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momma aimee

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Posts posted by momma aimee

  1. My youngest two were nearly 9 before they started taking off. Now, their noses are always in books. I was starting to despair.


    A couple of things that I did:

    1. severely limited screen time. They weren't going to get into reading if games and TV were taking that attention.


    2. kept reading exciting books to them. These were beyond their reading level. Treasure Island, Little Britches, Little House on the Prairie, Farmer Boy were a few.


    3. offered reading incentives. It got a bit complicated, but they had between 1/2 and 1 hour each day set aside to read. It was their choice if they read more. Points were awarded based on the number of words read and the complexity of the book over a period of time that could be redeemed in dollar store toys. This seemed to get them over the hump from "reading is work" to "reading is entertainment."


    maybe i will try something like that as soon as he is a bit stronger reader --

  2. how do i make my boys love to read? I read all.the.time. i HEART reading.


    my boys see me reading all the time. i read to them a lot (and used to read to them a lot more). they have always had books of their own. we get new books a lot.


    but my 7 yo who is i think peer average on his reading ability doesn't like it and doesn't TRY to read anything on his own (outside of what i have him read for school). he says he doesn't like to read; neither he nor my 5 yo seem to have been bitten by the book worm. i so so so so want them to love reading and ....well that si it i want book worms that love to read -- where am i failing?

  3. boys really struggling, as we read history (SOTW Vol 1) with all the different god we encounter.


    They are ok with Greek and Roman gods more or less being the same people with different names, but we read about Sakka (india) and the boys are just confused.


    I am trying to take "different people at different times believed in different things" line -- but they seem to "need" it to fit together better.


    Is this just something they need to mature to "understand"?

  4. Okay -if that yahoo group doesn't float your boat (maybe you're turned off by the fact that it's Christian?) , maybe try emailing the founders - even without joining I can see their emails :) Maybe they can help you find something that will be a good fit for you.


    i did not see the yahoo group. Christian is cool with me. i will look for it tomorrow -- :)

  5. we just listened to the odyssey by mary pope osborne audio book (http://www.amazon.com/Odyssey-Collection-ODYSSEY-COLLECTION-Osborne/dp/B00AU9DCW4/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1366657892&sr=8-8&keywords=the+odyssey+mary+pope+osborne+audio)


    my 7 yo loved it.


    we have a 12+ hour drive coming up the end of May and I am trying to decide what to get to listen to.


    I think I have decided on The Lion, The Witch and the Waldrobe.


    But I found 2 "differnt" recordings on Amazon. Both are unabridged:


    this one: http://www.amazon.com/The-Lion-Witch-Wardrobe-Lewis/dp/0060793333/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=343SY1F71SGVP&coliid=I37R9NHR1KTHV5


    and this one: http://www.amazon.com/Lion-Witch-Wardrobe-Radio-Theatre/dp/1589975030/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1366595454&sr=8-1&keywords=the+lion+the+witch+and+the+wardrobe+audiobook


    anyone have any experience with them? I can't decided how to choose one.


    Also -- what other books should i look at?

  6. It is frustrating to have one's time, energy and money wasted by an ungrateful or an argumentative little animal. Makes me want to scream.

    But I've been working at not letting anybody's attitude wreck mine. I remind myself that the 9 year old boy with the foot-long lip, the angry eyes and hurt scowl is a child who has no idea concept of any other school that homeschool, he's never been faced with the bullying I endured for my differences, he's never known the disgrace of being the "teacher's pet" and all the punishment of peers that goes with that. He also has no idea of the time I spend working on curriculum, planning lessons, gathering books, making time for trips to the library and field trips. He doesn't understand that the days he complains that Mom is gone are days when I work to earn the money I need to keep him in dinosaur books and socks. He can't comprehend that.

    All he would know is that he made Mom mad about school again and she was too upset to do more than the one lesson. COOL! NO SCHOOL!


    So I work hard never to take any bad attitude personally. I administer the consequences for the attitude display, I reward good work, good effort and applaud finishing like a cheerleader. But I just don't let their bad attitudes get to me. We even have set penalties for infractions of school law, and they have learned to expect that Mom will give you a penalty and a penace for messing up. But Mom won't get mad. She refuses to.


    this is where i need to get to, but i am really struggling, personally, with being the detached mom

  7. this is a quote from my house this moring


    "why do we have to do school, again, today, you demand too much. we homeschool we should have to do so much"


    ......................i am about to stick his butt in full time public school just so he can see how good he has it at home.


    he is 7 and has no idea what real school is. he went part time to preschool and then did specials in Kindy (2 hours 1 day a week)


    i am NOT too demanding, I'd ideally be 3x as demanding as i am - trust me i WANT to do MORE MORE MORE


    any demand is too much of a demand for him.




    i just want to cry


    i thought 7 yos wanted to please their mommy's?


    i never thought each page, each item, was going to be such a constant fight.


    so worn out, he is not going as well as he should be -- for the simply fact if you spend your whole phonics lesson bitching and cutting conor and pushing mom's button you miss out.


    we could do 3x as much, in the same time or less time, if he'd just get on the program with me,



  8. My boys at 5 and 7 (and no i am not sure how they got that old LOL)


    does anyone have the Egermaeier Story Bible:



    i am looking for something to read to the boys. i want a step up from the same old Bible Stories, but i want something more on their level too. I am reading The Story For Kids

    http://www.amazon.co...eginning to end


    and frankly i am not happy with it. the writing is not of the highest quality, and not edited well. I am wondering if anyone has experience with Egermeiers? or something else? I am going to finish the one we are reading, but am searching for where to go next


    Or does anyone have a differn suggestion. i want the full bible, not just a collections of stories, but i want it readable for the younger set. not so much that they can read it, but that it is on a more accessable level to them when i read it to them.


    we have a ton of Bible Story collections (The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name, and others) but i was looking for something we could study a bit more, take it to the next level


    I am also looking at http://www.amazon.co...=I27403I5TFJJ1H A Children Graden of Bible Stories (and the 2 workbooks) -- has anyone used them?



  9. we have slept apart for 5 years. it is great for us.


    we have a family bed with the children. when it was DH and me and one baby we all slept together most nights, we'd start out all together but 50% DH moved to a differnt room -- baby noise, feedings and so on . when we had baby 2 dh moved in to the other room 95% of the time.


    works for us. i put the boys down in the big bed. dh and i can DTD in the guest room or the living room or .....so the family bed / sleeping apart has not effect our sex life.


    we have our time together and much as we want.


    we both sleep better. and everyone is happy

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