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Posts posted by Philothea

  1. Thank you! I feel better now. She knows that he cannot have colors, but she did not think it was a big deal since it was not 'an allergy'.


    We never feed anyone's kids without asking what they can eat, because there are so many food issues out there. Maybe she can keep him all day if she feeds him colors again :D, no I could not been mean like that.


    I would be annoyed. But not everyone understands health and nutrition, with these things some people can't get over that they should not be fed to kids and some just don't believe there are side effects.


    I cannot get my mother to stop buying those horrible fruit snack for my kids, no matter how many times I tell her.

  2. Is this sarcastic? I am asking isincerely.


    Children never need a SPANKING but I agree that some children's behavior screams for discipline.


    Slapping a human across the face is never acceptqble, particularly a minor one.


    That is one opinion.


    But I support a parent's right to discipline how they see fit. From harsh to hippie styles, it's really not up to me. I just think the "Nellie Olsens" of this world need a good swat on the rear but I could care less if they get what they deserve. Just don't ask me to baby sit!


    Parents tend to overlook the faults of their own children because it reflects on them, even to the point of defending their children's bad behavior.

  3. I've observed that the children who needed the spankings the most, were the ones that were never spanked.


    I thank both of my parents for spanking me, I needed it and deserved it, every time. And when I got older and overstepped my boundaries, I am glad that my mother gave me a slap across the face to put me back in my place. Actually, she should have spanked us more, we never respected her when she didn't.

  4. We're going to rent until we get more of our debt paid down. There's no way we could afford at the current prices, but they are cheaper in NH!


    I'm so glad to know that I would not have to file until next year. I could definately do the CAT test!


    I was feeling a little overwhelmed about it, but this clears up one roadblock.

  5. LG-- The best books that I know of, and wish I had not packed, is The Story of the Church. I believe that one could easily incorporate it with TWTM. You could either read each chapter yourself and break it down for your kids, I think you could read it aloud, but I don't remember if it would sound dry.


    I read it in high school to give myself an overview of Church history. I think there may even be questions and activities, like timelines at the end of each chapter.

  6. Was "be thankful for what you have" supposed to be "Thou shalt not Covet thy neighbor's goods"?


    That is hysterical.


    On another note, I recently bought the update version of Fr. Lovasik's Ten Commandments. Um, the Sixth and 9th Commandments are not appropriate, with the new editing, for my children to read. I'm going to either have to buy a different book or an older edition.

  7. I see it as an attempt at a rude comment that just doesn't work. I want my kids to belong to the Catholic Church, because in that way they will belong to God and hopefully save their souls.



    when I taught ccd, I threw out the weekly "Visions" magazine they gave us. I told the kids they could use it as TP, build a hat or whatever else because it wasn't Catholic.


    We used the good old Baltimore Catechism and studied the foundation of the Church. Each one of those kids can still tell you where the Bible came from and what council detemined the canon of the books, as well as the year. These programs having no oversight works really well, in some cases :)

  8. I just saw a new book that came out, at Costco. It was called something to the effect of "Martha Stewart's Cooking Classes" (I cannot remember the name).


    But I did flip through the book and I think this would be useable as curriculum. If I remember correctly, it goes over how to make stock and basic things like that but that it also contains recipes that utilize those skills.

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