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Posts posted by hsmom23

  1. I know I'm being ridiculous, but a stable family life is, at times, still awkward.

    :iagree: And isn't this sad! Stable, low-key, drama free family life is awkward. This is the kind of thing I am trying to get across in this question. How do you make stable, low-key, drama free family life normal to your children (despite the fact that we live in a camper half the year:tongue_smilie:). LOL! But seriously, that doesn't have to mean high drama, high key living. But there is a balance to everything and I find myself doing a balancing act all the time!

  2. Yes!


    I'll remember that once upon a time, I was a sketchy housekeeper, a horrible meal-planner and didn't have my mothering philosophy worked out in the first six months of becoming a parent and I will show TREMENDOUS GRACE AND KINDNESS AND ACCEPTANCE towards my future d-in-laws!


    Warmly, Tricia



    :iagree: I hope this is the case(with my own daughters)! That I can be available and there for my daughters as they grow into adulthood. I feel like how I learn to treat them now will carry over and I wanna be close to them as adults. To show them I love them no matter what.

  3. Thank you all for the support and the responses, there is a lot of good advice that I will come back to often, and a lot of encouragement. Also a lot of books to look for. :tongue_smilie: It helps to know I am not alone and that there are others that understand what its like to feel like you are fighting a daily uphill battle and how much energy that takes. I know I battle depression, not debilitating depression, but minor depression that makes daily living more difficult.


    Ok, now I am gonna brag!


    It helps me that I have a very stable and nurturing husband. I have never seen another father who is so focused and involved with his children.

    :iagree:THIS! There are two people in this world that it would be incredibly hard to live without. My husband is #1, he is the most gracious and understanding man in the world and an awesome father. He is my glue that hold me together when things get rough. And TracyP who is the best IRL friend that a lady can have and is more of a help than I am sure she even realizes! She challenges me to be a better woman/mom/friend/wife and yet does it in a way that is loving and encouraging! Couldn't ask for better support system that way.

  4. Hydration, exercise- the really simple things you can cross off your list to check for areas for improvement.


    Only simple if you can remember to do them:tongue_smilie: LOL i have started many days saying to myself, "I am GOING to drink some water today!" only to go to bed realizing I had drank one glass about five minutes after I said that, then natta! I really do think dehydation contributes to alot of my issues, but cannot get myself to drink water for the life of me. I will try the sticky notes everywhere maybe:)

  5. and had a lot of bad habits engrained as a child. How did you overcome those bad habits for your children. I know that is very vague so I will elaborate some. I was the oldest of four children. My mom has been married four times and all of these men had drug/alcohol problems and most of my life has been spent being in charge of my four younger siblings. No one ever taught me how to be disciplined, brush my teeth every day, regular personal hygeine, how to keep up with a home. Also, I was never really mothered, so I have no concept of how that looks and I am trying to recreate from scratch. I feel like my brain has been wired backwards and I am trying to rewire it. I struggle to be the mothering, plugged in mother who is not "bugged" by her children. We were always just shuffled off to the side by my mom so she could live her life and while I know I have come a long way with my kids from what my childhood looked like, I know I am not where I want to be. I was wondering if there are other moms who grew up this way, who faught through all the built in tendencies and are now coming out on the other end. Do you have any advice?? Some things that helped you along the way?? Resources that stuck with you?? I find things that make sense, but I still have a very hard time doing the right things "in the moment." My wiring takes over and then I hate myself after I have raised my voice or not taken time for them like I should or resorted to movies to get them out of my hair, etc. Don't get me wrong, there is no abuse or anything so no flaming! I am just trying to be a better mother to my three girls! :bigear:

  6. IDK how scientifically sound this is, but I read on the http://www.marriedmansexlife.com/ blog that there are high rates of relationship failure after a vasectomy. The writer theorized it was because there are so many compounds in semen that act like a drug for the woman, making her feel more bonded to him. For that reason he didn't recommend vasectomy. It may be total hogwash, but I thought I'd throw that out there just in case it's not.


    FWIW, I don't do great with most hormones, but I love NuvaRing. I take it continuously and end up with spotting 1-2 days a month, when I change the ring.


    I don't know if this is true or not, but I have to say that for my husband and I it has only built our relationship. The umm, freedom, is nice and we love not having to worry about birth control. We were young, but we started young too and we had our reasons. The urologist made us go through a waiting period and did an assessment of our reasonings. I think maybe they might be more resistant with people who have less than 3 kids though, as thats how it seemed when we talked about it after DD2. Right now, I wouldn't change the decision. As a previous poster said, I have had my moments where the thought of it failing has been almost exciting, but overall I think it was the best decision for us.

  7. Why do you feel the need to kill harmless animals that pose no threat?

    Leave them be. They won't go into the house. They do not bite you if you step on them (and would probably manage to get away). Call your kids and show them the beautiful snake (but teach them never to pick up any snake, just to be safe. Much easier than relying on them to tell apart the harmless from the venomous ones).


    I agree that these are harmless, but they will go in the house, trust me! I moved out my dishwasher one winter because the pipes often freeze there and found a snake skin, now that gave me the heebie jeebies, but I hate mice more and moles. My husband and I were lying in bed one night and heard a funny munching noise, the next morning we found a half eaten mouse in the trap in our bedroom!:001_huh: I couldn't fall alseep after that without making sure I was all wrapped up in a blanket!

  8. If you do this can I make a suggestion? My dh worked something kind of similar for a few months. He has major problems with celiac so eating was very difficult for him. Would you be able to keep available a list of ingredients for those with food allergies, so that they would know if they could eat something or not? Having something like that would have greatly improved his quality of life.



    I could post the recipe somewhere if that would be enough to help.

  9. I would consider doing the meals during the week, when the men have less time after work to prepare meals for themselves or to go out. On weekends, they may be inclined to go home, go out to restaurants, etc. because they have more time available to do so. A home cooked meal during the week would probably be much more appealing.


    My husband suggested this, that we do it during the week. One problem with it is that they work till like 8 each night, but he suggested bringing it with him to work. I think we will start with it just being a pot that they contribute to to cover the food and if there is extra $ left then that will be just a bonus. We will see if it morphs to more than that.

  10. I have not heard that they are building any food tents. But compared to some of the other companies, this is a temporary, 1-2 month thing, so I cant imagine they would.


    Clementine - Yes, I feel blessed that we can stick together as a family and the girls have fun at all the different campgrounds.


    Tap - Its really only a temporary thing like I said above and I was only going to do supper on the weekends. Not worth the investment of more equipment.


    one*mom - thanks for the barbecue tip, I will use it if I do this :tongue_smilie:

  11. In a ND small town cafe a person might spend $8 on dinner, not including tip. Your fee of $10 sounds about right, but do you know if there would be interest? How long will you be at that camp? Could you ask around & see if the idea is well-received before you go to all of that work?


    We will be there for the rest of the season, until early to mid November. Yeah, I thought I would have hubby talk to the guys at work a little. He works with the guys I would be serving to, so it would be easy to ask what they thought. I imagine the first few days especially would draw a smaller crowd and would plan accordingly. Thanks for the feedback on the price!:bigear:

  12. Yeah, those are all things that i have thought about. I am aware of the laws for Minnesota anyway, we used to own a food truck and I am kicking myself for getting rid of ALL the equipment. One way to get around some of the requirements is to not charge but just take donations. You can have a suggested donation amount. I know food safety and what temps things have to be kept at to keep them safe. FWIW, I thought about doing this anyway and only asking for enough to cover the meals, just to create a sense of community and be neighborly. By husbands partner at work used to do this with lunch for the guys on the job. She just had everyone contribute $5 a week and then she would make lunches for the week. My friend was just thinking it would be a way for me to make a little $ too.


    ETA: I can cook in my camper just about anything I can cook in my house. Its not as bad as a person would think :P

  13. A little background: Our family travels all summer in a camper to be close to my dh while he works road construction. Mostly we travel in Minnesota, but his company is sending us to North Dakota this week. We ill be staying in what has been coined a "Man Camp." Basically the company built a campground (with all hookups) because there is no housing available out there.


    The idea: A friend of mine suggested I make some money out of the situation by feeding these men :tongue_smilie: who are mostly going to be baching(sp?) it out there. Some nice home cooked meals would be worth a lot to these guys and some sweets she said. So I was thinking about it and it is a good thought. I was thinking I could offer supper on Sat and Sun nights at the camp and plates of treats. Maybe charge a flat rate like $10 (prob high but easy to figure) for one meal, $20 for both and $25 for both with a plate of treats. I would make things like chili and cornbread and beef stew and buns, etc. Do you think a person would make money at this, or would it just have too much hidden cost(paper goods, etc)? Any thoughts on cheap and yummy meal ideas or treat ideas?? Thoughts on what a person should charge??

  14. For us, it means no secrets at all. We talk for an hour or two every night and for hours and hours on "date night." We are two halves of the same whole, and we share and know everything about each other. I know some chick chatted him up at the Y last night :D; he knows when an ex FBs me. He handles the waxing and other private girl stuff really well for aguy who didn't have sisters. :lol:


    We talk about and laugh about every silly little thing. When we have a few busy days, and we don't get to talk much, we stay up late into the night to catch up.


    That's the kind of marriage we both want, and I know there are many different types of successful marriage. :001_smile: Hopefully others can say the same and not jump to conclusions about a marriage with no secrets.


    :iagree::iagree::iagree: This is us!

  15. We do, we live in an RV and have only mobile internet. We started with the 5GB plan for $50 from Verizon with a card that you plug into the computer. Then I got a computer with the Verizon capable internet built in. We had these for 2 years and now that our contract is up we switched to smartphones and I have a tethering plan with my blackberry. Its $20 a month for 2 GB. I stream Netflix on my computer fairly seamlessly in most places. I get fairly good internet signal for email and forumns in places I dont even have cell service, which doesnt happen anyway unless in the backwoods here in Minnesota. I cant stream video well in those places though. It all depends on where you plan on taking it. We were limited to satellite anyway at our home so we had the mobile internet even before we went into the rv completely.


    If money wasn't an issue around here, I would get a seperate wireless plan for the computers and get a mobile wifi device, or mifi as its called.

  16. I'm preparing myself for this discussion myself in a few years. Thankfully we had girls first.;)


    This struck me as funny, not to offend you, just to say, I first went hunting with my dad when I was around 5. Just sat in the stand with him and just the two of us. I would never allow a child to party hunt with people I didnt trust. We only ever hunted with close family. If my girls wanted to hunt at the legal hunting age, I would let them. I would worry the whole time probably, but I would let them. This won't happen probably because while I came from a hunting family, my husband did not. And even though he enjoys it some, we rarely take the time to go anymore. I actually miss it and look forward to a time when my girls are older and I can go again!


    Disclaimer: We ALWAYS eat what we shoot, and from that point of view its no different to me than a vetrinarian buying meat at the store. So I don't really understand that point of the OP.

  17. We didn't notice anything but we are currently in southern Minnesota. now I am curious to talk to family more north of here to see if they noticed anything. I just heard about the fire itself on the news tonight. It was talking about wildfires and then when the first freeze was coming, LOL, nature seems to be pretty crazy this year!

  18. Just wanted to add a few thoughts on some of the things stated and that you asked. Its really up to you if you wanna repaint neurtral. We left everything the way it was. I would try that first and list it for a month or other specified amount of time. See what people's reactions are. Reason being: You don't want to spend any more than you have to to make it work. We seem to have found some good renters, but we will see. we were worried about the same thing as described above, the house being destroyed.


    Storage: I also agree that you should downsize as much as you can and maybe leave some of your bigger furniture that you are willing to rehome in the house instead. My husband is in the camp that paying for storage is silly, so we are going to try to make a little enclosed trailer work for the things we absolutely wanna keep and we will park this at his parents house.


    Making a small space work: It takes a lot of thinking about where to put everything and it takes a little money to buy a few specialized things for your space. Much of this you really won't know until you are in your space. And you will probably need to readjust several times until you feel organized and all set up in your space. I use small file crates to keep school work in and some small rolling carts of drawers that I keep in my closet for the kids' art supplies, etc. It's really not that bad once you get used to it and WOW! A lot less to clean :tongue_smilie:!


    Ok I know this is long, but one more thing I am not sure has been mentioned is laundry. If you have a washer and dryer now, your apartment itself probably wont. The building might, but they will probably cost something so keep that in mind. Its a lot different then throwing in a load when you have a spare minute, you have to carve out a larger chunk of time to go to the laundry room or building!

  19. Thanks for the information. My husband and I drink a cup of coffee a day with creamer. Thats the one thing I would have a hard time giving up, that and chocolate : ) But I wanna cut way down on the junk food, not that we eat a ton anyway but enough. I have a lot of issues as described in your post Negin. I would love more information. I struggle with fatigue and other issues regularly and I am trying to revamp how my family eats to see if that helps me. Any practical recipes or tips that you use on a regular basis to make this possible, especially to help make it cheaper, would help. We eat a lot of the staples like potatoes, brown rice and wheat pasta, so how do I replace these things some of the time at least in my meals????:bigear:

    Thanks again for the info!


  20. Please tell me what this looks like for you?? I think i have spent most of my life ith an acid ph and I think its part of my fatigue and other health problems. I know drinking water is a huge part of it, and I am working on that one, but what does it look like for those of you who watch what they eat to balance your pH?? And is it something you do for your whole family? I think at least one of my girls has the same issue, so I am looking to make some major changes in how we eat as a family. So let me know what you think some of these changes should look like??? :confused:

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