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Posts posted by momacacia

  1. I had this kid (now 5 also) until about a month ago, when we quit gluten. He can even skip his morning nap pretty regularly and be quite a happy guy (handles stress a lot better!!). And yes, mine is smart. He'll likely be my earliest reader. If he has my husband's math skills, school will be a breeze. Getting out the gluten has been sooooo much better. Give it 2-3 weeks to see a change.

  2. Those are valid points. In this case, the guy was able to feign shock that he'd hurt anyone's feelings. Shocked, he was, totally shocked, after decades and tens of coerced victims.

    He probably truly was totally shocked, because he's a total narcissist bordering on sociopath...he's convinced he's fabulous and he's mentally sick, so.yeah, he's convinced what he does is wonderful and wouldn't everyone love any interaction they have with him?
    • Like 2
  3. Soooo, 7th grader needs to hone her computation skills. I don't think dh or I are the people to do it at this point. Experiences with Kumon, Thinkster, other math programs? She tests great at algebraic thinking, but gets sloppy in computation and just generally needs more skill or more memory at basic math skills.


    Thoughts, Experiences?

  4. No, I wouldn't consent for my child to be part of a clinical trial that involved pharmaceuticals. Now, one involving fruits, veggies, reasonable amounts of exercise/outdoor time, and learning healthy emotional coping mechanisms, I'd ask if they wanted to participate in a heartbeat.

    • Like 2
  5. Is it just me, or is this while thing going to provide useful sex ed and self-protection curriculum content for my children. Snippets of statements, the MSU/USAG cover-up; this really happens, kids, this really happens. Sad that we have to talk about these things with our kids, but I think some of this trial will make an impression on mine.

    • Like 3
  6. I think the "death sentence" comment is in part related to the fact that he'll spend the rest of his life in jail, and her knowledge that Nassar has a heart condition so probably won't last very long in prison. Hopefully the state doesn't have to waste a lot of money on his medical care. 😒

    • Like 4
  7. This is a 6th grade English teacher?! She needs a remedial course is writing and communicating clearly. Maybe if she can find something like Plain English for Lawyers, maybe Plain English for English Teachers, that could help her.


    And, after recommending the book 😉 I'd have a chat with her about frequently calling out my child in class, even if it's positive. The other kids deserve attention too.

    • Like 1
  8. And reading the parent's perspective of how they missed the red flags. This guy's name will be the only 2 words I need to say now when a doctor wants me to leave my child alone in a room with them. 😒

    • Like 9
  9. This is so interesting. For 3 of my 4 pregnancies, I was my best sent ever. Really, you want to know me pregnant. Happy, fairly energetic, balanced blood sugar, no hangries. I'm awesome then. Baby 4, I was just really tired. I was happy on the couch then. 😂

  10. I hate Kohls, for so many reasons. Still go there sometimes because walking distance to our house, but it's just seems so inefficient. And I hate stores that are a part-time job to keep track of "savings" with and you wouldn't think of shopping there without the "savings."


    Bed Bath is awesome this way, taking even expired coupons on almost any and all coupons. Not so much mental messing around for 1 item. My friends who like Kohls are practically professional shoppers/couponers. I just don't have time for that.

  11. I hate to suggest essential oils here, but I know some people have had success with Cypress eo rubbed over the bladder area before bedtime.


    And, it doesn't hurt anything (other than being a hassle) to try some food elimination. I'd give anything at least a month. My 7yo was never night dry until we went on the GAPS diet and so many things about her sleep, including being dry, improved when we started dealing with gut issue. But GAPS is more drastic than dropping gluten/dairy or essential oils, so I'd start with those first.

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