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Everything posted by teraberry

  1. Speaking more generally on this issue... Right now, the healthcare plan being proposed by Obama is not something that even Democratic leaders are not that crazy about. MSNBC has an article up right now titled "Democrats Grow Wary as Health Bill Advances" that I really encourage you to go read. One thing about the stimulus bill that really struck me is how fast they wanted it through. They made it so urgent, to the point that Congressmen didn't even have time to read through the whole thing. The general sense I get on the stimulus bill is that people aren't all that thrilled with the results given the cost. Now, I feel like the same thing is happening with this healthcare plan. I have heard Obama rushing it in a couple speeches. This is not something to be rushed. I feel like the American people and the representatives we voted in should have more time to chew on this, as it has implications that could possibly be very heavy for many generations to come. I just feel like the rushing of both of these issues is manipulative. Looking at it logically, if everyone gets "free healthcare" or even cheap healthcare, the conclusion is that more people go to the doctor for more reasons. If more people are going to the doctor more often, then logically following, there will be longer wait times. Also, the care providers still get a paycheck that comes from somewhere. Taxes will go up. I find it troubling that some people are fine with richer people getting taxed so much more than poorer people. How is that ethical? It's government holding the gun to the wealthy and saying "you WILL pay for this person's healthcare". I just don't see it as right. I understand that there are people who need help with medical expenses, but I do not think socialized healthcare is the honorable answer.
  2. I would venture to bet that illegals pretty much get covered. Even if not, they do have a higher birthrate and by being born in America, their children are citizens. A friend of mine used to be a regular kindergarten teacher. Now he is a kindergarten teaches that works strictly with a Spanish speaking class, teaching them to speak English... in a public school system. So even if our tax dollars didn't go to support illegal aliens (which I believe they do), they WILL go to support their children.
  3. Wait times One of the major complaints about the Canadian health care system is waiting times, whether for a specialist, major elective surgery, such as hip replacement, imaging procedures such as MRI or Cystoscopy, or specialized treatments, such as radiation for breast cancer. Studies by the Commonwealth Fund found that 57% of Canadians reported waiting 4 weeks or more to see a specialist; 24% of Canadians waited 4 hours or more in the emergency room.[24] A March 2, 2004, article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal stated, "Saskatchewan is under fire for having the longest waiting time in the country for a diagnostic MRI—a whopping 22 months." [25] A February 28, 2006, article in The New York Times quoted Dr. Brian Day as saying, "This is a country in which dogs can get a hip replacement in under a week and in which humans can wait two to three years."[26] The Canadian Health Coalition has responded succinctly to these claims, pointing out that "access to veterinary care for animals is based on ability to pay. Dogs are put down if their owners can’t pay. Access to care should not be based on ability to pay." [27] The CHC is one of many groups across Canada calling for increased provincial and federal funding for medicare and an end to provincial funding cuts as solutions to unacceptable wait times [28]. In a 2007 episode of ABC News's 20/20 titled "Sick in America," host John Stossel cited numerous examples of Canadians who did not get the health care that they needed. [29]
  4. Yes, no system is perfect, but it does surprise me that you are happy with your health care system when you say the waiting list for a public dentist is two years long. Also, the amount you pay in taxes is crucial to whether or not you could determine if you were happy with your health care and you do not know how much you pay (you said), so I'm not sure how you can be happy with it without knowing how much you're paying for it. My guess would be that you are paying more than you might think.
  5. The keynote speaker at the Homeschool Convention in Phoenix mentioned in one of his speeches that they lived in Britian previously. When his wife became very ill, they came to America to get proper treatment for her because they could not get quick and proper treatment there. (He said this in the context of talking about nationalized healthcare.)
  6. Thank you so much for sharing this! I have three elementary age kids learning Greek and this will be a fun way to review! I printed them out and will use them!
  7. Today I first saw the Queen Homeschool books at our Convention. I loved what I saw. I have three children and are using Rod and Staff for English and Spelling Workout. Although I love those, neither give all the writing practice I'm wanting. I bought a couple of the Queen's Bible studies for kids as well as Copywork books. I think it is the perfect supplement and was just what I was looking for. The Bible studies were done by Michelle Zoppa and are great for elementary age kids to have their own "quiet time". They look up short passages and answer some thought-provoking questions. It is all concise and simple, but Scripture is handled logically and meaningfully. I must say too that I met Mr. Queen and he was such a genuinely nice guy. He was so kind and personable, polite and considerate. I was impressed with him as a person right away. Then I came home and did some looking around on their website and saw that they have a young boy in remission from cancer, and the wife, Sandi, also is recovering from cancer. That just made me all the more impressed with them as people. They surely have gone through a lot, and seem to be so God-focused. Great people!
  8. Our anniversary is coming up. I know a lot of folks don't really celebrate their anniversary unless it's one of the big ones. Do you or your husband do anything special for just "regular" wedding anniversaries?
  9. I just wanted to bump this thread back up in case someone can give some experiential advice or info.
  10. The first time he did it was the night before his Championship baseball game. However, he did not show any other signs of being nervous about it. He has been nervous about games before and has been playing since he was 5, so it still doesn't seem like all of the sudden he would be that worked up about the game that he'd wet the bed, but who knows. Then last night I actually had him sleep on his sister's bed (which is really comfortable) instead of his bed, because he has a cough and shares a room with his brother. He's been keeping his brother up at night with the cough, so I thought I'd switch him and his sister so everyone rests better. He said he didn't wake up at all even though he's had the cough, but if he is a really deep sleeper he may not remember it anyway.
  11. Thanks for the response. He isn't urinating more during the day. He is a pretty deep sleeper, but he has never been a bed wetter before, which makes me think that is isn't that?? I just can't figure it out.
  12. This doesn't make sense to me. Twice this week my 9 1/2 year old son wet the bed thoroughly. He doesn't remember doing it. He just wakes up and realizes it happened. The first time he was embarassed and didn't tell me until a couple hours had passed. I didn't make a big deal out of it, but told him to tell me right away if it happened again. This morning he woke me up and told me. It seemed to me like it had just happened (rather than in the middle of the night). I think he wet it at about the time he normally wakes up. Was anyone else had this happen to them and if so, did it continue long or did you find a reason? Thanks in advance for any info.
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