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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. My blogs are Morgan Classical Prep (our homeschooling blog and what we call our school... lol) and Not The Whistle Stop. My english professor said something along the lines of "It is the journey that counts, not the whistle stop" during a discussion once, and I just really liked it.


    I have no suggestions though... I'm always really bad at coming up with names... blog names, user names, etc. :tongue_smilie:

  2. Let's see.


    This semester I am paying approximately 3300 in tuition. I spent 600 on books (one semester! and I already had books for one of my classes!) and that was with buying some used. I spend 40 dollars a week on gas. I spent 100 dollars on my parking pass. If I want to eat at the Commons (the big dining room) it costs 10.00 a meal. Sodas are 1.25 from the vending machine. Copies at the library at .25cents.


    What else... lol. I'm sure I'll come up with more!! :D

  3. :grouphug: This is a tough situation you are in, and I can't pretend to know what you are going through.


    IS there a chance it could be innocent? Could that friend just have been informing him? Or does she maybe not know that he is clean? Or maybe she is trying to intice him to come out with her?


    If it were me, I would drug test first before making any final decisions.


    To be honest, I have friends that will text me and tell me when they are high, or if they are getting some weed that night, etc. I've also had friends text to me find out if I wanted some, not realizing that I don't do that.

  4. I think it's sad that people get so riled up about someone burning Korans, but if someone wanted to light a stack of Bibles on fire most of the world would be just fine with that. No outrage or media attention. Sad really how messed up people's thinking is.


    I would be just as upset if someone wanted to burn a stack of Bibles.


    I think that burning the Holy Book for any group is incredibly ignorant and disrespectful. Especially when the actions that are supposedly being protested against are only performed by a small minority of the religion. ESPECIALLY when it may put others at risk, including soldiers and civilians. We can't control what others do, but we can control our own actions that may incite others.


    I have been floored lately, by the various conversations held with family/friends about this and the building of a Mosque in NYC. I didn't realize how... intolerant some of the people around me are. It makes me very sad.

    (I'm not referring to anyone on this board... it is your right to think differently from me, but some of the people I've spoken to IRL are just flat out intolerant towards others.)

  5. Hm. My family is... well. At first they were not really for it, but I think they've seen how it really is the best place for Jenna, both academically and emotionally.


    My family (and my best friend) do worry about me being overwhelmed. I already have a pretty heavy load with my own schoolwork, and they check in often to make sure I'm not feeling too stressed or like this is my only option. My best friend also worries about my emotional health, she thinks homeschooling Jenna gives me another excuse to be anti-social... :tongue_smilie:(The way I look at it, it forces me to talk to people, to make friends and set up activities for J!)


    But overall, I think my family is pretty used to my oddball ideas about parenting and keeping Jenna out of the mainstream. I think it is more of a shock to them than anything, since I used to be so wild myself, to see how I've settled down into becoming a pretty darn good parent, if I may say so myself!! lol.

  6. Nope. I am super excited to start everything.


    DD and I have been watching the boxes show up for the past 2 weeks and she is ready to start, 2 weeks ago!! :D I think I'm matching her in excitement. I spent a long time picking out stuff that I think she'd enjoy... in fact, pretty much everything except handwriting she will love. (And she actually likes to write, just doesn't like being told HOW or what to write!)


    Then again... this is our first year using what I would call "real" curriculum. Up until now we've used mostly worksheets I found online, workbooks bought at Target, and lots of library books. Ask me again in a couple years... :tongue_smilie: Maybe by then I'll have found something that we just don't like doing.

  7. I have 30 minutes twice a week planned for art and art appreciation, and 10 minutes four times a week for music.


    Day 1 of art will be two 15 minute sessions. We will do a project on art concepts (line, background, texture, etc.) We will look at a few paintings that show that particular concept. The second session of 15 minutes we will read about an artist, either a book, or online, and look at a couple examples of their work.

    Day 2 of art we will review what we learned about the artist earlier in the week, and look at more(or the same) samples of their work. Then we will do a piece inspired by their work.


    We will do the same artist for 2 weeks. For this year, our artist study won't be matching up with our history (US and then prehistory) because I really want to cover some of the big ones, and the more popular ones are also easier to find books/information for younger children.


    For music, we already listen to a wide range of music, but I really want to actually study some classical music.


    Day 1 - listen to a piece and learn a little about the composer

    Day 2 - listen to a piece and talk about how it makes us feel, draw a picture to show how it makes us feel

    Day 3 - watch the piece being performed (youtube, library videos, etc.)

    Day 4 - learn a little more about the composer, do some dancing while we listen


    We will do the same composer for two weeks in a row also, and again, hitting on the big ones for this year.


    It is a lot to explain, but it is actually pretty simple and painless. Plus, since we are going to do the same artist/composer for two weeks, if we miss a day it won't be too horrible.

  8. Our 'year' starts in June so we finish up usually some time in early May or earlier depending.


    My daughter is only 4, but my long term plan involves year round schooling, all the way through high school. But we also "start" in June, and take May as our "summer" break. I'm a college student (and will be until DD is 11-12), so May is a very busy month for me.


    Plus, it makes more sense for me to end at (well, around) the same time as everyone else than to start at the same time. For exactly this reason. Applying to college, and you need to be done at a similar time. (Many colleges want a final transcript at the end of the year, and will take back their acceptance if they don't like what they see). Also for promoting to the next grade at the same time as others, making my portfolio at the end of the year and including all of one grade instead of half.


    I wouldn't plan to end in July. If we got in a situation where we were behind for some reason, I'd work extra hard to get caught back up. I see you are in 11th grade, if you want to work year round I'd say work through next summer and take short breaks, but plan to be done with your senior year around the same time as the public schools are.

  9. This was the conversation at our house yesterday.


    DS - Mom, what are you thinking about?


    Me - I was thinking that I will need to write our Christmas cards soon (thinking into October)


    DS - It's not even FALL YET!


    Why does is seem like it is almost Christmas?


    I actually called my best friend on August 30th to say it was time to start looking for the kids Christmas outfits. :D She told me it was still summer, and to leave her alone about it until AT LEAST October. lol.

    But.... in my defense, we have 3 girls, sizes 4T, 6, and 10, and a boy size 6 months that we have to find outfits for. We've been doing matching dresses for the girls the past couple holidays, but now we have her boy to consider also.

  10. Haha... that's me. Don't be like my mother. My list has been entirely movie and books (with the occasional puzzle thrown in) since I was about 9. My mom is convinced that I never tell her the true "fun" thing that I want and so she hunts until she is convinced that she finds it, buys it for me, and I get something nice, but not what I wanted :glare:


    That's me, except without the movies. I've been all about books as presents since I was... well, ever since I can remember! I was the crazy kid who asked Santa for books.. :tongue_smilie:Of course my family (parents, grandparents, etc.) were convinced that I REALLY wanted something else, so they got EVERYTHING else for me... :D

    I was of course very grateful for the nice stuff I got... but I would have been just as happy with books and gift certificates to book stores.

  11. DD's birthday is less than a month after Christmas.


    For the holidays (bday and Christmas), she'll be getting books (as always!), a new bike helmet, hot wheels/tracks, dollhouse furniture, and probably a few little things I pick up here and there.

    OH. And I'll probably give her my ipod touch for Christmas, since I'm getting a new phone which can hold all my music.


    We are also going to Baltimore for her birthday, to the National Aquarium and Port Discovery, so we probably won't be having a party.

  12. I don't think it matters, unless your state requires you to do "health". In my state, I'm required to teach health, so next year (when we actually have to report!) I'll probably do a unit on the human body - including nutrition and such, and count it as health.

  13. For Kinder we are doing anywhere from 2hours-5 hours a day, 7 days a week. This includes 30 minutes a day of some sort of physical activity, 30 minutes a day of reading aloud, 10 minutes a day of phonics work, and everything else spread out.


    It seems like a lot, but it really isn't. Especially when you consider the physical activity and reading aloud, which we'd do even if we weren't homeschooling. We also do art projects twice a week, and I've scheduled 30 minutes each time for that, even if it only takes 10 minutes. (And our 5 hour day includes 2 hours for watching a movie in French!)

  14. I use Elemental Science and I purchased it on my bedroom computer and put it on a usb drive so that I could print it out at our office supply store so yes, you can print it at your school.:001_smile:


    For SM word problems...I bought Singapore Math 70 word problems book from my local Books a Million store. It was cheaper than having to buy the official one from SM. Also, I would wait and see if your child needs the extra practice book before ordering. You may not need it. It really depends on how well the child "gets it."


    Thank you!


    I did buy the extra practice book, but I think I will wait on the word problems. DD isn't reading completely on her own yet, so we'd need to do all that together anyways, as if we need something else to do!!


    I did forget to get the HIG though, and I just read that it is really helpful... :glare:


    Tonight, I purchased our first real curriculums!!!!! Should I be this excited? :D YES, you should be that excited! Congratulations!


    1. With Singapore, do you use the tests and extra practice? And where can I find the Word Problems book? Do I NEED the word problems book? For now I went ahead and got the extra practice, but didn't get the tests... I figured I would know if she was getting it or not getting it, even without the tests... right?

    We don't use all the extra books for Singapore. In my opinion, the workbooks have plenty of word problems themselves. LOL However, if your child craves word problems, by all means, get the extra book! :)


    Thank you. I am going to wait on the word problems. I can always pick it up later if we need more practice!


    The books are all b&w inside, but there is a color cover if you want one. Your welcome to save it to a USB and print it out somewhere else, especially if you can do so for free :D. Copyright covers the giving it to someone else issue, but you can still choose where you print your file. Also, the printed books should be shipping in mid-September in case you wanted to go that route. Hope that helps!


    Oh... you just made it more difficult for me! If it was going to be the END of September, I would have went ahead with the download book... But... I can wait a couple weeks... I think... :D

    I guess I'll think on it some more. I'm really excited to start, but I think I'd prefer getting the books already bound and together. :tongue_smilie:And with a pretty color cover also!! lol.

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