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Nan in Mass

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Status Replies posted by Nan in Mass

  1. Registered for spring classes! Making sure I got into the one online section of a class I need was like old-fashioned last minute Ebay bidding. I got one of the 3 seats left, and by 7:10 they were gone. Whoohoo!

  2. off to eat real sushi IN Japan -- today living abroad rocks!

    1. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      Do you have Mergath with you by any chance? LOL

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Raspberry Pi = loads of fun

    1. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      I am getting one for my birthday. If I can manage to wait that long lol.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. Storm's a'coming!

    1. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      And I have two kids flying in, one Fri and one Sat. I've been wishing for snow but this is not good timing...

  5. Yesterday our 12 year old asked me to take her to the used book store/ Why? Becuase she said she needs to start reading more important books because she is going to be an academic, "I'm not good for anything else." She is starting with Sherlock Holmes, lol.

    1. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      How sweet! And I bet there are hardly any academics out there who did NOT start with Sherlock Holmes, so she is on the right track.

  6. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my HARP! This old dog is going to learn a new trick :)

    1. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      Oh how cool! They are one of those instant gratification instruments. You can grab one of your kids and play Frere Jaque in a round. Or one of you can plunk a 5th on the low notes and the other one can mess around higher up with two fingers playing something modal. Fun fun fun. I'm jealous.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. I am not ready for it to be December.

    1. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      Dec is when we FIND OUT (college app). I don't think I'm ready for that, but I can't wait for the snow.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. The Christmas tree is up and the 4mo kitten is up the Christmas tree. Go Thea! Not.

    1. Nan in Mass

      Nan in Mass

      We still have a nail in the ceiling from the year that we had a kitten and attached the tree to the ceiling after it fell over.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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