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Posts posted by momacacia

  1. My question is why can’t I just let my dd get what I consider to be a substandard education like every other kid in the neighborhood?


    I ask myself this all.the.time! Why, why, why!? I went to private school, we could afford private school around here, I didn't turn out badly (in fact I'm brilliant! :laugh:), so why can't B&M school be good enough for my kids? I chalk it up to being controlling and just wanting them to have "more."  I (the parent) would probably get kicked out of school...especially a private one I was paying tuition to. :glare: Public, I'd just chalk it up as, "Meh, you get what you pay for!"

  2. Yes, wait to hatch it. It's a fun experience with lights, sounds and singing. The experience is a big part of the gift...and learning the signs of the animal. Takes 20-40 minutes to hatch. You can delay hatching if you need to by turning it upside down.

    • Like 1
  3. Are you making the broth yourself? If so, and it's from good quality bones, you can leave the fat in it and get some data that way. Honestly, you might feel.great doing this. You've gotten good advice on coming off the fast, you could also make some healthy homemade jello, the green smoothies are a good idea and you can purree some Avocadoes in there for calories also. Ooh, coconut milk smoothies, too.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm curious how easy it is to find an English speaker or medical instructions in English in a Mexican hospital? You are probably more likely to find an English-speaking doctor since English is an international business language and better educated types (like Drs) have likely studied it some, but I suspect you'll have a hard time finding a designated translator for English on staff at many or any hospitals in other countries. Or is this something they just do in France, Greece, Russia and Thailand?

    • Like 1
  5. Working in DC politics in my late 20s, early 30s, really helped me realize there are a lot of different people and perspectives out there. And being crabby, judgmental, closeminded, and tonedeaf never wins you any friends or influence.


    It's not just being judgmental, it's also just critical. This is wrong, this is wrong, flavor of the soup, whatever. I'm really working on not doing it and not passing it on to my kids. Just had an incredible example of generational mindset yesterday. My MIL has this "thing" about bad things happening when her husband waa out of town. Well, SIL (dhs brother) had a "bad thing" happen to their house when her husband was out of town and texts all of us "more evidence that something always goes wrong when spouse is travelling." I just...so negative.


    And while I don't want my kids to have to live with that when I'm old...I also don't want them to absorb it into their psyche, personality and viewpoint of the world. So, I'm doing a lot more positive input from other sources.

    • Like 1
  6. Not a big Spanish population at all (we’re still working on just allowing other colors; forget other languages!) but the only other language around here is Spanish.


    The treating doc just looked so confused. The younger PA stepped in to get the Spanish papers.

    Sounds like a small town, maybe also a small hospital? And without a large Spanish population...I think it's understandable. They should definitely consider technology, which would be a lot less expensive than keeping translators on staff for every possible language that comes in.


    Professionally, they really should have had you translate medical privacy laws/regulation basics and get the mom's consent before running the info through you.

    • Like 5
  7. Well, if you want to really be scared, when I was in law school taking a corporation law class, I was the only person in the room who knew, without thinking, that 25 is one-fourth of 100. And this was an expensive, non-public law school. :P

    Okay, I'm a lawyer and can't do math (and use law as my dad excuse 😒...hubby is a lawyer too and can do math, but he was homeschooled, so there ya go😂).


    But 25 being 1/4 of 100? That I can do, that my 6 year olds can do...my 4yo might even get that. That's pretty bad.

  8. I think some of contracting is fatigue. It takes energy to learn new things, do more things, go out, etc. As someone trying to recover from adrenal exhaustion, I can understand how "old" people get isolated, don't go out any more, stick to old ways. It all takes mental and/or physical energy.


    Then there's fear. I'll never get my almost 80yo mom to do online banking even though I've been doing it for 20 years. She somehow thinks the B and M bank is safer from hacking than a bank with no building. Okay. I would never try to persuade her otherwise. Takes too much energy. 😂

    • Like 3
  9. Yes, I've given up buying fleece objects after I saw how much micro plastic comes out into our water supply after one wash.


    I ordered a reverse osmosis unit the same day, as currently micro plastics are not filtered out of our water supply.

    Does RO deal with microplastics?

  10. Can someone please explain to me about the vinyl (and paper?) cut out machines? I'm looking for labels for things around the house. I think Cricuit and Silhouette are two of the brand's?


    Any suggestions on least expensive one to get but that won't be a total lemon? I won't use it a ton, but maybe some, and my oldest daughter may go wild with it. ;)

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