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Posts posted by hsmom23

  1. We had our last when I was 23, we started early and had them quickly:tongue_smilie:. I have a bad back and suffer from depression and other issues, so we decided we would rather give my girls a happy healthy home rather than more siblings. Otherwise the latest I would want one is 35 probably. We still might adopt someday if our situation changes and I think the lates I would want an 18 year old would be 50ish.

  2. Ok, so I am not even sure loathe is a strong enough term! Bedtime is like the worst time of the day around here. It is a fight every night to get my girls to go to sleep. I have tried EVERYTHING I swear to get my kids to go to sleep at night. I have tried early bedtimes, late bedtimes, staggered bedtimes (my 3 girls sleep in the same room). We have a farely standard bedtime routine, jammies, 3 bible stories and sometimes a few other books, etc. I wouldnt care so much if they went to sleep or not, but they are crabby bears if they don't. Last night I let my two olders stay up almost an hour later and play a board game with me and it still took them both the average over an hour to go to sleep. Then my youngest got woke up and was out of bed every 1/2 an hour after that until after midnight. My husband is working looong days. He works road construction and we just started the season. The thing is bedtime has ALWAYS been like this. My husband who usually is able to get the kids to listen better, can't get them to go to bed.:rant:


    OK, so now its off my chest and I would LOVE if you have some suggestions or something to help me.


    Disclaimer: We live in a camper through the summer, and in our home in the winter. They share rooms both places and we have the same problem both places.

  3. Thanks for all your responses. This is what I am thinking, i just wanted to hear someone else agree : ) I will have DD5.5 finish CLE LTR and Reading 100 then next year we start HOD LHFHG and I will add in the emerging reader set for DD who will be 6.5 and do CLE LTR/reading with DD who will be 5, The following year I will do BLHFHG and DITHOR 2/3 with oldest dd and emerging readers with dd number 2. and so the progression will continue!




    That's where I was last year! We did LHFHG with my 6.5 and 5 year old boys. Fun year!


    My ds will be 7.5 when we start school next year. He is going to do DITHOR 2/3 next year for second grade with books suggested for 2nd grade. I am pretty sure we will do a good portion of it orally (or I will do the writing) to make it less writing intensive for him. Regardless, the following year, both kids will do DITHOR 2/3 but with different books. My older one will do DITHOR 2/3 with the grade 3 books/suggestions. My younger can then use the level 2 books. Or we can pick new level 2 books. The kids can do the genre opening and closing projects together as these are not book-specific.


    You still use the one teacher guide and make copies of the 2/3 student book. In the 2/3 student book it says, "Permission is given to the original purchaser to reproduce patterns and reproducibles for individual classroom use or personal use only and not for resale or distribution." I think I understand that to mean that you can make copies of the worksheets for each of your kids.



  4. Why or why not?? I am planning to use HOD LHFHG with a 6.5 and 5 yo and I was going to just continue on with CLE LA and reading. At some point I want to switch them over the HOD reading because I like that they use actual books instead of readers, probably after they finish the 1st grade CLE LA/reading, I would bring them in at the emerging reader level. The thing is I was hoping to Use the same DITHOR guide with both if I did this. I should be able to when they are at levels 2 and 3, but then where do I go. Do I use the 2/3 guide with the younger again the next year and then move the older up to 4/5???? I am kind of confused so if you use it can you explain a little of how it works with multiple children IRL???

  5. I do understand the cost issue. We bought a mac laptop 10 years ago for me for college and I was skeptical.... it still works now, other than being beaten up by a job my husband had so that some of the ports dont work. Since then we have had to buy cheaper due to not being able to bring ourselves to spend the money. Both were Toshiba laptops, one with XP and one with Windows 7. If you cannot afford a Mac then I believe Toshiba is the next best thing. They are a little more expensive of a windows machine, but they are worth it. Last time we debated it for long while and I chose my Toshiba netbook. Though it works good and is good for a windows machince I regret it. Mac still rocks and I refuse to buy another computer until I can buy a mac. They are so much faster and run so much smoother. No waiting for anything, its just unexplainable unless you have used it. My old mac starts and runs faster than either of my windows machines and I dont like to use it because it makes me long for a new one:tongue_smilie:!

  6. We are staying at a campground close by, in Currie,MN for husbands work and its pretty icky weather right now, dont know when you would come through MN, but the weather is suppose to be nicer through the week. We are hoping to get up there sometime while we are here or on our way home. It looks pretty small so not sure its worth going way out of the way for it. Hope it works out for you in DeSmet, I would like to go there someday :)!

  7. I got a GE hand mixer for our wedding 7 years ago and havent killed it yet. It came with dough hooks and I mix my bread with it and its made at least three large wedding cakes. My mother in law, who is known to kill her mixers, hasnt even been able to kill it yet :lol:. I am not sure on the model or if they even make them still but its a brand you havent tried :tongue_smilie:. I will see if I can find it online.


    FWIW, have been drooling :drool: over a kitchenaid stand mixer for some while. And given the fact that I have been nominated to make at least two more wedding cakes, I may get one eventually, but just cant seem to give up the money for one either.:tongue_smilie:

  8. I cut up all the workbooks (CLE, Horizons, WWE, and Rod and Staff workbooks) but none of my TMs. I put the workbook pages in the folder files by week and then put the files in a filing crate (I plan 12 weeks at a time right now). I put all my TMs in the back of the crate. It is easy to grab them and we move around quite a bit so it is very portable. Personally I wouldn't want to deal with all the extra loose papers and many of the lessons are on more than one page of the TM so that would annoy me. The workbooks work great for it though!


    The only TM I have done anything with is my 100 EZ lessons book. Once we got to the middle of the book it got awkward to hold and teach from so I started photocopying the lessons and using them that way. It worked WAY better and this way I could keep ALL of a lesson together and just copy a page twice if it carried over to another page and it kept my book in tact for passing on to someone else:tongue_smilie:!

  9. :iagree:

    Horizons was the first thing that popped into my mind too. I havent used CLE math, YET! But I think Horizos if probably even more review than CLE. Horizons is very gentle with LOTS of regular review on all subjects. It sounds like exactly what you want to me.

  10. ""We have gotten off the "week" a few times here and there, for instance right now we are on week 26, day 3... but it is Friday. Eventually it all evens out and it doesn't bother me -- as I don't see "week" as being Mon-Fri, but more of a 4 days of school. So we get to it when we get to it. It does bother my DH though!""



    I love the filing system and think its a great visual. It also has helped in the transition of teaching between my hubby and I. I keep each of the kids' materials seperate. My 5yo in one file folder and my 4yo in another. Their folders are numbered 1 to 20 or so and each folder is a week worth of work in all subjects. It works for now but I dont know about as they get older.


    Edited to add: I do cut apart my CLE workbooks and it works great for us. There ends up being a couple lessons that are back to back and end up in the wrong folder. I just take a copy of one side and put it in the next folder as I don't like shuffling the papers from one folder to the next.

  11. :iagree:I just wanted to say I agree with everything Katemary63 said!! That is an awesome post! I believe that as christians we have to learn to be real with eachother and accepting of eachother and stop being overly judgemental about things that don't matter so much. I am blessed to have a best friend that I can discuss anything with and we just work through it all! May we as christians learn to be friends with our brothers and sisters and fellowship together in unity the way Christ wanted.


    "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone"

    Romans 12:18

  12. My kids are also about the same age and I plan to get Tapestry Year 1 and use that as my core with SOTW as like a spine and my childrens bible. I will add in activities as I can and other reads as I can from Tapestry. I chose this way because I plan to use Tapestry for the rest of my schooling years so I could justify the cost of it and SOTW is a reasonable price too. DD2, who will be 4 1/2 will listen in probably and will participate in most of the activities at her own level. I like lapbooks so I think I may incorporate some of those throughout the year but who knows what the future will bring :D

  13. For me academics and peer issues run side by side but picked social issues. I was just listening to SWB Joy of Classical Ed lecture today and she really strikes cords with me. I really see the dilemma her mom was in and I felt my back against the wall in a similar way last Feb when I began this journey. I see all the holes in PS because I taught in PS. I know the pressures and the frustrations of teachers. I get such great delight knowing that the 30 minutes of silly Latin that didn't go smoothly was 30 more minutes than their peers are getting. I giggle when I see my 2 yr old try to get in with the girls and do "work". I almost wet my pants with glee and amazement when my 4 year old piped up to answer a memory work question with the answer, "The Saxons mom!" I didn't know he was listening!

    I homeschool for these moments. I homeschool because my kids are learning to learn together and not just tolerate each other. I homeschool because there is soooo much ugliness in middle school and such lack of morality in the way the girls throw themselves at boys, wear indecent clothes, and objectify themselves! I homeschool because yes I want to shelter my kids from some of the crap they call "socialization" and YES I WANT TO PICK THEIR FRIENDS. There is said it.:tongue_smilie:

    :iagree: This makes me wanna jump up and say YEAH!!! This is me and I needed that, thank you!

  14. I have been pondering my reasons for homeschooling after a weekend of being around people of an altogether different mindset than me. I am sure this has been done before but I was curious what the most common reasons are for the people on this board. I know that if you are anything like my husband and I there are a whole host of reasons, but I am curious what your BIGGEST reason is.


    Mine is the worldy influence and peer pressure, especially for the younger children. I have a hard time sending my innocent little five year old into the local schools after having worked there and seen the environment they are in. Its way worse than when I was in school.

  15. Well, there is a chance I would switch to Math Mammoth come second grade, but for now my husband has to be able to easily pick up where I left off (when he gets laid off for winter and I go to work) and firmly believes in using a more traditional program. I am not sold that Singapore will be good for ALL my children and I want something that is cost effective to reuse with each. I also just completely love the layout of CLE. A friend has it and I love the way it teaches first grade, and I still think that memorization, which CLE has, is incredibly important, even though I understand its important to know why, so that is my plan for next year. I plan to get Miquon and use it for the rest of her Kindergarten year. I guess we will see where it goes :tongue_smilie:


    ETA: I also like the spiral style versus the mastery if that makes a difference. and I tried MEP and really disliked it, I hate trying to pull things together myself.

  16. I am thinking about using Miquon ahead of CLE math to introduce to concept before I have them do it more traditionally. I really liked what you said spy car about it being hard to go back and learn conceptually what you already have memorized, so while I can't bring myself to not do a traditional program and need the structure and inclusiveness of CLE, I want my dc to learn the ideas conceptually before I put the idea in front of them in CLE. Do you think it will work to introduce the concept for them to discover with Miquon and follow with CLE for reinforcement and memorization.

  17. So what does Miquon look like for you if you use it. I dont really understand how it works. If I was going to use Miquon with a just turned 5 yo ker, how would you set it up each week?? Would I need the diary, annotations and notes along with the orange book??? Do you do hands on one day, then the worksheet?? Just give me an idea how you use it as it is completely foreign to me and kind of frightening.

  18. I am looking for read alouds for my almost 5 year old. Her 3.5yo sister may listen in sometimes but the focus is on the 5yo. I read her tinkerbell and while she seemed to like it almost every other sentence had words that I would have to explain what they meant. I am looking for something a little longer that would take a few short reading sessions to finish, but that has a few pictures and is written in simple language for a 5yo. Any suggestions???

  19. My husband is working road construction in the area for a month and we are staying with him at a local campground. I was wondering if anyone could reccomend some activities to meet other families with Kids and a good church for while we are here. We come from a baptist church but would check out almost anything. TIA for any info you can give.

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