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momma aimee

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Posts posted by momma aimee

  1. My 2E verbal kids keep themselves challenged with books ... always have! When a child learns to read, the whole world suddenly becomes an open door.


    this is my hope. i actually expected him to take to reading more than he has. he is doing ok, but i had really expected to see him excell. :(

  2. storynory.com




    a ton of stuff


    download as Mp3s ...either burn them to CD or listen on Mp3 player (i have done both, i do not have to burn to cd any more now that my car plays my Ipod, but the cds work too).


    also Mp3 can be played on your laptop or computer too


    https://scribinglife.wordpress.com/2013/05/18/audio-books/ my blog from just today


    we use a lot of audio books, but i would like to see us use more.

  3. I have not started spelling with my "finishing up first grader" and feel like i would like to start it in the fall (2nd grade).


    I am thinking for the summer of creating my own list with words from his ETC workbooks.


    I am wondering what spelling other people have used with ETC or if i even need spelling -- i can continue pulling lists from ETC I guess? I know http://www.spellingcity.com/ will let you make up spelling worksheets and so on --


    thoughts? direction?

  4. my 7.5 yo is 2e. looking at his IQ testing he is very high in verbal and average in non-verbal (the PhD doing the testing, who also saw him for 2 years says when he is 8 to have him re-tested so that he can be dx with a non-verbal LD since his verbal and non-verbal scores are so different).


    We don't really have a working DX for his challenges we DID but then we started with a new doctor who kinda started over, and he is getting better results but really hasn't made any dx. but we have some clear challanges.


    Frankly, i see the test scores, but i don't "see" a lot of the gifted. he is working at grade level in math and phonics -- he might be excelling more if we didn't struggle so much with attention.


    However I keep have professional tell me 1. it is good you are homeschooling, i don't think he'd be challenged enough in the public school and that would lead to trouble and 2. you need to keep him challenged.


    (this is his shrink, our family therapist talking here)


    so my question is this -- if he is pretty much working on grade level -- and the work is not too easy for him (I mean it is not hard, but it is not overly simple i do not think) -- what do i do to keep him challenged I would love to push more -- but with his attention i am really doing as much as i can right now.



  5. Some of the audio books we've listened to in the past couple of years (we have long drives any time we go anywhere, so we cover a lot of audio books):

    -Little Britches

    -The Mouse and the Motorcycle and sequels, read by B. D. Wong

    -Henry Huggins series, read by Neil Patrick Harris

    -some of the Little House books, read by Cherry Jones (she's okay; her voice is a little too warm and enthusiastic in some parts, IMO, but still very good; boys might enjoy her reading of Farmer Boy)

    -the Percy Jackson series (even my 4yo boy loves it)

    -Encyclopedia Brown

    -James Baikie's Peeps at Many Lands:Egypt (from librivox)

    -multiple selections from librivox -- various Lang's fairy books, Our Island Story, Tales from Shakespeare (my kids especially like anything read by Kara Shallenberg)

    -Treasure Island, read by Alfred Molina

    -Winnie the Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner, read by Jim Broadbent

    -some of the things by Jim Weiss (SOTW and some others), but my kids aren't big fans of his voice


    i am thinking of getting this one (http://www.amazon.co...68833610&sr=1-1) -- wondering what age range you have had hear it -- my boys are 5 and 7




    The Swiss Family Robinson (unabridged)




    Treasure Island (also unabridged)


    I have The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (Blackstone Audio Classic Collection) -- already waiting for the trip (2 7 to 8 hour days in the car)

  6. We start our new school year during the summer, so we do a full load. It's too hot during the summer, so we choose to take breaks during the nice spring and fall weather. :)




    we will be in south Texas this summer -- very hot -- so since we'll be inside a good part of the day (going out early and later) i feel school is a great use of our time -- they need their time to a big extent "directed" so school it is :) at least for a couple of hours

  7. we do -- basically we will keep up with math and phonics ...as we finish subjects from this fall i am replacing them with others (logic and science which we have not been doing, a test prep workbook...). the new school year will start the first Monday in August.


    School now takes a little over 2 hours (not all at once) -- if we keep spending that amount of time over the summer -- no biggie -- we have all day YK? We can still go to the pool and the park and so on.


    We will not school days daddy is home (long weekends, any days he takes off) or when we travel --- but other than that we plan to just keep plugging along.


    I mean *shrug* something has to fill from 6:30 am to 7 pm -- right -- can't be at the park, zoo, pool all the time -- might as well be school work.


    I am planning on ending our "summer" subjects by Aug 1 so we can start our fall work (Kindy and 2nd grade) then

  8. I am going to start a spelling list a week with DS1 pulling words from ETC (the book he just finished) -- i really can't find a spelling program i like (well i haven't yet).


    I want to start short lists over the summer -- we school all summer but tend to do different stuff than we've been doing -- and then to continue in the fall with slightly longer lists.


    i am unsure what is a realistic expectation -- 5? 10? 12??

  9. Yes this is my 2nd time of doing Kindy BUT my older seems to have picked up a lot more (more one on one momma time i am sure) than my younger. My younger will be official kindy age in the fall and still doesn't know his ABCs consistently correctly and is struggling to count to 20 -- so i really feel like he is going to need more "school" than my older son did for kindy. Also with my older being in 2nd this fall i want more structure for both boys -- more order to our time. Also i worry about short changing the younger boy ("it is only kindy"); i am worried maybe i have already done that.


    We are using ETC for phonics (both boys) -- but what else. I am wondering, i am wondering if there is a schedule or plan out there to keep me on track for kindy? Maybe a boxed curriculum (I would not need phonics and i fear that is the biggest part of what most of them are).


    thoughts? Suggestions?

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