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Posts posted by idnib

  1. If he's having anxiety about how advanced things are or are not, do you think he might read a book like The Smartest Kids in the World? It talks about how kids are educated in different countries with very different paradigms, and kids in Finland are doing a bit better than kids in South Korea even though they start later, let younger children play more, and are more relaxed about it in general. There's more to it than that, but that's the gist of it.

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  2. I didn't read the other thread. I avoid those because every time I read them I find new things that annoy me!


    I only get asked this question a few days a week. It doesn't always annoy me, but when it does it's because some amorphous thing in the future I was going to figure out later becomes a concrete pressure, while I'm still enjoying my morning snuggle with my kids or sipping my breakfast coffee.


    I am working on coming up with a weekly menu plan, but first I have to get over my desire to always cook what's inspiring and my boredom at eating the same things too often.

    • Like 1
  3. Canned salmon or tuna mixed with a little mayo and use the cucumber slices as crackers for the topping or for scooping.


    You can also cut a cucumber in half lengthwise, scope out the seeds with a spoon, and fill with the salmon or tuna salad.

    • Like 1
  4. I would also take her to the ER and get her the info she needs. Making an informed decision to refuse medical treatment is a world away from what's happening in this situation. 


    I think you need to not worry about the SIL and really think about the ethics of the situation. Sadie's right that you're going to have to do the easier thing and go along, or the right thing. A capable adult is having medical information withheld from them by a cult member. Consider if you were the person having medical information withheld even though you are of sound mind. This is an abuse of a power of attorney. Was this document drawn up by an attorney or was it a DIY form? because I'd be letting the attorney know as well.


    Sorry I can't find a way to put it more plainly than that. And I'm sorry you're in this situation.


    :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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  5. No, this sounds terrible unless they are reserving them for people who have particular disabilities that make it difficult to sit in the car for a long time, and the line makes it hard to get to disabled parking.


    I could also see giving it out to carpools, where parents are picking up 4 or more kids. Yes they could all be from one family, but likely they would be picking up at least one non-family kid and reducing the line by a car or two.

    • Like 6
  6. It's not uncommon for people in Northern CA to spend more than 50% of their income on rent or mortgage. 


    That said, it's not that big a deal for a kid to wait an hour, Yes, it's a bit of a pain, but he can read or do homework in the meantime. And if he's anything like many of the teens in my high school, he'll eventually meet someone who gives him a ride once in awhile, or he'll go to other kids' homes to hang out after school, or he'll join a club or activity.

    • Like 7
  7. Working on figuring out adultren boundaries. It is harder than I think it should be due to inlaw influence that I should never have listened to. Before the great blow up at one for being a lazy bum I thought they were mentally handicap because they could not manage a task I viewed as age appropriate for a preschooler. I push for testing and it showed they can learn and are not impaired in that area. But really, I listened to the inlaws about how they really are not their age and still need lots of help. So I am fighting those voices that I listened to and allowed to shape how I viewed them.


    Master of manipulation, they are.



    I know some of this sounds unbelievable to people, that there really are people like this who have neither mental illness nor some sort of disability. My parents' neighbors had a child who was exactly like this though, and didn't start getting his act together until his mid-30s, when he finally got a job. He was lazy, entitled, and coddled, and his parents always stepped in to do things for him. (And I don't use those words, generally, as I tend to take a generous view toward young adults developing and blooming at different rates.) 


    Long story short, he moved back in with his parents after being on his own living in a car for awhile, and after his mom passed away from cancer someone on the street reported him for elder abuse of his dad. He doesn't hate his dad or have particular anger towards him, he's simply too lazy to make the effort to care for him properly. 


    So I do believe you when you say that there are people who are just like this, outliers due to a combination of lack of work ethic and energy, and enabling family members.


    ETA: It was my parents' neighbors, not my parents!

    • Like 5
  8. Too many to count.


    People find out where they'll be using Twitter or if they have a regular schedule. We also have regular places where they gather in groups and usually local musicians play as well. People here use them to cater parties and even weddings, esp weddings where there's no kitchen handy.

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