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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. Wow. Thank you for posting the pictures, they were gorgeous.


    I have been watching WWII in HD from the history channel, and it has footage that has never before been shown on TV. It really is awe-inspiring to consider what these men went through. Just last night I watched the invasion of Normandy, and was thinking how easily I could not be here, since my grandfather served during WWII and stormed the beaches of Normandy.


    I plan on writing my dissertation about WWII or the Holocaust, so things like this are really interesting to me. I hope to make my own trip to Europe soon.

  2. Well, I first looked at homeschooling because I despise the public school system and can't afford private school. I looked at it as a stopgap measure until I could get financial aid for a Catholic school (in kindergarten).


    Then as I began investigating stuff to do with my toddler, I found I really enjoyed teaching her myself. I love the look on her face when she "gets it". Just as I wanted to be there for the first steps and first words, I want to be there for learning to read (because how amazing is that) and learning addition and subtraction.


    THEN, because I was working with her, and because she LOVES to learn, she started to advance beyond her age level. We will be starting Singapore 1A in the fall, when she SHOULD be starting preschool. I don't think she would be stimulated in a school setting, and GT programs are a joke. (I was in them, so at least the ones I was a part of were).


    I basically homeschool for ten million different reasons, but it boils down to the fact that I can provide much better academics, and I want religion to be part of her education.

  3. I often find myself amazed at those parents also.


    I'm a single parent and have long since realized that even though I have to support my family, I spend MUCH more time with my daughter than most parents. (I don't know any other homeschoolers IRL, so this is public school parents). I worked as a nanny until she was 3, and waitressed at night when her grandparents could watch her while she was sleeping. Now that I'm in school, I am only away from her a couple hours a day.


    What really gets me is people who say "I could never spend that much time with my child" and then keep having more children. Why have more? If you are only spending a little bit of time with your child, now you have to split that time up. Children need some individual attention from their parents!


    Now the real question... how to keep up a friendship with these type of people when they feel your decision to homeschool is an attack on their schooling decisions, and when you can't relate to needing to "get away" from the kids to go out every weekend? -sigh-

  4. As a Catholic, (or ANYONE who doesn't want to use artificial birth control), you should really look into Natural family planning. Many churches offer resources, or you can find books at the bookstore and information online. Done right it is just as effective as artificial birth control, and then when you are ready to have another child it can also be used to help get pregnant.


    I'm Catholic, but I am on artificial birth control. It is for medical problems though, right now my doctor and I are trying to lessen my pain and preserve my fertility so I can try for another baby when I'm ready (read: married and out of school. :D) I wouldn't take it if I was "with" anyone, because of the possibility of losing a pregnancy.


    There is a difference between being open to children and taking unneccesary risks. Most Catholics I know would say that it is responsible and acceptable to God to plan your family using natural methods.

  5. Hasn't the judge heard the many stories of women searching for their children for YEARS once the father has taken them to a Middle Eastern country? Hiring people to basically kidnap the children and bring them home?


    I can not believe that the judge is even considering this. I also don't believe the husband can't find a job.


    If I were the mother, I would run with my kids. No way would I take a chance of never seeing them again.

  6. I also felt in my first pregnancy that I would have more children, but that THIS child was the one I would have the most special relationship with. I know it's almost heretical to say that as a mother of more children, and I'm not talking at all about "loving more" or even "preferring", it's more like a feeling of having a tiny "extra layer" on the incredibly strong bound you have with each of your children. She's very, very much like me and so transparent to me, it's like looking myself growing up again. She's currently in the phase when she hates it, the other day she told me she feels like she has no "mental privacy" in front of me because I understand her too well. :D



    I don't think this is weird at all. I *know* that I'll have more children, my family just isn't done. But I know with certainty that I will always have a special relationship with my DD. Not that I'll love her more, but I'm a single parent and it has just been her and I for 4.5 years now, and will be just us for a number of years more. Plus in a sense we are growing up together, since I was just 20 when I had her.

    Plus, like you, DD is just like me. Looks like me, acts like me, all the same interests I had as a child, even has the same health problems I had when I was younger! :tongue_smilie:

  7. DD LOVES, LOVES the library. We have gone once or twice a week since she was a year old. She knows that if she acts up, we leave, so that's enough to keep her in control.


    With that said... I only have one!! :D In your position, I'd definitely use a leash or stroller. I don't know if a smaller library would necessarily be any better, because there is still a lot to get into. But like another poster said, definitely check into online services. Even though my DD loves the library so much I still try to put all or most of the books I want out of the adult section on hold so we can spend the entire time in the children's section. Makes things so much easier!!

  8. I love reading all these stories! Really amazing.


    But I did NOT know with my DD. I wasn't supposed to be able to get pregnant on my own. I have endometriosis and severe scarring all around my uterus, fallopian tubes, intestines, etc.etc.

    One day I was at work and got a little dizzy. I thought maybe I was getting my period (I have blood sugar issues, and when I'm about to start my blood sugar bottoms out), then I realized I hadn't HAD a period in at least 8 months. I happened to work next to a CVS and called my best friend. I said "I haven't had a period in 8 months, but I really don't want to waste the money on a test, what do you think?" She told me to take a test, so I did.


    Turns out, I was 4.5 months pregnant!! While I was pregnant I just KNEW I was having a boy. Even though at my first ultrasound they told me she was 95% a girl, then in the last week of my pregnancy I had 3 ultrasounds because of complications. I was still determined that I was having a boy. So much so that during the c-section, as soon as they pulled her out, I said "Is it a boy?" The doctor laughed at me and said NO!

    I'm happy to have my girl, but I still want a boy. lol. The funny thing is DD LOVES all things boy. Racing, cars, football... she is just like me. :D

  9. I have hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds!) of pictures... but they are all still on one of my computers! I had never gotten them backed up or printed. Then my computer crashed. :glare: I ended up paying 600 dollars to get someone to come get my pictures and school documents off the crashed hard drive.

    I still don't have the pictures printed, but they are stored online now, and I keep documents in Google documents as well. I need to start getting them printed up.


    I love looking at old pictures. I have many pictures of my grandparents and parents, and HUNDREDS of pictures of me. I always just assumed that my daughter would like to look eventually also, and if not... well then I don't know what I'll do with all these pictures! :tongue_smilie:

  10. My 4.5 year old DD has one and loves it. Especially since I keep it put up and only bring it out for special times (long car rides, doctors visit waits, etc.)


    Depending on what your daughters are into, I'd check the game selection first. I'm not sure how many games are marketed for older girls. My daughter loves the racing games and other boy-stuff, so we don't have ANY girl games! (Oh wait, one... My little pony that has been played ONCE!)

  11. Suddenly Im gawking over babies... where this came from I have no idea! Im a single mom and its totally not possible. ( I always say No WAY) But I guess deep down Ive always wanted a big family and Im sad that I never had that oportunity. :confused:

    my dd is 9 and ive been single for ever.. lol and theres no love or marriage anywhere in sight.. :001_unsure:


    :grouphug: I feel your pain. I'm also a single mother and have always wanted a big family. I definitely have baby fever (both of my best friends have had babies in the last 6 months!) but for me it is way more than that. I never wanted DD to be an only child.

    I plan to adopt eventually (older children, probably a sibling group), but since I'll be in school for another... 8 years... it is a long way off!


    Love and marriage? Who in the world has time for that???? There has been some blips on the radar, but I can barely keep up with my school work, my daughter's school work, clean house and friendships!

  12. It doesn't come across as racist to me. I am profoundly hard-of-hearing and have a lot of difficulty on the phone; add an accent to that and it is pretty much impossible for me to understand.


    :iagree:I have mild to moderate hearing loss, and on top of that almost always have ear infections which makes it even harder for me to hear. I have a really hard time speaking to people with accents, whether on the phone or in person, since I tend to read lips a lot to catch what I'm missing.


    You didn't say anything about race, so I don't see how that could be racist.

  13. I spent close to 800 (I think that is what I estimated in the other post!) on my daughter this year for extras. Not too much, but when you are living on less than 12K a year, it is a significant amount.


    My DD does dance and soccer, both things she adores, and I'm not willing to give them up. I do what I can to get by. I sell outgrown clothes and toys when I can and use the income from that. Some months my parents help out. Sometimes I've been down to turning in change at coinstar to pay monthly tuition for dance or sign up for soccer.


    Pretty rough, but this is the life I committed to when I decided to go back to school to *eventually* make our life better. I don't want my daughter to give up her activities for it though, especially since she only does two and I feel like they are very beneficial for her.

  14. Have you looked at elemental science? I haven't looked at the physics course yet, but I've looked at the biology and Intro to Science for K (which we are planning to use this year) and really like the look of them.


    It would be a spine, and you would have to get extra stuff, but it seems like a great program. It has experiments, extra readings, narrations, vocabulary, etc.



  15. I don't think I'd set a curfew on my 18 year old, as long as they could get in the house without disturbing anyone and didn't expect me to be driving them around. I do agree that he should still tell you where he'll be, who he is with, and what time he'll be home.


    I'm 24 with a child, and when I come home to my parents I still tell them where I'll be and what time I'll be home! Just out of respect, because I know my parents worry about me. (Also because if we are here and I'm out it means they are babysitting and need that information anyway... :D)

  16. When I renewed my driver's license last time they didn't ask about updating height or weight. I didn't stop them to volunteer the information either.


    I first got my license at 16... then had it renewed at 21 and they never asked about an updated height/weight, so I didn't correct them (of course that was 6 months after I had my daughter!). I haven't renewed it since, so my license still says what I weighed at 16.




    Other than that, I can't lie because I don't know what I weigh. If someone asks (and who would be that rude... oh that's right, my mother!) I just say I don't know.

  17. The last year of dance for my DD. (4.5 years old and her very first year, will only get more expensive from here as she wants to join the performance squad and competition team. ugh).

    Tuition: $360 ($40 a month for 9 months)

    Ballet shoes: $30 (had to buy from the studio)

    Tutus and tights: approximately $50.

    Recital uniform: $100

    Pictures: $50

    Recital tickets: $30 ($10 a piece for me and my parents)

    DVD of recital: $35

    Total of $655 for 9 months of dance.


    She also plays soccer.

    $45 for outdoor fall season through the county

    $100 for winter indoor season through soccer clinic

    $145 for soccer this year.


    Next year she'll be doing dance, which will be more since she's doing two dances in the recital (same tuition costs, but two pairs of shoes, two outfits, more pictures..)

    We are also doing an additional session of soccer because she really loves it. So outdoor, winter and spring. ($245).


    That'll put me over $1000 for one child, one year of activities. Both of which are activities she really loves though so it's worth it.


    (OH. I forgot cleats, indoor soccer shoes, shinguards, socks, and uniforms for soccer. So another.... $130?)

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