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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. But that's just it. I don't want my kids thinking abortion isn't a big deal. I'm prolife, and so abortion IS a big deal. A huge deal! But at their ages, I would have to sanitize it to talk about it. I would much rather shield them from this knowledge until they are capable of understanding, then have them be horrified at the truth of it, and understand exactly why we are prolife. If it isn't a big deal now, it won't be a big deal later, and thus they may not have strong emotions about it.


    :iagree:Abortion is a HUGE deal for me. I don't want it mentioned "in passing". When we talk about it, it will be the focus of our conversation, so she truly understands the horror.


    I just wrote a paper about how constant exposure to violence desensitizes a person to the violence. The paper was actually in regards to Northern Ireland, but the theory applies to many things. If you see something (hear about something) over and over again, eventually it can become the "norm" and completely acceptable.

    It is the same reason I don't cuss around my daughter. I'm not naive enough to believe she will never hear curse words. But if she isn't hearing them all the time, it won't be part of her regular vocabulary.

  2. I have an interesting question for those that are Christian and have posted on this thread. Do you pick the parts of the Bible that you either read to your children or allow your children to read based on their ages?


    I am do to have my first child any day now and fully intend to read to them from the bible on day 1 (OK, maybe day 2 or 3:D). I know the Bible covers many evil topics ranging from rape to murder to infantcide, to wars. I don't intend to bypass those texts until the child is old enough to hear it.


    To me the subject of abortion in that situation just wouldn't be a big deal. My child would either be too young to understand it or they would be exposed to many or all of the issues from the Bible and it shouldn't be that much of a stretch.


    No I don't pick the parts of the Bible I read to DD, then again, right now we read a children's Bible, so things are toned down a little.


    My major problem with the OP's situation is the venue. It is a DANCE class. Even if it was a Christian studio, different Christian denominations have different beliefs.

    Plus, it is MY job to expose my daughter to the bad things in life. I know my daughter best, and I know how to explain things to her. She is too young to know that some women kill their babies because they don't want them. But at 4, if she heard someone talking about "abortion", she would most certainly ask me what it is, because she loves new words.


    Part of the reason I homeschool is that I think children are growing up way too fast in this society. Once you learn about things like war, abortion, murder, your view of the world changes. DD will know about these things, but I'd like her to hold on to her natural innocence for a little while longer.


    If you feel it is okay for a child to know about abortion at 3 or 4 or 5, than that it your choice as a parent, and your perogative to teach them. But I think the big outrage here is that the man took that choice away from the parents.

  3. :bigear: I'll be listening to experiences with family practice vs. peds.


    We've moved and I need to find new doctors for DD and I. I've been considering going with a family practice doctor that could see us both. I'm not concerned as much about the intrusiveness but about the... knowledge?

    I'm worried that a ped has more knowledge about children and would be more likely to catch some rare disease. OK, I really need to stop watching Discovery Health channel. :lol: But even regular children's issues, are family practice doctors equipped to handle them? Part of me says that it would be nice for us to both go to the same doctor and develop a relationship, but part of me wants the expertise a ped brings.


    In case it matters, DD is a pretty healthy child and not at all afraid of doctors. So I'm not really worried about having the child-friendly environment from a ped.

  4. I started college the first time just after I turned 18. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but hey, that's what you're supposed to do right?

    I was too busy enjoying life. Out partying every night, skipping classes, and eventually just quit going. I didn't have a goal in mind, so it didn't seem very important. I didn't have any idea what life was about to throw me!


    I started college the second time at 22. I had lived life. I had gotten all my partying out of the way. I was now a mother, and knew I needed to support my daughter and I. I also knew what I wanted to do! I went to a community college, took 38 credits in two semesters with a 3.9 GPA. Then I transferred to a university where I am in the honors program and have a 3.8 GPA. I'll be continuing on to graduate school.


    Obviously there are many, many people out there who do well in college just out of high school. But, at least for me, I think the years off really made a difference. I grew up, a lot. Plus, having an actual goal in mind (getting my PhD) really makes a difference for me. If my daughter shows any hesitation about going to college when she graduates high school, I'll encourage her to take a break.

  5. Wow. I am completely prolife, from the beginning to the end of life. But this would make me angry, and I'd be pulling my daughter out. Abortion should be something discussed with children by parents. I don't want someone else deciding when my daughter is ready to hear it.


    If this was all adults and he used the opportunity to say something (quick!), I probably would just blow it off. Still pretty rude, since not everyone feels the same way, but no big deal. The fact that there were children there, and he is actively using these children as part of the "campaign" really bothers me. Even if I agree with him on this issue, what happens if we disagree on the next?

  6. Wow. I'd want this dog gone. The fact that the boy who is regularly walking this dog (and others!!) isn't able to control them is a problem. Even if the dog has no aggression towards humans, he can't go around killing other people's pets!! And going IN someone's house? I mean, really.


    Owners need to control their dogs, period. Animal aggression could or could not be an indicator of dangerousness towards humans, but... are we really going to take that chance? I have a dog who does NOT like other dogs, period. She gets along with cats, hamsters, birds... but she will fight other dogs. However she would never hurt a human. If I walk her, I keep very tight control over her. I wouldn't want her to get in a fight and hurt herself or someone else's pet! Especially since she is 95 pounds and could really hurt a small dog. (And then I have another dog who has bitten before and is under strict control).


    FWIW, my dogs are labs. I've known aggressive dogs of all breeds, and in fact would trust my child more with a big dog than with a small dog, since small dogs are more likely to bite. The "problem" with pit bulls is that irresponsible people own them and train them to be mean. The breed itself can be some of the best family dogs.

  7. I know a couple years ago when I was nannying (is that even a word? lol) I potty trained my 2.5 year old DD and a 4 year old boy. I had him sit down because it was so much easier. No spraying issues for one! Plus it was easier for him to sit and wait for the pee-pee to come than to stand there waiting. I'm not sure how long he stood, or if he is still sitting, since I left the job a short while later.


    When I was a teenager I babysat for a family who had a 7 year old. He decided he wanted to stand to pee so we used to throw cheerios or fruit loops in the toilet for him to have something to aim at! :D It worked. hah.

  8. How is he "a little slow"?


    If I felt comfortable with my child playing with an older child, I'd probably let them have a sleepover. At my house of course, and everyone would be sleeping out in the living room or something. But if this boy is on the slow side, he could be more on the level of an 11 year old and just feel more comfortable with them than with those his own age. (Depending on what you mean by slow. Like, developmental, learning disorders, ??)


    I had older friends growing up. In fact, the majority of my friends were older. If I was only allowed to have sleepovers with people my own age... well, I'd have been a very lonely girl! The older kids thought my quirks were cute, the kids my age thought they were.. weird. It hasn't been until very recently that I've learned to relate to people my own age properly.

  9. I live in MD, and mandatory age is 5. So I will have to report the year of 2011-2012. (DD is 4.5 right now).


    But at the end of that school year we will be moving for me to go to graduate school. I'm not sure where we will be moving yet, but what happens if we move to a state with 7 as the mandatory age? DD will only be 6.5. Do I just not report that year, or do I still need to report since she has already been in school (even if it was in a different state?)


    Common sense tells me that I'd skip that year, because who wants to be in the system if you don't have to be? But it feels weird to report a year and then skip a year.


    I hope that makes sense! I know it is still a long way off, but I like to have my ducks in a row. The homeschool laws/community is actually one of the things I am considering when looking at schools. I'm sure once I narrow my choices down I'll be here asking about certain areas! :D

  10. I live in a state with day requirements instead of hours, and I was getting frustrated because I'm not sure how many hours we have to work in order for a day to count. I mean, we do learning stuff every day of the week! But now I can see how the hour requirement would be pretty rough, especially when they are young!


    Like others have suggested, keep your eyes open for teaching moments, and count them! Remember that in 1st grade, they are constantly learning, and things that we don't even have to think about (measuring while cooking, reading speed limit signs-DD's new favorite thing!-etc) are all learning moments!!!


    I don't have to report until 2011 (when DD is 5) but I am keeping a portfolio this year. I'm hoping to find someone (another homeschool mom maybe?) who will take a look at my portfolio at the end of the year and tell me I'm doing it right. I am notoriously BAD at keeping records and such, so I just want to practice for a year first before I have to do it officially.

  11. Once DD was off the bottle, I no longer allowed snacks in church. The only thing she is allowed to bring is a stuffed animal (a quiet one!) and books. I have a Mass book and a children's Bible she was allowed to have. Other than that she is expected to participate and sit quietly, unless she is asking me a question regarding the sermon/readings/some other part of Mass.


    Then again... this is the same child who would sit and watch Mass on TV at 2. :tongue_smilie:I guess I had it pretty easy!

  12. Old Navy carries size 20, and they have all different fits.


    This. I wear a 12 or 14 and have a HARD time finding jeans that I like, fit well, and don't look like mom jeans. I love the different fits of the Old Navy jeans and never have a problem finding a good pair. Every single pair of jeans I own (which, lets be honest is only 5) are Old Navy.

  13. Vaseline & socks overnight. Magic.


    Home-done pedicure next day involving a pedicure razor thingy and/or a great pumice stone. & Lots of lotion.


    Repeat vaseline/socks as needed.


    This. Thick lotion and socks overnight does the trick too if you don't have vaseline.


    I do it with my hands also. (And yes, I use socks!!! lol.) I actually have a couple pairs of thick cotton socks that I use only for these nights.

  14. I'm far from being a germophobe BUT... I ALWAYS shut the toilet lid before flushing, and my 4.5 year old does too (possibly because I freak out if she doesn't... :glare:) I just can't handle the thought of little poop particles flying up on me... arg.


    In public bathrooms I make DD stand behind me as I flush, and we rush right out of the bathroom. For the automatic flushers, a little bandaid covering the sensor works amazing, then you can pull it off when you're ready to flush! (I actually learned to do that when DD was just potty training and scared of the auto-flushers, especially when they would flush while she was still sitting there because she was so little and they only caught the movement of her head or something... )

  15. My daughter and I both have insurance through the state. I have some health problems that require medication, and I have NO way to pay for doctor's visits, ER visits, etc, if something were to come up. I'm very grateful that we qualify for the state health insurance right now while I'm in school, otherwise we'd be in a bad place.


    I can't imagine NOT having insurance, especially on a child. We went without for two months because of some mixups on the part of social services, and during that two months DD (and I) were SO SICK. I'm not someone to go to the dr at the first sign of a problem, but when she was sick for weeks, spiking fevers every other day... it was frustrating not to be able to see a dr. Finally I just went to the ER, and now have a couple hundred dollar bill to show for it!

  16. I live in the USA, but I will be teaching my daughter history from a more world view. Events like the Revolutionary War, which affected not only the United States but also influenced other countries, such as Britain and France, will be covered more in depth than issues such as Abraham Lincoln's assassination. Not that it isn't an important subject and is at least worth a mention, but seriously, in the scheme of things it was a fairly minor event. Not quite as fun as the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, setting off a world war and all! :D


    We are starting Story of the World (and 1st grade) the year after next, when she is 5.5. So since we will be a year ahead, I *might* take a year (or a summer) later on to study American History. It all depends on how much is covered in SOTW, and I haven't looked beyond book 1 yet.

  17. DD has no schedule, never has. I make sure she gets enough sleep, so bedtime is usually based around what time we have to get up the next morning, or if we have to.


    This summer I'll be working on getting a more set schedule, since I have classes 5 days a week in the fall and will have to be on campus by 9 every day. I'm aiming for bedtime at 9, wake up at 7.

  18. I'm not sure it necessarily looks like a "homeschool" house, since we don't really have much in the way of curriculum right now (DD is only 4.5). But anyone who came in could tell that I do a lot with my daughter, and it actually looks similar to a preschool. We have workbooks, lots of arts and crafts supplies, my DD's artwork displayed, lots of blocks and cars and dollhouse stuff... There isn't a room in the apartment without good quality toys, educational materials, and DD's work.

  19. My daughter started dancing when she was 5 and putting on makeup for recitals was such a special treat, especially since all the big girls were wearing stage makeup as well. My mom brought her some samples from the department store where she worked and she had so much fun with it. She's 12 now but occasionally would want to put it on for play or dress up but the rule was at home, inside the house, and shower before we go anywhere to get it all off.


    When I showed an interest for light makeup in 6th grade my mom took me and bought me good quality makeup (I have really sensitive skin). I think having the freedom to wear it made me not want it so bad.


    I agree that having the freedom to do something makes it less appealing sometimes.

    I guess I should have clarified that DD does have play makeup at home, but it is always taken off before we go out. I guess I'll probably allow her to wear some lipgloss and maybe light blush or something for the recital next year, so that she feels special. :D DD has already expressed an interest in the performance squad for the year after next, and I know they are required to wear makeup, so I might as well let up a little next year!!

  20. DD is only 4.5, and would you believe this issue has already come up?


    At her dance recital (and for pictures), many of the other girls in her class were wearing make up. And I mean MAKEUP, not just a little tinted chapstick or something. I even saw one mom putting mascara and eyeliner on her daughter!


    I flat out refused to put makeup on my daughter. Luckily the dance school had said it was optional, but my mom pushed me to put makeup on her, and DD wanted to wear make up. No way. She's 4!


    I imagine I'll be allowing her to wear makeup on the stage long before I allow her to wear it in everyday life. She has already asked about makeup for the dance recital next year.. :glare:


    Makeup in everyday life... probably not until 14-15, maybe even later. No need to grow up even quicker!

  21. Probably not.


    I'm ashamed to say I end up wasting a lot of food, because I just don't know how to judge if it is good or not. I can't smell anything unless it is really strong, and I haven't lived on my own long enough to figure things like that out. If I have any question at all about the quality of food/milk(!!) it goes in the trash....

  22. This gives me the creepies! I am scared of bugs in my ears. I watch too much discovery health channel and saw one of those ER shows where someone had a bug in his ear. I actually slept with a hat on for weeks after that... :tongue_smilie:

    My guess would be a spider bite, because it does seem like a strange place for a mosquito bite, but it could be! Could someone look at it for you and see if it looks infected?

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