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Posts posted by Philothea

  1. I use the 60's version of VIE and I really love the book, my kids love the books too and are learning grammar well. However, I am wondering if I need a separate writing program for fourth grade next year? If I keep VIE, I am wondering which writing program might be a good fit with it, I'm probably looking at something that can be done 2-3 times per week. I don't like WWE or Writing Strands, so at least I already know that.


    Advice appreciated, thanks!

  2. We do activities, but mainly I try to keep Advent in Advent. While we decorate, we do so with a spirit of preparation and anticipation, not allowing ourselves to celebrate Christmas before Christmas actually happens.


    This Advent, we'll have a birthday, a baptismal day, a name day, a birth, a baptism, 3 sets of house guests, in addition to the usual St. Nicholas Day, St. Lucy Day, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and of course the usual Advent stuff, whew!

  3. We usually make a big November altar for the Month of the Holy Souls, but the other areas which we gather for prayer are really small (as far as number of items). Each of us has our own little space in our rooms. I might make different ones for various times of the year, a Nativity for Christmas, or St. Joseph in March etc.

  4. I think Our Lady of the Rosary is very good, my friends use it and their children are doing very well. I think they take less of a workbook approach than Seton, at least for the younger years. They use very Catholic and the textbooks have excellent content, I use or own more than a few of the same texts in my own self-designed program. Our friends have been very happy with OLR.



  5. Next school year, for second grade, we will be using:


    Saxon 3

    Catholic National Reader books 2,3 (finishing up book 2)

    McGuffey's books 2,3 (again, finishing up book 2)

    Seton Handwriting for Young Catholics 3

    AAS 2/3

    Copywork from read-alouds, readers or memory work

    Prima Latina

    Voyages in English (Catholic edition)

    Our Holy Faith books 2 and 3

    Science topic is Chemistry, and History topic will be Renaissance and beyond.

    Child-size masterpieces

    Maps, Charts and Graphs, C

    State Capitals

    Countries of S. America

  6. Why is it that the people who live the most contradictory, messed-up lives always seem to have it all figured out for everyone else?


    Is it just me? When person has their own affairs out order it tends to dicredit everything they say. Why is it these people always have the most to say on every matter and they just won't stop?


    Is there even a polite way to tell them no one wants to hear it? I'm sure there is no nice way to say "get your house in order before you tell me what needs to happen in mine." But if there is...:bigear:

  7. Because it allows evil unprecendented public license to corrupt as it pleases.


    It changes the meaning of a word that is the building block of decent society against the will of most people. If two people want of the same sex are "married", then I am not married by the same defintion.


    These same acts try to force me, my children and society into accepting something that, in better times, was an unspeakable perversion. Now that is being changed, and rewarded, not to mention--rewarded with my tax dollars.

  8. My kids art teacher wanted them to draw monsters and read them a story about monsters in the closet and being afraid of the dark...


    I don't know where it is going to lead, but the kids never thought of the dark as anything scary before. They were both upset and wanted to throw their projects away when they came home. DS drew his monster inside of a sock, so it couldn't get out.


    I worry about my kids annoying the teacher too, but I sit outside the room for the lessons. So if they are annoying, I can pretend not to know about it. And if they ask me, I will tell them, "sorry this is how my kids are, I'm paying you to teach them, if you don't like it, refund my money."

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