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Posts posted by MorganClassicalPrep

  1. We just went through this with a family friend.


    As far as side effects with the methadone, the baby can go through withdrawl after birth. This can show up right away, or start a few days after birth. If the baby does start to go into withdrawl, it will spend some time in the NICU (probably), and be put on some other drugs to reduce the withdrawl symptoms.


    The xanax can cause a listless, floppy baby.


    I know of two people who gave birth to babies while on methadone. CPS got involved in one case, and did not get involved in the other. I'm not close enough to them to know the difference and why they were involved in one case and not the other, but if they do a drug test on the baby (which they probably will) and nonprescribed drugs come up, CPS will get involved.

  2. I don't think school has to be fun in the sense that we are always playing games, laughing, etc.

    BUT. I DO strive to create an environment that encourages DD to enjoy learning. One of the main reasons I am homeschooling is because I want her to love to learn. Of course sometimes there are subjects/activities that have to get done and she doesn't enjoy doing them, but for the most part she still enjoys learning new things.

  3. Well, I'm not sure what the laws are like in your state, but you might want to check in to that. To run a home daycare in my state, the most children you'd be able to have is 8, not including your own over a certain age, and that is only if you have enough space. Plus you'd have to get cpr certified, childproof your house, get inspections, etc.etc.

    My mom ran a home daycare until I was 15, but when we moved decided not to continue because of how much work it was to get recertified in a new place.


    But some places allow for under a specific number of children/hours without being certified. The girl that keeps my daughter while I'm at school doesn't need to be licensed because it is one child and only a few hours a week.

  4. I'm almost scared to say that my almost 5 year old has one, and has since the summer... :tongue_smilie:


    BUT. In my defense.... I am on a family plan with my parents, and at one point my aunt was also on the plan with us. She switched providers. Instead of cancelling the phone, we gave it to DD.

    Mostly she just uses it for listening to music, I loaded some of her favorite songs on there. She also uses it to call her grandparents, and her great aunts and uncles, who all love to hear from her and will sit on the phone with her forever, but (selfish alert!) I don't like giving my phone up for that long!


    Plus, she is with a babysitter while I'm at school, and I like knowing that she can get ahold of me if something should happen.

  5. ... thanks to THIS BOARD, I picked up knitting needles and some thread earlier this evening... and.... I think I'm hooked!


    I managed 4 rows, but then I totally messed up and had to unravel it all. About to start again.


    (It is much easier than I expected it to be, you know.. up until I had to start all over again. :lol: But also much.. much... slowerrrr)

  6. Yes. I actually counted up, and just among my facebook friends, I have 28 friends who are either pregnant, or have had a baby in the last year.


    Tough to take, when I desperately want another child, and see all these people (many irresponsibly) getting pregnant with children they can't afford, or a second child when they don't take care of their first, or some other situation which isn't ideal for children.

  7. DD is almost 5, and I think I've had maybe.... 3-4 sleepless nights in her entire life (due to her at least, my own insomnia is another matter!) Those nights were when she is very, very sick.

    She spent her first week of life in the NICU. Her first night home from the hospital I was still feeding her every three hours by order of the doctors, then I spent a week in the ICU. The first night I was home from the hospital we both went to sleep around 10, and when I woke up at 8 the next morning I was terrified to even look in the bassinet. She was just sleeping, and slept for another 30 minutes.


    To this day, she still sleeps like that. Once she's out, she is O-U-T.

  8. First... :grouphug:. Sounds like you really need it right now.


    Is it possible your mom is doing everything for your daughter that she missed out on doing for you out of... missed opportunities/regret?

    Does she not realize how to love/hug/cuddle/read to, etc.? My parents have both spent my entire life buying stuff for me. Anything I wanted that they could afford, I had. It took me a long time to realize that they just didn't know how to be that other kind of parent, and I've come to peace with it.


    Really I don't have much else to say. Just know that you aren't the only one dealing with mom problems. We are currently visiting my parents for the holidays, and when we are here everything is a struggle. Bedtime, meals, acceptable behavior... Mom and I disagree on EVERYTHING.


    :grouphug::grouphug: More hugs, since that's what I have to offer!

  9. So much better than ear buds.


    I have horrible hearing. Haven't had it tested in years, but back when I was 10-11 I already had hearing loss in both ears and it's gotten worse. So I have to turn ear buds up ridiculously loud, which ends up hurting my ears, making my hearing worse, so I then have to turn them up louder... it's a horrible cycle!


    I have some really good noise cancelling headphones that I wear now. They are huge and look like the headphones DJs wear, but I love them! My daughter has headphones with a locking volume control, which may be another option if you'd really like to ditch the ear buds. I think I paid... 10, 15 dollars for them?

  10. I try. Every time I do our plans I make up a schedule like that. It seems like a great way to get things done, especially when you are very busy with outside commitments.


    But without fail, within a week of me making a schedule we've abandoned it.


    We just aren't a very scheduled family I guess. :D DD and I will often just pick up and go, to visit friends, family, new activities, or even just a picnic. We make up for the missed time eventually.

  11. Well, I only have one, I imagine this wouldn't work for people with many children. But I just toss everything into a huge plastic tote. Over our summer break, I'll dump it out and figure out what I want to keep as representative samples, and put everything together into one binder. i also (over)use my camera, so I'll make a scrapbook at the end of the year, and then store the scrapbook and binder together.


    Now lets just see how that works out for me this summer... :D

  12. This is going to vary slightly within Churches, but at my home Church, at 11 he'd only have to do one year of classes. (Not that it makes it any easier to handle with difficult schedules, but there is that.)


    Some Churches have a home course. The RC Church I am local to now has three different options for communion/confirmation preparation, and one of those is through home study, but there are requirements to attend certain events during the year. So you'd still have to wait a year from returning to the RC Church, and be available for certain times, but he could at least do most of the work at home. (I think there are 6 different "events" attendance is mandatory for).


    If you really, truly feel like returning to the RC Church is right.... I'd speak to a Priest, and to the Religious Education coordinator at your local church. Most are very accomodating, and if they don't have a home study program in place may be willing to work with your family situation. I was involved with the RE Program at my home Church and there were some amazing people there.

  13. We are eventually doing both, and the order and when we'd introduce was determined by my own studies. I know more French than Spanish, so we started with that. In the meantime I'm studying Spanish so in a couple years I'll be able to teach that.



    For your situation, I'd stick with Spanish. The more you speak a language, the better you learn it, and if both boys plus you can speak it (even just a little!), results will be better than if you have them doing different languages.

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