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Posts posted by *anj*

  1. I had a feeling the DE would be high, I already pre-ordered the hard copies. Looking through the TOG year I have, I can see that it is really well done and very thorough...they put a lot of work into it, and I feel the worker is due his labor, so I don't begrudge them the price. There is a lot of content in a year plan, and you can use it over and over again with multiple children, multiple years. What price would we put on our own intellectual labor and research?



    I think all the hard work that has gone into TOG, and my desire to see the company stay in business and be able to pay their employees a fair wage makes the cost of TOG digital VERY reasonable.




    I totally agree. I too had hoped to find the DE price to be lower, but I can't say I'm terribly surprised. We're talking about a company that is fighting for its life. I don't imagine that they can afford to make drastic price cuts right now. And when you look at TOG you really understand how much time and work went into it. The people whose blood, sweat, and tears went into that curriculum deserve to be paid for their work.


    Just as an aside...

    I agree that you can't exactly compare TOG to something like SL or MFW. I think that it would be better to go through a Veritas catalog and find all of the TMs and comprehension guides, etc. and figure out how much that Classical curriculum costs as compared to TOG.


    And while I've never used SL, I have a friend who just this year switched from SL to TOG. She has two UG children, one R, and one D. Until now she has always used SL. She says that while it was easier for her to use SL because it was all laid out for you, there is no comparison content-wise. In her opinion, her children are learning significantly more through TOG than they learned with SL, and she doesn't think that SL would've been adequate for high school. Just one person's opinion, and anecdotal, but I wanted to mention it anyway.

  2. Oh yes, then TOG is really not for you. Its not something to be sold every year.... once you have your guide its used till graduation or you decide to use something else... books for levels like grammar levels can be sold... but not the guide.



    I'm so glad that you said this. Absolutely true. Unless you were teaching a 9th grader who was your only child, there would be no reason to sell TOG after using it one year. I know that it's not for everyone, and people can use whatever curriculum they like, but I wonder if some people actually even understand how it works.

  3. I'm hiding the book and my newly found knowledge so that it's not used against me. It would be a powerful and potentially painful weapon if he used it against me at this point. I'm not afraid of anything physical, he's out of commission right now and if he ever did- the police would handle him not me. I can't call the police b/c he's being verbally cruel.



    I've only read the posts through this one. I haven't read the last page or so, so forgive me if other people have already said this.

    Please, please, please stop talking so openly here. You've got to know that these very posts can be used against you. You are a public person. People who know you IRL can easily identify you here because you use a real photo, and the real names of yourself and your children. He can sue you for defamation of character among other things, and make you look like the loose cannon. Or what if you ex finds out about all of this and demands to have his daughter removed from the home, or from your care?


    This is a very public place. I empathize (more than you can know) with your need to talk to people and get support and advice. But maybe now you can choose a few whose judgment you trust most and finish this conversation privately?


    I'm not chiding you or waving my finger at you. I can sense your pain. But it would just be amazingly sad if this whole thing came back to bite you in the shins because of your transparency on this message board.


    There are lots of things that Joanne doesn't talk about out here. The same goes for Mama Bear, who even changed her ID to protect herself from a vengeful ex-husband.


    Please do consider that I'm saying this out of a deep concern for your welfare and that of your children. :grouphug:

  4. Not sure what to do...


    I have over $200 in Share and Save money, but I am not allowed to use it with the Year 2 and/or Year 3 pre-sale ( I just tried to buy them). At least I tried to redeem them and it's not letting me. My understanding was that you could not use share and save with the Year 1 bundle, and year 1 and 2 books mega sale. It did not specify the Year 2 and 3 bundles.


    I was thinking I could go ahead and buy both years and just save my certificates and use them towards the purchase of books later down the line...but who's to say TOG will be in business then!? I'm not sure what to do... Consider the share and save money a complete wash?


    The digital link was nice, but I know myself sooooooo well and I will not like using a digital version. I would prefer to buy the year 2 and 3 now in paper-form while there is still an option to do so, but give up over $200 in gift certificates? Hmmm....


    what to do, what to do.


    I have quite a bit of money in S&S credit too.

    I am going to pray about "donating" it back to Lampstand. It wasn't money that I earned, rather money that they were giving to me as a gift. I'd love to use it to buy things from them, but I'd also like to see them stay in business. I'll bet they'd be really blessed if a lot of us were willing to forego our certificates, but I don't think they'd ever ask because they promised us that we could still have them, you know?

  5. Why is it a pre-order? Why can't I order it now? Feeling a tad bit franti-maniacal! :lol:


    I think that it's a pre-order because they need a minimum number of orders before they'll send it to the printer.


    This next part is just a general reply to the thread, not to Melissa in particular:


    I am excited about this. Although I love the smell and feel and look of professionally printed papers to put in my binder, I love the flexibility of having it in a digital format. I really think that this is the wave of the future. It's much more earth friendly, and I hate it that the Reading Assignment pages aren't on the Loom.

  6. Is he/she experienced with working with adolescents? If you have some good direction from the voice coach, perhaps the choir director would be willing to work with his/her suggestions.


    My own suggestion would be to keep with the present group. The choir director should help him pick the voice part for each song that he's most able to sing, and he can leave out the notes he can't hit. It may mean that he sings different parts for different songs--that's what I did when my voice couldn't decide whether it wanted to be an alto or a soprano.


    Yes, she directs children who are about age 9 all the way through high school. I think that his voice coach (different person) may have more experience with younger children. I should ask her about it. She's done an excellent job teaching him about breathing techniques and so on. And last spring she really helped him to grow quite a bit. I think it's just this physical aspect that has thrown a wrench into it all.


    I think you made a great point about singing different parts. Another friend just made the same suggestion, so I will look into that.


    I don't know the right answer, but about how long does it take the voice to change? Does the choir director have an idea or what about his dad? You would think the choir director would have to deal with this often and have a good plan in place. I'm not in love with any of his choices.


    Just think how cool he'll sound to the girls when all the boys his age are going through this.


    My understanding is that it could take as long as a year. My dh doesn't remember. I'm not loving any of the choices either.

    As for the girls? Yikes!!!!! :D


    My ds's voice changed at 11 as well, and it didn't take long (less than 2 months.) I would let him stay where he is and just wait it out.


    Thanks. That's what I think he should do, but I really want him to feel comfortable with the decision.


    My 14yos's voice changed last year and he still cracks a bit. He doesn't like to sing, so I can't judge how his singing voice was affected (he sounds terrible, but he didn't sound great before:).) However, in conversation, you can still hear some squeaks and wobbles in his deeper, more manly sounding voice.


    For laughs, how about showing him the Brady Bunch episode where Peter's voice changes? Totally corny, but funny.


    :D I know what that sounds like. Imagine how strange it must be for them! I should get a copy of that Brady Bunch episode. I think he's seen it before, but it would be fun!


    Sorry, I can't advise on the singing. But I can say my son's voice started changing at 11, and he went through periods of it off and on for about 2 years. Some boys are faster, but you just don't know.


    I know. That's my concern with telling him that if he just waits and sits in with them he'll be able to start singing again soon. We really have no idea at all, you know?

  7. What would you do if you had an 11 year old whose voice is changing and he isn't able to reach lower notes or higher ones?

    All of my kids take part in a choir and he's just having difficulty to the point that his teacher thinks he should either move back to a lower/younger group or sort of just warm up with the present group and then sit out the rehearsal.


    He's already receiving private lessons once a week.


    He loves choir and wants to be in it, and I just don't know which way to direct him. He told me that the teacher wants all of the boys in that group to be singing in the higher register because that's typically how boys that age sing. He's kind of young for his voice to be changing, but I know that many of you told me before that it's not that unusual.


    How do I

    a) avoid wrecking his self confidence

    b) encourage him

    c) give him tools to find his way back to the growth that he was showing last spring?

  8. Are children who have one dark-skinned (I use this term instead of black) parent automatically considered African-American? Does it depend on how dark their own skin is? Are they automatically treated as the minority? What if they are raised only by their non-minority parent?


    I am genuinely curious. I would love to hear from anyone with experience in this area.


    My children are biracial. They have a "black" mother and a "white" father, so they are equally "black" and "white."


    (Of course, or inside joke is that between my enslaved ancestors and dh's Sicilian ones, there could've already been a fair amount of mixing for all we know.)


    Our children's skin tone is basically tan. They refer to themselves as being "brown" or "tan." Dh and I are both comfortable with that description because that's truly what the kids see when they look at themselves/each other.


    While I understand the need to teach children that much of our society will treat them a certain way, I just don't understand the point of trying to get them to identify more with one side than the other. There is simply no reason for them to decide to be either/or. They are just who they are. And I think that they have the right to self identify regardless of what other people think of them.


    When I was a child most of the brown skinned people I knew were either of African descent, or maybe Hispanic. I didn't know any Indians or Palestinians or Pakistanis or Egyptians or Vietnamese or any non-American-black people. But now there are plenty of people here (in our area) whose skin is the same as mine or even darker and they are not of African descent. These people are darker than my children, too. So there are brown people from many places other than Africa, and I think that as we move forward we'll feel less of a need to pigeonhole the country of origin that is responsible for a person's individual hue.


    The "one drop rule" needs to become one of those archaic things that people write about in history books. It is utter foolishness and should be banished by thinking people. It was used by racists to subjugate racial minorities and we need to reject it as such.

  9. I can't see the album, and I really want to!:001_smile: I have friends and they are both in mixed marriages. One is a German man and Korean woman. The other is a black man and a white woman. Everytime I see their children I am blown away at how stunningly georgeous they are! I think that mixed race children are just lovely!



    Oh man, so what am I? Chopped liver????




  10. We're thinking about either upgrading our existing site or switching over to a new server.

    I'm trying to get ideas as far as layout, features, etc.


    The person who did our original one can upgrade it, but he is asking for more money than we can really afford. I'm looking at something called homeschool-life.com, and I love what they offer, but I'm not totally sure. And it's not totally my decision. And our current guy has personal connections to the group, and I don't want to just kick him to the curb.


    Over the course of a few years, homeschool-life would likely be more expensive than the old one. Right now, this year, it would actually be cheaper.


    So now I'd just like to see other sites, compare, find out how they went about setting their sites up, etc.



  11. Anj--I just registered at the site. Thank you so much for referring me to it!


    It will help immensely.


    Oh, you're most welcome. I'm glad that I was able to help.


    Heh! I've never even read the book! But I know enough about him and his methods, and when I'm looking for inspiration or a reminder of why I'm doing what I'm doing, I hang out at the site Anj linked to. We're about to pay off our CC debt on Wednesday


    Melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's totally awesome!!!!!! Hurray for you! Don't you feel like a million bucks?? :hurray::cheers2:

  12. We've successfully adopted Dave Ramsey's methods and we haven't paid for any of his services. He's in it to make money as well as to help people. It's just part of the free market system. Some people need and are helped by his not-free services, so they pay. We were able to do the whole thing by just reading books, listening to his radio show online, and sometimes consulting this free site for support. I wouldn't put him down for making money. What else is he supposed to do? He has bills to pay too, right? Dh and I always laugh that DR would actually be proud of us because we've done this without paying him anything except for the cost of the book, which we actually bought before we started pinching pennies.

  13. Heather,

    I'm so sorry. This is such a touching tribute, though such a tragic story. I'm just so sorry for your loss and for the loss that Christy's husband and son will feel forever. :grouphug:




    Except for a miracle.


    I would love to tell you that God miraculously healed her and that she and her baby and her loving husband lived happily ever after. But I am even happier to tell you what really happened. In the final weeks of her life God worked a miracle...he called Christy's soul to Him and she accepted the gift of salvation.


    She died peacefully, quietly, in her sleep. She was 29 years old and she leaves behind a beautiful 5 week old baby boy who is her mirror image...a little piece of her for those of us who will miss her.


    The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


    Thank you so much to all of you who prayed with me for a miracle. Our prayers were answered and she's with our saviour now.

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