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Posts posted by nukeswife

  1. I agree that it should not be permanently closed. I understand the families are grieving, but you can't close every place something bad happens. If that were the case they shouldn't be rebuilding WTC, they should not have a re-opened any of the schools that were the scenes of horrific tragedy. Have they closed the store and roped off the parking lot where Gabby Giffords was shot and others killed? No, because it's just not reasonable to think all places where someone was killed to be closed forever.

  2. Yes, my kids were always allowed a sip when they were toddlers, if they wanted it. They can have it when ever they want now too. My 13 year old son, tried it once and never cared for the bubbles so he's never had a soda again. He prefers milk or water, he never liked juice either. My dd likes her pop. She prefers caffeine free, but we recently got a soda stream so she has more choices of fruit type flavors now which are caffeine free so she likes that. My youngest likes his ginger ale and sprite type sodas. They are allowed it whenever they want, but they all drink plenty of water or milk too and they don't have issues with cavities. My oldest who never drinks soda actually has the most dental issues of them all.

  3. I think nutella is gross, but love Jif hazelnut chocolate spread in moderation. I don't drink coffee ever so I don't care a lick about keurigs. I do love BBT but I think that's because my dh is a physics major and is a nuclear propulsion officer in the navy so it's kind of like watching him at a younger age. I've never seen Downtown Abby, it's on my netflix list to check out, but I'm not sure if I'll like it. I do like Disney but am fine to go once every few years or so, I don't have to go all the time.

    I've opened and closed my twitter acct twice. I just don't get it. I also have a pinterest acct but never use it. I never found anything of interest on it. Ebay used to be better, now it's a last resort.


    I do love cupcakes and don't think there is ever a wrong time to have one. I don't really care about kilts.

  4. YNAB with the apps allows my husband and I to also do this via dropbox. I love that when I'm out I can enter things on the fly. I also love that each entry allows me to do a split transaction so I can pay for it all at once and then decide which categories things go to. Oh and the apps update my computer as well.

  5. My husband rarely snores but if he does, it doesn't bother me at all. Most likely that's because I have two dogs sleeping in my room, a pug and a sharpei, so it's always like sleeping in a den of bears.


    When we're on vacation and my dogs aren't with us, I have a hard time sleeping. They are my white noise.

  6. Yes, unless he's deployed we have for 15 years. We have a queen, we thought of a full, but dh is 6'1" and in a full his feet stuck off the end. They actually still do sometimes on the queen. I'm a night owl, dh is an earlier riser due to his job, it's never been an issue even if I'm up reading to watching tv at 3 am, I think learning to sleep under the catapults that launch the planes on an aircraft carrier has made him immune to all things when he sleeps.


    We also co-slept with our kids in this size bed, not always the most comfortable, but we loved every minute of it. Occasionally my 7.5 year old will still come in and ask to snuggle at night, and I cherish those moments.


    Now in the beginning I did have to "train" him to not try to burrow under my pillow at night. It was a little weird at first, he would push his head under my pillow during the night, so I had to break him of that habit. LOL


    I take mine off so that water doesn't get trapped between my skin and the ring. I dry my hands well so that I don't get a rash or skin irritation. I've also had to take mine in to be cleaned every six months for insurance reasons. They've ALWAYS pointed it out when I've happened to wear mine while showering or washing dishes - there's a soap residue left behind in some spots of the ring.


    Huh, that's interesting. I've had a little water under mine, but they are loose enough that a little moving them around and it all dries easily. I've never gotten a rash or anything from them. I've also never had the jeweler say anything about soap residue, and I too have to go in every 6 months to get it cleaned and inspected for insurance purposes (which I've done for 15 year and they've never said a thing about residue) but mine are just gold, so maybe the platinum has something to do with that.

  8. I wear mine every day, both engagement and wedding rings. I've only ever taken the off to be cleaned or repaired. I know a lot of people take their rings off to wash their hands, or shower or whatever. I can see if you're a Dr, like one of the posters above mentioned, or a nurse, but to me it just seemed weird to take them off just to wash my hands.

  9. Mine secretly monitors my activities. She always knows where I am and what I am doing. If I am in the bathroom she is on the other side of the door. If I'm napping she's watching. If I put on outside shoes or pick up my purse she's on alert. And if I notice that she's watching me she gets embarrassed and denies it. Truth.



    My shar-pei is like this. We got her about 9 months ago as a rescue (she's almost 4 years old now) and she's really glommed onto me. If I'm out my kids tell me she just stares out the windows looking for me. She would go everywhere with me if she could. When I teach the kids she's always under my desk, when I'm watching tv she's right next to me. She has to be touching me if I'm in the house. I'm accidentally smacked her with a door more times than I can count because she's trying to follow me in the bathroom.

  10. Yep, sounds about right. I have a Pug and a Shar-pei and both of them spend most of their time sleeping by our feet or on the couch next to us (they are both laying on the couch with me now snoring as loud as hibernating bears)


    They do get some time outside or the kids will take them for a walk, but in the grand scheme of things dogs don't "need to be doing" something all the time. Our cat is much the same way.

  11. I've started looking at the colleges that my son might like to go to. So far the only one on his list is ISU (Iowa State University, his dad's alma mater) and after contacting someone in the admissions office that works with homeschool admissions we were happy to find out that Latin is accepted as foreign language credits required for admission. The only thing they specifically said they won't take is those mentioned above, made up (Klingon) or constructed (esperanto). They also state that 2 years of a single foreign language is required for admission to the College of Engineering or the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, but others wouldn't require it.

  12. No, my son does not get straight As. He received a stern warning after our first 12 week term that a few grades had to be improved.


    I struggle with the GPA thing too, but he will not be a 4.00 student, he doesn't have the drive to work towards that goal. He sees grades as pointless. We've looked up colleges and pinpointed an overall GPA goal.


    I've tried to remain consistent with HOW I grade, some of it is subjective. We do some things orally for grades and I found some rubrics to follow to help eliminate my bias. It's still somewhat subjective. He's also behind in a few areas and I struggle with grading for his ability or where he should be. I push a little bit further with each assignment.


    Feeling like I'm being consistent with the grading is one of the hardest administrative tasks this year. I'm trying to honest with myself about where he is academically. I don't want to give 4.00 GPA and then feel like I have to justify it to a college admissions office. I hope by grading him with Bs if he so earns a B that at least we'll appear more honest.



    Would you be willing to share your rubrics? I am trying to gather all I can before I get to this high school stuff come fall. The idea that I'll have a child of high school age is still freaking me out. :blink: :willy_nilly:

  13. I have a Kenmore Progressive Blueberry. It gets mixed reviews on their site, but we have had Zero problems with it in the 3 years we've had it. I love that the bags are easy to remember because sears only has like 2 different styles. My husband tells me every time he uses it how he wishes we would have bought it instead of the Dyson or the Oreck. My kids also like it because it's not that heavy to move around. I also love that the head disconnects with a simple push and I'm off with my wand to do baseboards or stairs etc.


    Forgot to add that I love how mine has two power settings the first one turns the vacuum on without turning on the rotating brush, which makes doing bare floors easier. If you click it one notch higher that turns on the brush. It also has a strength slider, so I can turn up and down how hard the suction is, so I can vacuum area rugs like the little ones you'd put by a door with out sucking them up. I love that all of this is on the handle makes it easy to switch from one thing to another.

  14. I've always bought used. I get around the tiles thing two ways, no three. :) One, I use plastic tiles and just write the letters on them. For colors we can't find, I bought some wooden scrabble like blank tiles that I'll paint and then write the letters on. The other idea I had was to photocopy the tiles in my printer/copier and then print them on heavy cardstock and maybe laminate them. In our situation, the tiles' texture or heaviness/etc. don't really make any difference, so this would work well for us.

    Good luck,

    The scrabble like tiles may work, I thought of the laminated card stock, but that's what AAS tiles are and my dd hates them. I think she needs to texture that the thicker tiles would have.


    Just the basic shipping option ($15 I think?) I got an email right away saying it would ship within 24 hours, but didn't get any tracking info or information after that. So excited to start tomorrow! Good luck.


    Thanks Elena that helps me to know which option I should use.

  15. Why I love my dyson: 5 year warranty. That alone buys me 5 years of vacuuming. I have had my animal for 2 years with no problems. That screeching sound is likely a belt. They will send you a new one free.


    Interesting, I had mine for 4 years and it started that noise. I called CS and had no less than 3 separate people (two claiming to be management) that the belts weren't meant to be changed and "You know vacuums don't last forever"


    I swore that day I wouldn't own a Dyson anything ever again. I guess they've decided to rethink that approach.

  16. Can I add to your question....Are there other books or series that can be used at the end of Level 3?



    I thought I read something on their website about how they have a list of books you could find at the library that would work but you have to go to the games website that's listed in the manual to see it.


    I would love it if someone that's used a few levels could chime in and verify this.

  17. We just started with Barton after Thanksgiving. Levels 1 and 2 were very easy for my mildly dyslexic 8 year old and I don't think he got much out of them, but I feel they were a good foundation for how the program works. I just ordered level 3 on Jan. 3rd, and it arrived yesterday so about 8 days. I'm in rural northern NY...hope this helps!



    Thanks Elena, did you use the basic shipping option (cheapest) or one of the other options?

  18. I'm planning to start my dd on Barton in the next few weeks. She'll start in level 2, but that shouldn't take her too long as we only suspect she has dyslexic tendencies (she'll go for an Eval in April) I'm planning to order levels 2 and 3 but wasn't sure if I should go ahead and get some of the readers for the end of level 3 they offer.


    Does anyone find them to be a "must have"?

  19. Welcome to this board. :) Sure, you can come join us! I was here for a year or two before my son got an official diagnosis of dyslexia.


    I use Barton and have ordered all of our Barton materials directly from them. It does seem like it sometimes takes a while to arrive, but I can't say exactly how long. It varies, but I've come to learn that I should order the next level a little while before I'm finished with the level we're working on.


    Thanks. I know that on their website is says I should order the next level when they are on the last lesson of the current level, but I'm in VA and aren't they in CA, if so getting things all the way here usually takes quite a bit of time.

  20. Please be patient with us as we are working on the ongoing search issue with the classifieds.

    If you need to search the classifieds before we can fix it, I suggest a "cheat' by using google.

    Using google.com type the following:

    site:forums.welltrainedmind.com/classifieds/ YOUR KEY PHRASE OR KEYWORDS





    I tried that and still couldn't find what I was looking for. I'm not sure if it was because they were taken down or if it was something else.

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