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Posts posted by idnib

  1. Now I've gotta see if they discount a Sous Vide.  Thanks a LOT, Hive.  Isn't it enough for you people that I have a Vitamix and a Speed Queen?  Now I need an Instapot and a Sous Vide too?  Maybe I'll procrastineer it long enough and the Instapot will have a Sous Vide setting?



    If you'd procrastinated longer maybe the Speed Queen would have come out with a mega sous vide feature.

    • Like 8
  2. Seconding the conservatory at the Bellagio.


    Not yet mentioned:


    Since your DD is older, maybe a trip to the unique Mob Museum. Some friends loved this.


    Also if you're into history there are things from the Titanic at the Luxor.



    • Like 1
  3. Sounds like a great plan! People do all kinds of birthday and anniversary things away from the date because it is more convenient/cheaper/requires a certain timeframe. For example, people might take a long-awaited trip to New England for fall colors for their 25th anniversary, the the anniversary is actually in the summer. No big deal.

  4. I have thought about the fact that something could happen that would cause us to not be able to make it home as expected and she would be alone here.  That's another reason to bring her along even though a delay would make her even more miserable and she would much rather be home. 


    I don't think it's either/or as long as you have a backup plan for where she could go or her BFF could check in on her if you're delayed. I was just mentioning a delayed return as a factor that comes to my mind and that I would want to plan for in advance.


    Based on your description of her, she'd probably really enjoy the quiet alone time. But if you're going to be stressed then maybe it's not worth it. It's not the end of the world for a 14yo to feel miserable for a couple of days for the sake of her brother's success. It's character building. 

    • Like 1
  5. Depends on the kid, but I would. When I was 16 my parents flew to another state for a conference and left me to watch my younger sibling for 4 days.


    I doubt most people would be concerned about leaving a child that age home alone if they went to a late event until 1:00am, and I doubt people would worry if they were leaving at 5:00am to get an early start, so it seems like the main concern is those middle of the night hours, but that's not really rational.


    The only thing that would give me pause is that we live in earthquake country and having been through large  earthquakes before, I have seen roads be closed/buckled/collapsed and people having to take extra days to be able to get home. In my case I would definitely have a backup plan of going to stay with the neighbors. 

    • Like 3
  6. I know my husband wants to keep it a secret until they are 30, but I don't think that will be possible.  When they fill out their own returns whenever they get out on their own, they will have to put down the value of their ROTH if I remember right.  I think we have to put down the value of ours.  So yeah, they will eventually know.  


    You don't have to put down the value of your Roth, just the contributions made during the tax year. My kids are too young for us to have dealt with college financial aid, but maybe they need to be disclosed as part of that process. Regardless, 30 does seem kind of old for letting them know, but that's just IMHO.

  7. I think you're doing an awesome job for all values of "awesome". It takes bravery and love to step back from your own ideal vision and re-assess what works best for everyone under your care, and you've done that. Congrats, because you're way ahead of a lot of people I know who are clinging to things that don't work for their families due to philosophical ideas that don't work on the ground. 


    I hope you and your family have a great school year ahead.


    :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

    • Like 2
  8. Yes.


    It's not terribly cluttered, but things are very disorganized and I need to rethink how we use the space. We have some new things we don't have room to lay out, like a sewing machine and print making supplies. We also have some stuff we're not using anymore. Plus we need another table as my homeschool table, which was getting too small for both kids to work at anyway, seems to have become the default family board game table. I'm going to bite the bullet and replace this deep console (can't see what's in the back very well) with and Ikea Kallax unit. Also I'm short and had the paper art hanging from a holder attached to the ceiling the ceiling but DS has sprouted up and keeps brushing his head on it. Plus I need a place to put our microscope so I can have it out all the time instead of lugging it out once in a while from the coat closet. And so on...

    • Like 1
  9. Calculators are tricky because they're often tied to companies with a vested interest in selling investment vehicles.


    Personally I like to use those calculators to plan, but I also soothe my soul by checking firecalc. Yes, the layout is horrible, and you do need to start on the right hand side where it says start here and then move to the tabs at the top, which are really important, esp the "not retired?" tab. It's a model for seeing how your savings would have fared if you had retired in each year going back to 1871. It's wordy but worth the time to read the explanation of how it works, what it means, and esp the limitations. But it does show me that despite my sleep-stealing fears and the constant reminders I receive from the investment companies, the track we are on would have served us well in the past.

    • Like 2
  10. Given the constraints, I think the shed is a grand idea.


    In the meantime:


    Can you move the folding table out of doors when the weather is nice? Or can you set a picnic blanket on the ground outside to give DS room to spread out for geometry? Or maybe your DS would have an easier time with a lap desk? This one is $22.00 and I have Prime so I don't know the shipping.

    • Like 1
  11. I haven't but I recently spent a week in a rental property that had an Ikea kitchen and I really liked it. It didn't have the same solid feeling cabinet doors I've felt in higher-end kitchens, but the difference didn't seem worth the extra cost, at least to me. If I had to quantify it I'd say the cabinets felt 25% less solid, but at a savings of at least half the cost.

    • Like 1
  12. Agree that the ice cream and the salad bar are a lot of work. For summertime bbq dessert I would lug along some large watermelons, slice, and be done.


    I also think 3 sides is enough and you shouldn't make any more.


    If you want nibbles for 4p-6p, I would set out some veggie trays and dip, or chips and dip, or tortilla chips with salsa. All are pretty easy to put together if you get pre-sliced veggies.

    • Like 2
  13. That level of hands-on money management is very time consuming. Even if you take the time to go over reports it's a whole other level to verify the reports are accurate and nobody is ripping you off. An old friend of mine has made a lot of money (9 figures) and he enjoys managing it himself, but he quit his job to do it. It's literally his full time job to manage his own money.

    • Like 1
  14. Can you help me understand that? Normally, we'd call an employer and verify income, but the only way to know the net income is by tax return if he's self-employed. I don't really get it since we're saying he can black out social security income. 


    Sorry I wasn't clear. Yes I was implying he might get paid more than the tax return would reflect, or that he hasn't been filing taxes so there's nothing to give you, or that he just might be more comfortable showing invoices and deposits to his account if he's concerned about showing you the returns. My guess is he didn't file last year, either due to no or very low income, or he's making money under the table. Otherwise it makes no sense he wouldn't show you with the SS number blacked out.

  15. I agree with you. Go with your gut.


    I am all for helping out young couples just getting started, and I can even sympathize with not wanting to provide a tax return, but if the husband is unwilling to verify income in some way, I wouldn't go for it. Perhaps he can provide bank account statements showing deposits of income? Otherwise I would decline without a co-signer.

    • Like 3
  16. So many little things like that. But since it's the season I'll mention I keep a picnic blanket in my car, which allows us to stop for spontaneous park time, lie on the grass if we see a good spot, spread out our work if we see a cool spot and want to work outdoors, etc. Plus it gives me comfort that if the car broke down or there was an earthquake we'd have a blanket to keep warm while we wait.


    Once it's folded and zipped (keeps in neat in the trunk) it has handles and a handy pocket.

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