children). And it has only been recently that they have been old enough to see kid movies, so now we've become "child appropriate movie" afficionados--though I think my boys like action/adventure stuff more than many kids I read about here. So Narnia or Spiderwick was OK, though I would guess that many kids might find it scary...


    Anyhow, pretty much if we CAN see it with our kids, we do. After four years or so without seeing many movies, it really feels like a luxury.

  14. I figured she was his wife or girlfriend from the future (his personal future, that is). My other guess was that she is a future self, who has introduced herself to him--but can't Dr.'s only regenerate 10 times or something?


    We love Dr. Who! Though I'm already missing Torchwood... sigh.

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