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Bula Mama

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Posts posted by Bula Mama

  1. Have any of you used this book as a read-aloud? I'm thinking particularly for my older 3 dc. My older 2 could read it themselves but they've been asking to be included in read-aloud times more again :001_smile: so I'm looking to do a bit more than Stanley's version.


    I looked at a sample online at Amazon and it looked pretty good there. Opinions?

  2. I've used them both together and think it would be fine to continue with both unless you find that it's overwhelming of confusing your ds. My dc would have been bored with just PP alone so ETC kind of broke things up a bit. I think PP overall is a more inclusive program, however, so have felt like it's good to keep on with it. So, I would think especially if your ds is moving slowly (been there with one of my dc!) that it would be a good fit to continue with him as long as you didn't move too quickly. There were times for that one particular dc where I slowed things down to reading 1/2 a PP page if there was a lot of writing on it, a page or two in ETC, plus having them read a bit in a reader each day. Worked quite well actually!


    The only other thing I've added are readers. We've really enjoyed both Pathway readers and readers from Sonlight. The Pathway readers were particular good for the dc who struggled since they built skills very intentionally. HTH!

  3. Thanks for the great reply! Really appreciate it.


    I'm still wondering if it's possible to do using MOH as the spine but I may have to ask the authors since MOH III has just come out so probably no one has done the second level that way!

  4. I've been reading old threads and am thinking that Biblioplan may be a fit for our family now but I have questions:


    First of all, I was planning on using MOH this coming year for Medieval, etc, and see that Biblio. now schedules this as well. Is anyone using that as the spine instead of SOTW? I like SOTW but my older dc have already used it. I wonder how much it would use of MOH III or if purchasing that really wouldn't be cost effective?


    Also, why in particular is it called BIBLIOplan? Is it because of the Biblical content of the books or does it draw from the Bible as well? Just curious!


    Any testimonials of how Biblio. has worked for families with multiple ages like mine?

  5. There have been a couple of good threads on this topic lately - check them out and see if there's anything in them you find useful.







    Glad you found the one at lulu on the second thread! I have it on my computer from when she was emailing them out on the old boards. When I saw this thread I was thinking, "Gee, I've got this great resource but it's not MINE to give out!" So I'm very glad it's public. I've really enjoyed using it this last year with my younger dc!

  6. This is my first time to post here. I looked at Wordless Wednesday a few weeks ago and got inspired to FINALLY start a blog. I love looking at everyone's photos!


    I will try to be 'wordless' in the future but I have to explain my pictures. Some of you may remember that I was widowed a couple of years ago while living in Fiji. My dc and I have been back in the States since then.


    Well, on May 16th I married a wonderful guy from New Zealand that we knew from trips he made to Fiji. He was a good friend of my 1st dh, too.


    These pictures were taken right after we walked 'up' the asile and we didn't know the first 2 were being taken.




    I love looking at every one else's!

  7. Ooo, the SL books are so wonderful. How about using one of those new lower SL cores for that and Horizons math? Seriously though, how much math does the average PreK need? In PreK all they do, ALL they do is numbers, the most basic concepts of addition with manipulatives, and learning the alphabet. If the math or other materials are too hard for the dc, it's just going to be a bad experience. Does MFW have a preK level yet? See me, I'd just do Alphabet Art and RS level A with a ton of read alouds, but that's not what she wants. It's funny though how much we can get intimidated by professionals to the thought that we can't do this ourselves, even with a 4 yo!!! Hope your friend finds something delightful she likes. She should go to a convention with you and see things for herself! Maybe it will inspire her. :)


    I second Sonlight as a 'packaged' program. Since there are several levels to choose from depending on what the dc is ready to do which is nice. The only problem might be that after trying it she'd be hooked on homeschooling!

  8. My 13 yo dd asked me today to add a program to her schedule where she could write things that were journalistic in style. I'm not looking for anything too heavy (this would be on top of her normal LA), but fun and would feed this current interest of hers.


    I remember seeing sometime a program that's actually written like the dc are reporters. But I can't remember what it's called! Does anyone know which book I'm thinking of??????


    Thanks for any info. I'm open to suggestions, too!

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