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Posts posted by hsmom23

  1. There is a coffee place in Missoula that we stop at every time we pass through called Black Coffee Roasting Company. Its in like an old car repair shop building and super cool. We also had breakfast at a cool eclectic cafe there a few years back but don't remember what it was called. Have fun, Missoula is one of our favorite places!


  2. Ellen-

    Thanks for the encouragement! This is where I need to work I think. The point is I want her to understand she isn't going to be entertained all day, she needs to be able to find something to do on her own. And actually we are working towards adopting and I really think having younger ones around would help her a lot! That's not to say it won't be a distraction too!!! We had some younger cousins here for a while and she loved having someone to play with.


    Everyone- Thank you all for the great ideas, I'm going to look into some of the science ideas especially! Outside activities aren't feasible right now, but maybe some simple inexpensive science stuff would help. When I say an hour, that doesn't include the memory work and history she participates in with all of us or her read a loud time.

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  3. I have an almost 7yo who is very extroverted. We do as many subjects as possible together in a morning time first thing... art, history, memory work, Bible, read alouds, French, etc. That seems to help fill her tank and make her feel included. Then she has about an hour of work to do. After that, she's expected to amuse herself while I work with the almost 9yo for about another hour.


    She would LOVE our attention all day, but I've worked to train her to self-amuse (mainly through a consistent afternoon quiet time) and she's gotten good at it, though not perfect. Playmobil, audiobooks, outdoor play, Legos, and of course the toddler (that's one way to help... get a toddler, lol).


    For us, it's come down to consistency (not saying you aren't, just what's worked here). She knows she is not to interrupt her sister's schoolwork and there will be consequences if she does. She has decided that it isn't worth it. It's about respect for her sister and for me. Her sister is likewise not allowed to interrupt me when I am working with her. I figure that they wouldn't be allowed to constantly interrupt other kids in a school classroom either.


    It doesn't take much. Having to sit quietly with her hands folded for ten minutes to "help remember not to interrupt" hasn't needed to happen often... she would MUCH rather be running around outside or building a fort in the living room! If there is an essential issue, they all know to put their hand on my arm and I'll answer as soon as possible.

    Thanks for the encouragement! This is where I need to work I think. And actually we are working towards adopting and I really think having younger ones around would help her a lot! That's not to say it won't be a distraction too!!! We had some younger cousins here for a while and she loved having someone to play with.

  4. Can you enroll her in things where she is learning a skill she might be inclined to want to practice on her own at home like an art class or even martial arts or girl scouts or a musical intrument?


    I would get her involved in outside the house activities so she can meet other kids, learn skills, and get lots of physical activity. Hopefully she would then have interest in pursuing those skills at home as well and would be less needy of social interaction at home.


    I would also maybe try for some very targeted interaction with all the girls at about the same time midway through the morning and show her a clock that counts down for her so she can see when she can play with them for a little bit.


    Is it possible to do something VERY physical with her right before and right after she finishes her work then let her pick out an audio book to listen to with headsets while she plays with Legos or playdough or something in the same room with the rest of you so she isn't so lonely?

    I have thought about doing something active before school, that's something I will try! I could try taking a break in the middle to do something with her sisters some days. Two days a week we all go to my work for the afternoon so we don't have a lot of extra time to work with but the other days it would work.

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  5. Here is my struggle. I have a 4th and 5th grader that are doing HOD Preparing and it is going super well. It takes them 2 1/2-4 hours a day depending on what the day looks like. I have a 2nd grader that is 7 and doing just the general subjects. She takes about and hour, maybe. She is then done and pesters her sisters endlessly. I have tried redirecting her, but she is social and needs social interaction so she gravitates back to us in the school room. I have tried giving her extra workbook pages but don't want to get ridiculous with it. I think she is probably ADHD to some degree. She will not sit through a whole movie most of the time and will choose not to play on her kindle more than about 20 minutes. She has play-doh, some craft stuff and a couple one person games available to her but it's just not the interaction she is looking for. Does anyone have any good ideas? I have tried spending some time with her before school playing a game or doing something with her, but it doesn't seem to change her behavior at all and I am lost on what to do for her. 


  6. Hi there,


    My daughter just started the Veritas Press self-paced history course "Explorers to 1815". So far it's a hit. We ordered that flashcards and also the level 2 literature kit to accompany the course. 


    DD completed lesson 3 today. So far, I can't see any reference to the literature, or recommendations for supplementary reading associated with each lesson. For those of you that have already used this course -- how did you use the supplementary books? (I'm planning to use them as read-alouds.) Is there somewhere in the course that says "for lessons 5-8, read x", or....? Just wondering where it's referenced. 


    Thanks in advance for any pointers!


    I am getting ready to order this for my daughter and was curious how you are liking it. I looked at the sample lessons and had this exact question. Did you find a good method for assigning the books? How many lessons a week do you do or are recommended. Any tips or things that have worked well for you? Thanks, Tara

  7. My biggest question is where did you start? The list you are talking about sounds like something that would take me weeks. This isn't something you did in a day, is it? Did you do this in a notebook? computer? color coded 3x5 cards? I need details. :) And do you have any tips on resisting rabbit trails? That could be a really big problem for me. Hmm, maybe a separate notebook where I could list things that I do *next*.


    Thank you so much for taking the time to help!



    Looking forward to the answers to these questions! Great thread!

  8. Apples and oranges.


    Those jobs don't come between you as husband and wife. Doing something like stripping does.



    I agree, I was just curious if there were people that were saying they would do anything that would/wouldn't do these jobs. Also, many people said anything legal they would do, and this is legal.


    Just for the record, neither one of us would work in a bar or place that mostly serves alcohol or directly for a cigarette company or for the store that sells questionable paraphenelia. Convenience stores, Applebees, etc. if I had to last resort.

  9. Do what ever needs to be done to keep a roof and food. Period. Can always keep looking for something else, but in the meantime, telling kids, "Sorry you're hungry, but we refuse to work at _____" isn't ok w/me.


    A lot of you said essentially this. I am curious would you work for a gentlemens club or be ok with your husband working for the equivalent. Its legal, but I think this would be the worst last ditch option for us to have to consider. I just don't know if I would ever be able to force ourselves to be ok with it.

  10. Our favorite economy meal and a staple weekly meal here is brown rice and beans.

    1/2 lb hamburger (optional) I only use once in awhile

    Small onion

    1 can black beans

    1 can petite diced tomatoes

    1 cup instant brown rice


    Sauté onion and brown hamburger if using. Add beans and tomatoes, you can drain and rinse beans if you want but then you have to add a 1/2 cup of water. For me it depend on the beans. If you buy generic at Walmart I have to rinse them or they have a bad taste. Bring to a boil and add rice. Lower heat and simmer for 10 min. Sounds more complicated on paper, takes me 15-20 min to make!


    Eta: I season with fresh garlic and salt and pepper or taco seasoning. It's great with whole grain tortilla chips and sour cream or added to tacos also.


    I have made my own bread in the past and it really depends on what ingredients you buy wether it's cheaper or not. I found it to be about the same as buying a good quality wheat bread but I didn't buy in bulk and my recipe had flaxseed and other healthy grains that cost more. I also live in a camper so that plays into my decision a lot. If we move back into a traditional house I might resume making bread someday. Either way, don't be scared of it, it's not as hard as people think!

  11. We have done this before and it's definitely an adventure. We did not have a kitchenette when we did it so I used my crockpot and grill and ate a lot of soups and prepared foods. The hotel served breakfast so that helped a lot. I only had one child beginning k at the time, but we used a file folder system in a filing crate and I planned out only what would fit in the crate. Will you be staying in the room the whole time? We had to go home on the weekend which made it a real pain cause we had to pack up every Friday and leave and then come back Monday.


    We still travel and live full time in a fifth wheel camper. I have an iPad and I use MM on that but for the most part I just take what I need. I much prefer the camper :tongue_smilie: if you have any specific question, feel free to PM me. good luck and have fun with it!

  12. I have a 16gb and I have used just over half of it. I have had it a year. I have some music on it and that takes up 3.3 of the 8.5 I have on here. Things like MM and such don't take up a lot of room. I have about 2 and a half screens of apps, 3 shorter kids movies an episode of Jay Jay the Jet plane. honestly, before I feel like I am running out of space I think I will feel the need for more devices. With the three girls I feel like they will all have things to work on someday and by the time I get that much on the one, I think I will need multiple devices :glare:.


    Eta:mine does not have retina, so that might make a difference!

  13. Is what we bought for my husband for the construction season and it was 6 bottles for $20 I believe. Cheap enough. He hates. Drinking out of plastic and has horrible luck with traditional water jugs leaking anyway, so he decided to change this year. He has also taken to buying the glass iced tea bottles if he has to pick something up on the run, he then washes them, peels off the label and reuses them too!:tongue_smilie:


    Eta link: http://www.aquasana.com/category.php?category_id=8

  14. We bought the Itso system for storing my three girls' clothes and I like it. You can make the cubby half size so you can use smaller drawers for socks and underwear. They also have smaller divided drawers and other options. I looked at the IKEA ones and would have bought them instead if they would have been the right size. The ITSO cubes are single cubes you put together to make whatever size you want. They are a hard plastic instead of wood, but the ITSO fabric bins are pretty heavy duty compared to most fabric bins.

  15. Ok, once again to clarify, I understand that a person will notice beauty, to notice and continue on is one thing. I am more debating the "admiring" stage. That moment when noticing becomes admiring. If that makes sense. I know everyone is gonna notice a stunning woman/man momentarily. It's the intentional staring, seeking out pictures (not just p@rn), watching a show because of a favorite looking celebrity, etc. The more casual admiration, not addiction. Iykwim


    Eta: I am not gonna post anymore. I wasn't upset about men in kilts pics at all, i don't get it myself, but it doesn't mean I am worked up. it was just a springing board for my thoughts. I am not wound up so feel no need to chill : ) I was just curious what other Christian women felt the line was for them in comparison to what they felt it was for their hubby. Simple as that, no judgement.

  16. I think there are several you agree with you, but I also know there are lots of people on the board who aren't conservative Christians or Christians at all for that matter.


    This is why I wrote the post to that specific group that do, please just don't respond if you aren't conservative Christian. I wasn't trying to cause issues, just am curious what people think truly.

  17. I don't wanna start arguments and I am gonna add a poll. I am a conservative Christian and I expect pure thoughts and loyalty from my husband. Not perfection but that's the goal. I see people on here who I Think hold husbands to the same standards, but then I see some of these women openly commenting on kilt pictures and such. Is it a double standard in Christian households that women expect husbands to have eyes only for us but don't hold themselves to the same? Is it common? Is this expected from husbands because it's a known male problem but as wives it's not? I really am just curious what people of Christian conservative faiths think about this??

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