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Posts posted by delaney

  1. I would not be worried in the least. My 4 year old is odd. He knows all letters and sounds but since he is a lefty he has NO recognizable pencil grip. He also insists on spelling his name wrong, He won't retell the day but will give you his analysis of it lol.


    I have to say, this is a hot button issue for me. I understand your prejudice towards pitbulls but it is just that-prejudice and buying into the stereotype. All dogs have the potential for violent/aggressive/bad temperment. I understand your feelings, I really do but please do not lump an entire breed of dog on the bad list because of the people who are total jerks and should be arrested for animal abuse. It is the people not the dog who are responsible for the bad rep the pitbull has.


    Rereading that I guess I really am the whacko neighbor.

    Here is what I hate about the whole dog issue. These neighbors have 5 dogs. 4 dachshunds and 1 german shepard. One of the dachshunds has bitten both a kid and a police officer. Do they still have the dogs? You bet. If it had been a pitbull that bit it would have been destroyed. Those little dogs are the most aggressive and nasty things I have ever seen and yet they are allowed to keep them.

  3. Well... I didn't read the OP as a comparison of numbers. Maybe I missed some subtext there. I did answer the poll and explained why I track it.


    And let me tell you ... it is very possible to have a significant net worth, yet not have much $$ to spend. The farm is a huge asset. But, I can't spend it. Also, because the whole point of buying the farm was to secure it for future generations (and this is the 5th generation to farm it!), I can't sell it. What I can do is spend a lot of resources -- time, energy, and lots of money -- trying to hang on to that huge asset. It's worth can't be measured in mere $$. I would gather that I'm probably not the only one on these boards who has such an asset -- which is almost, at times, more of a financial burden than a financial asset. Numbers don't make you wealthy, and it's a fool who thinks he is above reproach or eminent disaster just because he has big numbers.


    Now... if this thread really is all about whipping out the financial equivalent of your wangs and measuring up, then I'll shut up an walk away because that's a b---s--- game.

    Exactly. DH is partner in a tech firm. Do we have enormous cash flow? No. Do we bills? Hell yes. Is his company worth millions? Yes. That is for our future. We live, we enjoy, we don't stress the almighty dollar. And that is coming from a person who doesn't have a loving, holy power to fall back on in prayer if the sh&t hits the fan. I want to forge great memories and teach my kids the value of a dollar and that the money we earn is OURS and not theirs to enjoy when we are dead.


    I am going to use this excuse with the IRS on why I couldn't do my taxes.


    Well since I understand they have issues paying bills on time that may very well be the case! I didn't even think of it until you said that! I'm not sure what is more unsettling. The deviousness of that scam or the paranoid nature of the claim!

  5. Yes it goes with the secret listening device she says we own so that we can hear her in her house, her calling about the car parked facing her house with a camera taping her residence(unmarked narc car with a blue light in the window), the garbage men made a mess outside of her house, the neighbor on the other side pushed snow into the street and didn't clean it up(he was still plowing), and the ever popular "my dogs had a good sense of who is good and who is bad and you antagonize them by telling them to stop barking".

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