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Posts posted by Philothea

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong but is it true that the "sedevacantist" movement holds that Pope Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Pope Benedict were not/are not "true" Popes (nor Catholics) and are instead heretics and not legitimate successor of Peter?


    And the Papal seat has thus been "vacant"?


    This rather confirms my suspicion that the head-scarf issue runs deeper than one might expect on the surface. And that it can be a mark of schismatics or "Traditionalists" or "Sedevacantists" (pick your term).




    They aren't schismatics, it is lawful and acceptable to not accept a papal claimant on resonable grounds. But most of the other stuff you have resonably correct. Except for the headcovering issue, headcovering is the norm not the exception for all Catholic ladies, despite their standing on the crisis. It is the ones who don't cover their heads who are making the statement.

  2. When I attended the novus ordo service I would cover my head and I stuck out pretty bad. I didn't care though, because headcovering in Church is indiciative of belief in the Blessed Sacrament and the presence of God and His angels.


    I go to the SSPX and other sedevacantist chapels and they all expect women to cover their heads, most of the time a head covering is provided. Doing so is does not mean that you agree with their response to the current crisis of faith. It would be considered gravely disrespectful to have an uncovered head in a (traditional) Catholic church even if you did not share the beliefs. We requested that all women cover their heads at our wedding.


    If I were attending another person's church for a wedding or funeral I would follow all of their passive participation customs, such as sitting, standing or removing shoes. Active participation, such as prayers, communion meals, and singing, I would not do.

  3. From things I've heard, I don't think I'd want to move to NY or PA, but I've never actually hs'ed there, so I can't speak with any authority.


    I think MA gets a bad rap - certainly your critera #1 would be filled here - something like half the population in MA is Catholic; pretty much every town has a Catholic church. You have to report yearly, and there's an assessment but it's not even required to test (though you can if that's easiest for you). There are no evaluators like in some states (I would hate that), no visits or personal contact with any officials. You can just send in a letter saying what you've done that year, or some work samples to show you haven't been hiding them in the closet. They can not mandate any materials or methods of teaching.


    There are tons of homeschoolers here; I've never gotten any funny looks or questions. Lots of classes and coops, and I know of a few Catholic homeschooling groups too (even though I'm not Catholic myself. :))


    Actually the Catholic homeschooling groups here are excellent. Almost every type of museum, wildlife sanctuary, art studio, has homeschool classes. Some libraries even have homeschool resource sections. I believe there are an estimated 20,000 homeschoolers in this state too.


    I wish there were no regulations, but I can say that I thought it was going to be much harder than it actually was.

  4. We rent a town house, and have an end unit. It is a unique layout in that the biggest bedroom has a set of stairs and a loft in it, so it is like 4 floors of living.


    The biggest advantage to an end unit here is that there is a window on the end, which the middle units do not have. It gets really hot up there! Another advantage is that there is less noise, as we only have one neighbor on this side and we are not near the street.


    If you live in an area with a lot of snow, try to think about where they are going to plow all of that snow and the possibility of children playing in front of your unit. My dear neighbors left playdough on my front steps and also like to sit there.

  5. Ah, but you didn't answer the question. What's the name for that in the logic books?? Yes, Clinton was scummy, but why are you assuming I cared about him? Clinton has zero to do with Reagan's involvement in Iran-Contra, something that's having huge repercussions even today. I was merely wondering if you chose to let your kids know the good and the bad about a person, being open minded and all. No need for guttersniping.


    I'm not sure why you are so interested in what other people are teaching their children, it is their business.

  6. I did mine for the first time this year, it was really easy. I just wrote about myself and my husband, told them I was doing the legal number of hours, provided them with a rough list of books we were using (I didn't even include the names of the authors, and I cited the books and things we were doing under headings of each subject that is required to be taught. All I have to do, per my district is to submit a narrative and some work samples one per year, at the end of the year. No testing or teacher evulations required.


    The district here suggested belong to HSLDA. They don't even want a list of books next year, just a letter of intent to continue and the names of the students and their grade level.


    PM me if you need any samples, if you end up submitting anything.

  7. but I also recycle my vegetable peelings in the compost bin because I want my garden to be awesome, my kids and I all wear recycled (aka hand-me-down) clothes because I'm cheap and I'd rather spend my money on other things (plus, I can get second hand designer clothes I'd never be able to afford otherwise). The root of conservative is "conserve" and that's what we do. Our family conserves our resources so we can take care of ourselves, and in that conservation of our resources are are also not using up the earth's resources. We take care of our paid off car and will drive it till it kicks off. We don't re-decorate every 5 years or buy every new gadget that comes on the line. True conservatives are the true environmentalists!



    Sounds just like us! However, we're going to have to be even more thrifty when our taxes skyrocket to pay for other people to live in more comfort and do less work, while we work hard, scrape and save to get by.


    That said, I have heard that some items are not as worth recycling as others due to the energy required for collection and processing - a worthy thing to investigate. Some like to take those numbers and over-generalize to make it seem like it's all a bunch of foolishness. People like your brother will eat that up instead of taking an honest look.


    The grocery bags I get from the smaller trips to Safeway are about the right amount to use in small waste baskets and other trash needs through the house when I need them.


    My sil is town administrator (like a mayor) of a small town. She told me that they are no longer recycling paper because there is too much of it. And in most towns it is ending up in the dump or sitting in storage because no one wants to buy it.


    I also use those plastic grocery bags for everything.


    Asking respectfully: Do conservatives recycle? And is recycling a political choice? I know many liberals self-identify as being environmentally active and aware, but does this exclude conservatives? Are there proud conservative environmentalists?


    That was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, we're definately into being good stewards. We usually are very frugal and have little to recycle, other than cans for the bottle deposit, as we re-use almost everything.

  10. I'm a Right-Wing Extremist of a sort, my ideal government is a Catholic republic or constitutional monarchy. I accept that I don't live in my ideal.


    I'm opposed to murdering babies before birth, somewhat neutral on the death penalty (St. Thomas says it is up to the state to decide), and support any kind of legislation or laws that are in harmony with Catholic morality. One of the major areas where I depart from mainline conservatives is that I do not support Israel.


    I eat meat but not on Fridays, only wear long skirts, submit to my husband, cover my head in church and I don't recycle unless I get a bottle deposit back. ;)

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