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Posts posted by *anj*

  1. I hate it because it feels like I'm buying something at the whim of the manufacturer or the vendor. I mean, if I want a KitchenAid mixer, I can pick the model and color and then check Williams Sonoma, Macy's, Target, etc. and compare prices. I know that I'm comparing apples to apples. But with mattresses you don't know because the Sealy Super Deluxe II is only available at Sleepy's. If you go to Mattress Discounter and look for that they carry the Sealy So Cool Deluxe IIa, and the price is different and you just don't know what you're comparing and whether or not you're getting the best deal.


    Okay, enough of the whining. Where do I shop?

  2. Ohhh, I really understand that feeling. Our youngest suddenly refused to nurse anymore at the ripe old age of 9 months. He just utterly refused to do it. It was very upsetting to me on a few different levels, but partly because I knew he would be our last baby. I had hoped to let him nurse for about 18 months, but he just stopped one day. It was very traumatic for me and I still feel sad when I think of it six years later.

  3. I would like to see this movie. I mentioned it to dh yesterday and he said "Yeah, add it to the Netflix queue when it comes out on dvd." :001_huh:

    So there's no way we'll be going to see it in a theater. He really doesn't care for "those" kinds of movies. I'm sure he's thinking it'll be like "Fried Green Tomatoes" or "Steel Magnolias" or whatever. Oh well.


    By the way, if I were Kirk Cameron's wife I'd be happy that he didn't want to kiss another woman. I do understand that those kisses are *acting*, but I also know that every now and then there's a little spark. It's happened to plenty of people, most of whom weren't planning to develop feelings for their costar.


    I'll bet Jennifer Aniston would've been glad if her husband had opted not to kiss his costar. :glare:

  4. ok so dd/12 was just standing behind me reading this over my sholder (which she is NOT supposed to be doing).


    Now she's pouting at the table as she feels SHE is getting in trouble for something the 3rd old did.


    She just doesnt get it that the 3 yr old'd behavior was what 3yr olds do. That is why we DONT GIVE THEM SHARP OBJECTS.



    I think i wil take a photo tonight (and try and post it here).


    You know, it's a constant struggle because while you don't want to straddle the oldest with too much responsibility, the truth is that they can handle a high level of it. If she saw her sister reaching for the stove top or a plugged in iron or a sharp knife, what would she do? This is the way that I talk to my 11yo. I remind him that we are training him for adulthood, not childhood. And for that reason, while he enjoys the benefits of more freedom, different "toys", a higher weekly allowance, and other things, we also expect more from him. He is maturing, and that means taking responsibility for things that happen when we're not around.


    But try to say these things gently, in a kind tone of voice. Her conscience is probably starting to kick in and you don't want to pour salt on her wound. So now you get to do the balancing act of preserving her dignity while letting her know how disappointed you are that she would be so irresponsible.


    As for the chores: when ds11 says things like that I ask him how much work he did when he was that age. If he wants to know why no one else has to vacuum I'll ask him whether or not he had to vacuum at their age. The same goes for certain other chores. But sometimes I have to reevaluate and consider that I just may be asking him to do too much. It's very tempting because they are just so capable at that age. I also find it helpful to point out characters from some of the older books that we read. Those kids really had to work because the family depended on it. Recently we had the opportunity to visit an Old Order Mennonite family and we saw their lifestyle up close. I have reminded ds as to the amount of work the boy his age had to do just to keep that farm going, you know?


    So anyhow, hug her, tell her you love her no matter what, but that doesn't remove the need for a consequence and she has got to regain your trust.


    It's not easy, is it?? :grouphug:

  5. Perhaps I'm a vegetarian, but I can't really imagine one part of the animal being more disgusting that another. It's all meat. Mind you in my mind there are three types of meat; sliced, hunk, tube. And I will often say to my dh I'm making a hunk of meat, or I bought you some sliced meat. It's all the same to me.:ack2:


    I was thinking that a vegetarian would see it that way. If you'll eat the thigh, why not eat the tongue, right? :lol:

  6. I do that, too. I split a cow with a friend, and she takes all of the organ meat. She serves her family tongue, brain, heart, liver, kidney, and probably some other stuff I've forgotten. I keep thinking I should try it, but I just don't see it happening unless she serves it to me!


    I would love to split a cow with a friend. I think that will have to be my goal for next year: to identify a farmer who produces the kind of beef that we want and then to find someone to split it with me. My life would be so much easier if I had a cow in the freezer! :001_smile:


    The only way to be safe is to not get on the internet. :001_huh: Sadly for a lot of us here it is too late to reverse the damage already done. :lol:


    Oh no!!!! It's too late for me, but save yourselves, run for the hills!!!!! Even so, just in case there's a slight chance I am going to remove myself from the computer right now. Maybe I can distract myself by teaching history and grammar and spelling and math. Maybe if we fill our heads with all kinds of facts we can trick them, yeah, maybe so....

  8. We love our Billys (most with extensions) and are planning on purchasing more. However, if we had the funds, we'd prefer an option that wasn't particle board.

    Yeah, I hear you about the particle board. But we don't want to make that kind of investment right now. I do want something that will get us through the next 10 years of homeschooling, so I'm hoping that IKEA's pb stuff will do the trick. Then when we're done homeschooling I get to buy some real furniture that won't get wrecked or abused by certain, um, individuals.

  9. That's why we must line them with mercury and lead. It's much more secure.


    I'm going to the radiologist office and swipe some of those lead lined drapes they use. Anyone want one?




    :lol: Gives a whole new meaning to the expression "pick your poison", doesn't it?


    I knew there was a perfectly good answer why I never got my ears pearced! ;)

    I should've listened to my father, but noooooo!!! And then I went out and got a second set of holes without permission when I was in high school, yikes!


    Part of the conspiracy...you know, the one thing that would've saved you...:lol:


    :lol::lol:Okay, that was really hysterically funny!


    TIN foil, honey, that's why we're saying TIN foil


    And who's to say that the so-called "Alzheimer" patients aren't the only sane ones left.

    Aha!!! You know, I use those terms interchangeably even though they aren't the same thing. Do you think that might be part of the brain control? They want us to wear aluminum foil hats that cannot help us because we've forgotten that what we really need is tin. Brilliant!

  10. We've had our Billly bookcases for a couple of years now. They've held up really well and hold lots of books.


    One warning, though: little munchkins must be warned not to shove the books onto the shelves because the back will come loose. Of course, my little darlings would never shove books onto shelves, so we've never had that problem. :tongue_smilie: (I've hammered the back onto those things at least 5 times now!)



    I'll bet it was the bad neighbor kids or cousins who shoved those books, not your little darlings! :lol:

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