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Posts posted by hsmom23

  1. I picked a few unit studies from HomeschoolShare website to try out. I have been considering FIAR but dont have the means to purchase it right now. Anyway my question is how does this look IRL for people that do lapbooks and such with a childrens book?

    Do you read the whole story every day that you do an activity or two, or do you read part of a story, do a activity that fits with that part, then the next day read more and do another activity? :confused:


    Also, my children are little, almost 3 and 4 1/2, and I know they dont need a curriculum for science and history, this is something I wanna do for some structured fun time together. That being said, is a lapbook going to work for that age group very well? Does anyone have experience with lapbooks for little ones?:confused:

    Thanks, I love this place!

  2. So if dh is honoring Christ fully and loving me as much as he loves himself, then I would have no problem reverencing his decisions because he's thinking of what is truly 100% best for me our of the highest level of love imaginable, NOT with any sort of power trip or selfishness whatsoever. It would be about him putting me on the exact same level as himself, and considering what I want and need just as much as what he wants and needs, and then of course he would make decisions that make me happy.



    I think that its easy to follow the command to submit when we know our husbands care about us and are making the right decision, but I dont think we are excused from submitting when we disagree with the decision unless we are disobeying God directly. Jesus calls us to love our enemies, which is obivously harder than loving our family and friends. And we are told to win over our husbands with our submission, I think that no matter what we are prone to think of our selves and Christ wants us to be thinking of the other person. Its not that we forget that the verses on a husbands responsibility are there, its that we should be following our part of these verses totally independently of what our husbands are doing. God will judge us based on us, not based on wether our husband followed his part or not.

  3. I wanted to clarify that I didnt get that from Martha Peace, I was trying to clarify what I thought that ereks mom was trying to get across about the content and audience of verse 22 compared to the verses before that, i hadnt figured out how to quote her properly, sorry if that was confusing or if i misunderstood what she was trying to say. I brought up Martha Peace because the book is relevant to the discussion and is pretty conservative. At first I fought what the book said with everything in me, but I am learning it is fear of having to give up myself and fear of my needs and wants getting neglected that caused this and that she has a lot of sound biblical basis for her writing. God is working on my heart of selfishness right now big time! ;)


    yes way!!


    Christ did submit to the church--even to the point of death.


    and I'd have to disagree w/ Martha Peace after looking at the grammatical structure of that passage in its entirety.


    But I think a Christian wife can submit in whatever way works for her marriage. :D

  4. This has been a very interesting thread for me as I am currently reading The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace and have really struggled through it. I have a few comments I would like to post on my understanding and experience, limited though it is.

    First of all when ereks mom posted


    "Verse 21 goes with the verses above it. Verses 22-33 are talking to husbands and wives; verse 21 is talking to the church in general. Notice that husbands/wives are not addressed until verse 22. What's happening there is that in verses 1-21, Paul is talking to the church about the kind of life they are supposed to lead. In the church, the members are to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Then, he turns his attention to the husband/wife relationship. Kind of like, "speaking of submission...", and then he goes on to the husband/wife relationship. The wife is commanded to submit to her husband here and in other places in scripture as well, but NOWHERE in scripture is the husband commanded to submit to his wife."


    I think that she's saying its like paul said something like this "In the church the members to submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. oh yeah and speaking of submission, the wives should also submit to their husbands..." I think she is saying that they are linked in their content, but not in their audience.


    I really agree with and respect all of your postings eriksmom, i think that most of what you said is exactly how Paul meant it to be treated.


    To the original poster, I think the answer to your question is sin. Sin causes us all to be selfish and if a man has taken and begun to use his God given position abusively, it is because he is selfish in nature. We have all done this, we all suffer from a sin nature. We as women have at times been selfish too, we are no different than this man that is theoretically spoken of. No sin is greater than another. I think that we as women are not called to ignore that but to lovingly show him where he is wrong to do this and then let it lie (not nag). We are called to continue to submit to him though. Our submission should be no more conditional than we expect our husbands love to be. If we make a mistake (or sin), even a very large one, we expect our husbands to forgive us and continue to love us. God calls us to this no matter what our spouse does does. And it is clearly stated that submission is required of a wife and that such submission can bring her husband to Christ or to a closer relationship with him. I do not believe that in any situation a wife should submit if she disobeys a direct command from God in doing so! And totally believe she should seperate from him temporarily if the situation is abusive.


    This is a lot to try and get across in a post, but hope you all get my heart in this.

  5. I am starting with Horizons K math with my 4 yo right now and my mind is swimming with all the math options out there. I want to choose one curriculum that I can stick with and use for all three of my children for consistancy and for the budget. I want that curriculum to be reasonably priced. I wanted to hear some feedback from people who have used Horizons all through elem. grades and with more than one style of learner. Thanks for any input you can give.

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