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Bula Mama

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Posts posted by Bula Mama

  1. You're not the only one who has hit that wall! 100 EL used to be the newest and greatest thing out there but there are a number of other programs out there now that people seem to prefer.


    I think OPGTR could be a great next step to continue phonics instruction if he doesn't mind continuing on with something scripted (the one dc I used this with balked at that a bit). I have no idea of where to tell you to start, though. Maybe a bit of trial and error?


    With a couple of my dc after 100 EL they did Horizons K Phonics and Reading:

    http://www.aophomeschooling.com/horizons/grade-k/phonics-and-reading/ It was colorful and fun and did the job well if you think your ds might prefer a bigger change. It might be a bit too much writing for a 5yo, though.


    Another option that my last ds did quite well with (he was one that picked up reading easily, too) was to use Explode the Code workbooks along side of Pathway Readers. The first ETC workbook may be too easy for our ds now, but it could be a good review to build on. This option is pretty inexpensive!


    I'm sure there are other options as well but if you already own OPGTR I would go with that first!

  2. I lived in Fiji for 13 years and overlapped with Deb in NZ. And now I live in India.


    What Deb said is spot on. I'm sure they would be very pleased to receive something baked or veg. for you. Personally I would go with baked because I would feel more confident of giving them something they liked that way! Cooking Indian veg. for an Indian kind of scares me! :001_smile:


    As far as their traditions it will depend on their religion.

  3. I think most 4th graders would find SL readers more interesting. But if you think your dd needs the extra stuff from the Pathway readers go ahead. I used Pathway readers to teach my ds to read (they were great for that!) and he enjoyed the stories. We never read them to level 4 however.


    I would suspect that if you use the SL IG and have your dd discuss the books she's reading with you, that she would actually learn as much with SL.

  4. 2 of every land creature was on the ark. So if the dinosaurs made it to the time of the flood, they were on the ark.


    Did Job live before or after the time of the flood? Job 40:15-24 has a description of an animal called a "behemoth" in the KJV that sounds like a dinosaur to me. And is described as if he coexists -- ie Job would be familiar with this animal.


    Yes, I've always thought the Job reference is an interesting creature, for sure, whatever it was. Who knows?! Does sound a bit like a dinosaur. The Job 41 description is about a creature that has smoke and flame coming out of its mouth! Could be just figurative speech but I've always thought that would be quite cool!


    And you're right. Job would be after the flood. I think around the time of the patriarchs but after the flood.


    I think I've always assumed that if dinosaurs made it to the flood that they were too big to get on the ark! :001_smile: The references to creatures that don't exist to day are pretty ancient, though, and not in the time of Jesus as far as I know.

  5. I've got to say that I have really enjoyed parts of this thread! Love to hear different viewpoints.


    The Jesus on a dinosaur picture is a bit, well, bizarre to me. This is the first that I've heard of any YE people (I am one) considering that dinosaurs made it past the flood if they even existed until then. I've never heard that before!!!!!

  6. I just googled 'scientific facts that have been disproved' and found an interesting array of them that were once widely believed! I think as another poster pointed out, our ancestors were rational people, too, yet they believed the science of their time even though modern science would say that it was based on theory not fact. I think we could safely say that some of modern Science is based on theories that scientists are still trying to prove, too---yet many believe them! That's why while I appreciate modern science, I consider it all to be a bit fluid. After all I grew up being told dinosaurs were reptiles covered with scales, and now they're birdlike with feathers? I still haven't gotten over Pluto not being a planet anymore!


    A reptile that could generate fire isn't too far of a stretch of the imagination really.......! Whatever, some amazing creatures did roam the earth at some point. The ones that are left are pretty amazing, too.


    P.S. I tend towards YE and am not ashamed! :001_smile:

  7. Janie Grace, how are his fine motor skills? Can he 'walk' up and down a pencil to adjust his grip or does he have to use his other hand to help? Does he write from his lower arm and move his wrist easily or does he kind of write from his shoulder?


    The above (plus other things) can be signs of Dyspraxia. My ds has this. I had NO idea because I was more focused on his Dyslexia until he was 11 and found out when we had him tested other than being aware that his handwriting was really messy and difficult for him.


    Hopefully it's just his grip as others have mentioned, but if it doesn't improve it might give you an idea where to start looking so you know how to help him. :001_smile:

  8. Although I've never used it Winter Promise does for Ancients:



    If you join the MOH Yahoo group there are schedules posted with MOH and other books. Some of these schedules have to do with scheduling MOH with Sonlight instead of Child's History of the World, etc.


    Or you could look at a lot of different curriculum of living type books to get an idea of what books are available for the period of history that you want to cover and schedule it with MOH yourself.


    Curious to see if others know of a curriculum that totally fits what you want!

  9. I really appreciate all the feedback! I am so thankful for this forum so I can have a relatively good idea of what I'm getting before I get it because I usually have to stick with it regardless because of postage, etc.


    I didn't want to make my first post too overwhelming to read but the reason this is so important to me is that I haven't been homeschooling for the last 2 years since we came here. Our work in India is with women so I need to be involved, too. For a number of reasons, however, over the next couple of years we will have to spend chunks of time in New Zealand (dh's home country) and I will get to homeschool my youngest again through the changes. I am so excited!


    Dh and I are just noticing that since our youngest hasn't had as much homeschooling as the older kids, that even though we do daily family devos that he doesn't have the same foundation in the faith for his age that the others did. I see these next 2 years as my window to change that and am trying to plan it very intentionally.


    So far for the first year I plan to have him do some daily Bible reading on his own as well as scripture memory. We'll be using Victory Journey Through the Bible to go along with our study of ancient history. We'll use Apologia Elementary Science (I've used it before).


    He's very bright and, for example, before we stopped homeschooling when he was six he wasn't overly impressed with Leading Little Ones to God because he kept informing me that he already 'knew all that stuff'. I guess I'm looking for something that he will like that will yet again reinforce the basics with him and challenge him to think a bit while being interactive with me about it.


    While the story part is a bit silly to me in the chapter I can see online of this book I do like the content of the rest of the chapter but it's hard to say that it's exactly what I want without seeing the rest of the book.


    I'm open to other suggestions as well! I do like the looks of the Herein is Love children's commentaries but people seem to say their heavily Reformed and that's not the only slant I want to present to my ds.



  10. We did it and with a 5- and 9-yo. It was perfect for the 9-yo and led to some very good conversations. I grew tired of the wordy style of it over time, but it was very effective at delivering the material it aimed to deliver.


    I will tell you what we really enjoyed, and that was the Truth Project's Adventures in Odyssey series. I learned stuff from that!! It was great.


    Are you talking about the audio stories Adventures in Odyssey or something else?

  11. I bought it and really like it but decided my daughter wasn't ready for it so I didn't spend much time reviewing it yet. My initial impression was that it is very content rich and would stimulate a lot of discussion. I think with the age of your children it's probably a good fit. I went with Kay Arthur inductive Bible Studies for kids instead and will probably go back to the Apologia book in a few years.




    I'm mainly thinking for my almost 9 year-old. Too much for him? What age is your dd?

  12. I've looked at this online and it looks great. It's a pretty big, heavy book, though, and since we live overseas and would have to carry this back and forth a bit, I need to know just how good this is/isn't! :001_smile:


    For those of you who have used it: is it worth hauling around or should I go with something lighter to carry?



  13. Oh my! Thank you so much :)! I have been trying to find a download I can use, for months now. I am in Canada and I am unable to get it from Google. I have tried Archive.org but I only get Google downloads. I don't know how you did it but thank you!


    You wouldn't happen to have a link to Maxwell's "Introductory lessons in English Grammar" would you :tongue_smilie:? I have been trying to get that one for months now also, and running into the same problems.


    http://ia600309.us.archive.org/29/items/introductoryles03maxwgoog/introductoryles03maxwgoog.pdf Lower Elementary


    http://ia700301.us.archive.org/0/items/introductoryles00maxwgoog/introductoryles00maxwgoog.pdf Intermediate


    I hope these will work! nansk explained earlier today (thank you!) on a thread of mine about Wheelers Elementary Spelling a different way to do it----and it seems to work even for us internationals!!!!!

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