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Heather R

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Posts posted by Heather R

  1. Yes, this is possible. It has to do with the amount of lipase in her milk. I could freeze my milk with my daughter but not my son. The solution is to "scald" the milk before freezing, or keep in the fridge (7 days max). I'll see if I can find an article when I'm not on my phone.

  2. My dd liked the first "Judy Moody" book, but she hasn't rushed to the library to borrow more...

    She is also loving the first 4 Betsy~Tacy books (Books 5-10 are aimed at older girls).

    Hmmm... (She likes Magic Treehouse, too, and that has dominated her reading choice for the past few months)... What about "The Hundred Dresses"? I've avoided it so far because of the bullying, but if she likes "ansty", she might like it...


  3. Well, I'm so green I don't even know what LP stands for, haha, but I'm in Edmonton, and always looking to connect with other homeschoolers... So, can you please pm me more info and I will decide if this is something I'm interested in...



  4. May I make a suggestion? Copy what you wrote in your update on post 52 and paste it in your original first post as well. What happens is that some people read just the first post and try to respond to that. So for them, they are responding to old information.


    Yes, I was foolish and completed the survey even though it was very old! Oops! I am very interested to read your findings, though.



  5. My sister-in-law has an stove she was going to post on kijiji because she was recently given one with a ceramic top. But the old one worked perfectly well. I told her about your exploding oven door, and she offered to give it to you for free. It is in Edmonton, though. I know you have moved out of the city, but I'm not sure how far. PM me and maybe we can work something out to get it to you.


  6. I'm super excited about Beast Academy, but shipping to Canada is steep! So, I thought I'd see if there were any other Edmonton and area* families

    interested in placing an order together. Orders can be a mixture of AoPS and

    Beast Academy books. If 10 families were to order levels 3A & B, shipping would

    be about $10 each. If even one other family put in an order with me, shipping

    would be about $20 each, vs $33 for me to order alone.


    * I will be attending AHEA in Red Deer in April, so if you don't live in Edmonton, that might be a good time to pick it up, assuming it's here by then.


    Please let me know asap if you are interested. I posted this on the Edmonton-hs yahoo group, too, so hopefully I'll generate enough interest to make it worth while.


  7. We used RS B (slowly in kindergarten, and then at a quicker pace in grade 1). I am now doing RS A with my son. I switched my daughter to MM. We started in 2A. My biggest regret is that I did not skip much of A with dd. We only did every other problem, but even so, she went from loving math to hating it. Tears and drama most days. I see in hindsight that it was boredom. Now, even though the material is at the right level, this dread of math has continued. She dislikes the format of the pages, thinks the "jokes" are lame, just is generally miserable when it comes to math.


    I wish we had stuck with RS... I switched because I wanted something with less direct teacher time, but the truth is, I have to sit RIGHT THERE with MM or she does not do the work. I miss being told to play games at certain points, etc. She misses the challenge of RS (though she did not think of it as challenging).


    If I was doing it again, I would stick with RS through Level C, and then switch to Beast Academy. I am now planning to switch DD to BA after we finish MM 2B, and I hope it will help both of us get over our "math fatigue".


    Hopefully by the time DS is entering second grade, BA 2 will be available, though it might be nip and tuck.


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